Steps for GMAT Reschedule and Cancellation 2023

Steps for GMAT Reschedule and Cancellation 2023

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GMAT rescheduling or cancellation is allowed by GMAC but at additional cost. Test-takers may be required to reschedule their GMAT test dates or cancel the exam due to unavoidable circumstances. To change GMAT  schedule, candidates need to log into the official GMAC account, select GMAT exam date to be rescheduled, select from available dates, and finally pay GMAT reschedule fee. GMAT reschedule fee ranges from $50 to $150.

How to Reschedule GMAT Exam?

Most of the candidates opt for a change in GMAT schedule due to family issues like the death of a family member, or to attend a funeral, or hospitalization of a family member. The other common reason for the change of GMAT exam schedule is the lack of GMAT preparation. There are more reasons to reschedule the GMAT. Candidates can change their GMAT schedule through the online method and phone.

Steps for GMAT Reschedule

To change the GMAT test schedule, candidates need to follow 7 simple steps. GMAT rescheduling is quite similar to the initial GMAT registration process. The time taken will be comparatively shorter as the official account is already created. Below are steps for GMAT reschedule:

  1. Access official account: The first step of GMAT reschedule is to start with logging into the account. Remember to keep the username and password nearby.
  2. Select the option: After logging in, test-takers need to check the ‘My Account’ section and then the ‘exams’ section. From there, they will get their already booked GMAT test date and GMAT test center. They will also notice two options: Reschedule and Cancel in green. Select GMAT reschedule option then.
  3. Choose Next GMAT Exam Date: After clicking on GMAT reschedule, candidates need to select from GMAT available dates and centers. If the test-taker wants to change the GMAT test center, they can proceed by clicking on the bottom left ‘change test centers’ option. If they want to keep the same test center, they can proceed with the selection of a new GMAT exam date and time. The selection of the new date totally depends on GMAT exam dates availability.
  4. Rechecking new GMAT exam date and time: In this step, candidates need to recheck if they have selected the right date and time. Once reviewed, they can move on to the next step.
  5. Review Personal Information: In this step of GMAT reschedule, test-takers need to check if the personal information provided is correct or not. If the given information is correct, they will click on the ‘next’ button.
  6. Agreeing to GMAC’s policies: This step will ask if the candidate agrees to the three main policies of GMAC –
  1.  The candidate will be charged with GMAT reschedule fee
  2. The candidate will be required to provide with their biometric for security purposes - photograph and palm vein scan
  3. The candidate needs to provide an acceptable ID failing which they won’t be allowed to sit for the exam
  1. Paying GMAT Reschedule Fee: There are three types of GMAT reschedule fee:
  1. $50: If the change of GMAT schedule is done 60 days before the booked date
  2. $100: If the change of GMAT schedule is done 15 to 60 days before the booked date
  3. $150: If the change of GMAT schedule is done 1 to 14 days prior to the booked date

For GMAT reschedule by phone, candidates need to contact the GMAT customer service followed by the region. For postal mail, they will need to fill-up the form they will receive on the website and send it to the given address.

How to Cancel GMAT Exam?

Candidates may be required to cancel their GMAT exam due to unforeseen circumstances. Test-takers will be required to incur an additional GMAT fee for cancellation. Candidates can take the GMAT up to 8 times in their lifetime.

Steps for GMAT Cancellation

Candidates need to follow three simple steps for canceling their GMAT exam.

  1. Access official account: The first step is to log in to the official account on
  2. Select the GMAT exam: Go to the ‘My Account’ section, then go to the ‘exams’ section. There you will see the booked GMAT date and center. Alongside you will notice two options: Reschedule and Cancel. Select the ‘cancel’ option.
  3. Pay GMAT cancellation fee: GMAC has revised the payment method and made it a three-tier system. Below is the revised GMAC payment method:
  • $150 ($100 refund) – More than 60 days before the appointment
  • 175 ($75 refund) – 15 to 60 days before the appointment
  • 200 ($50 refund) – 1 to 14 days before the appointment

GMAT Reschedule Fee 

GMAC has revised the payment method and changed it into a three-tier system. The reason behind this change is to provide flexibility to the test-takers and lower the financial load while making late changes. As effective from 26th September 2019, the following is the GMAT reschedule fee:

  • $50: If the change of GMAT schedule is done 60 days before the booked date
  • $100: If the change of GMAT schedule is done 15 to 60 days before the booked date
  • $150: If the change of GMAT schedule is done 1 to 14 days prior to the booked date

GMAT Cancellation Fee 

The revised payment policy is also applicable for GMAT cancellation fee. Previously, candidates used to receive US$80 if the cancellation was made prior to 7 days of the booking and no refund if done after 7 days. The updated GMAT cancellation fee is:

  • $150 ($100 refund) – More than 60 days before the appointment
  • 175 ($75 refund) – 15 to 60 days before the appointment
  • 200 ($50 refund) – 1 to 14 days before the appointment

Candidates should try their best to not opt for GMAT reschedule or cancellation. This will save them a lot of money. They should start preparing at least 3 to 4 months prior, if they feel they may lag behind.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure


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