GMAT 3-Month Study Plan 2021

GMAT 3-Month Study Plan 2022

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byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams

GMAT 3-Month Study Plan is important to correctly utilize GMAT preparation time. A proper GMAT study plan ensures to cover the entire GMAT syllabus right on time. Creating a proper GMAT study plan not only helps you to become more organized, but it also holds you accountable for your own learning outcomes. Here is a GMAT 3-month study plan to give you an idea so that you can create one for yourself as per your convenience.

Day Activity Day Activity
MONTH 1 Week 1: GMAT BASICS - - -
Day 1 Familiarize yourself with the GMAT Quant content and format Day 2 Go through Arithmetic syllabus
Day 3 Take a diagnostic test Day 4 Practice Arithmetic sums
DAy 5 Take a Test Day 6 Practice from GMAT Quant Practice Papers
Day 7 Review your results of your practice tests - -
Week 2: Verbal Section - - -
Day 8 Familiarize yourself with the GMAT verbal section Day 9 Build your knowledge of sentence correction questions
Day 10 Critical reasoning Day 11 Practice from GMAT Verbal Practice Papers
Day 12 Develop your knowledge of GMAT reading comprehension passages and questions Day 13 Reading comprehension
Day 14 Mock test of the verbal section - -
Week 3: Quant Section - - -
Day 15 Review GMAT Math from GMAT Quant Books Day 16 Go through Algebra syllabus and prepare strategies, facts, definitions, and formulas
Day 17 Build your algebra skills more Day 18 Practice algebra
Day 19 Develop your knowledge of foundational geometry concepts Day 20 Develop your knowledge of word problems
Day 21 Practice mock-tests - -
Week-4: Check Your Progress - - -
Day 22 Practice algebra Day 23 Do practice questions
Day 24 Practice Verbal section Day 25 Mock test of verbal
Day 26 Take a full-length computerized adaptive practice test Day 27 Rest
Day 28 Review your practice exam results Day 29 Work on time management
Day 30 Practice question types that you found challenging - -
MONTH 2 Week -5: Verval Review - - -
Day 1 Build your knowledge of reading comprehension questions Day 2 Practice reading comprehension
Day 3 Build your knowledge of critical reasoning questions Day 4 Build a practice question bank that focuses on the questions you’re struggling
Day 5 Practice Critical Reasoning Day 6 Practice Sentence correction
Day 7 Practice GMAT verbal questions - -
Week-6: Quant Review - - -
Day 8 Build your knowledge in number properties Day 9 Go through GMAT Geometry Syllabus
Day 10 Build your knowledge in sets Day 11 Practice
Day 12 Practice and build your knowledge of GMAT data sufficiency questions Day 13 Full-length mock test and learn data sufficiency GMAT tricks
Day 14 Practice and build your knowledge of problem solving questions - -
Week- 7: Check your Progress - - -
Day 15 Take a full-length computerized adaptive practice test Day 16 Rest
Day 17 Review your practice test results Day 18 Work on weaker section
Day 19 Go over answer explanations to questions that you got wrong Day 20 Customise a set of questions that are hard, work on it
Day 21 Practice question types that are difficult - -
Week- 8: GMAT Essay (Analytical Writing Assessment) - - -
Day 22 Review strategies on how to approach the AWA section Day 23 Make strategies for the Analytical Writing Assessment section
Day 24 Practice with AWA prompts Day 25 Practice
Day 26 Write sample GMAT essays Day 27 Practice
Day 28 Read Sample answers of previous years Day 29 Revise and write answers
Day 30 AWA mock test Day 31 Rest
MONTH 3 Week-9: Integrated Reasoning - - -
Day 1 Read the GMAT Official Guide 2018’s chapter on the integrated reasoning section Day 2 Build tips and strategies
Day 3 Learn about integrated reasoning questions and the overall structure of the section Day 4 Go through GMAT IR
Day 5 Practice real integrated reasoning questions Day 6 Practice from GMAT IR Practice Paper
Day 7 Rest - -
Week-10: Check Your Progress - - -
Day 8 Review verbal concepts Day 9 Practice GMAT Sentence corrections
Day 10 Review quant concepts Day 11 Revise the formulas and definitions
Day 12 Take a full-length computerized adaptive practice test Day 13 Rest
Day 14 Review your practice test results - -
Week-11: Concept Review - - -
Day 15 Practice the sums you found difficult in the quant sections Day 16 Review the Quant concepts
Day 17 Practice the sums you found difficult in the Verbal sections Day 18 Review the Verbal concepts
Day 19 Review your mock-test papers Day 20 Take practice tests and quizzes
Day 21 Rest - -
Week 12: Rest and Review - - -
Day 22 Take Quant mock test Day 23 Verbal mock test
Day 24 Verbal revise Day 25 Quant Revise
Day 26 AWA mock test Day 27 AWA Revise
Day 28 IR mock test Day 29 IR Revise
Day 30 Rest - -

Also check- GMAT 2-Month Study Plan

GMAT Study Plan Benefits

GMAT study plan keeps the entire GMAT prep smooth and easy-going. The candidates know beforehand what they need to study on a particular day. In case they study without a study plan, they may need to pick the subjects randomly. The best part of the study plan is it keeps the preparation very organized which reduces the chances of time-wasting. By using GMAT daily study plan, the candidates can surely move towards success in GMAT.

Factors Determining GMAT 3 month Study Plan

One of the chief determining factors to make a GMAT study plan is to understand the target score. Though the total time for GMAT preparation is shown as 3 months here, every individual cannot devote the same hours every day and they will not have the similar target score as well.

Another factor is the weakness of the candidates – they have to understand which section they are weaker in. For this, they will need to take a mock test and identify the section. In the study plan of GMAT, the candidates need to put more on the weak section.

Here, a fact is candidates studying English major may find the verbal section weaker because of the tricky questions of sentence correction and critical reasoning. GMAT quant, on the other side contains mostly the direct questions. Yes, the difficulty level of both sections is high and these can be cracked only with sufficient practice. So, GMAT mock tests are necessary for each section.

By making a realistic target GMAT score and by following a proper GMAT study plan, it is possible to crack GMAT in 3 months. So, have a great preparation ahead and secure the best possible score.

GMAT Sample Practice Papers

GMAT practice papers provide candidates a wide range of questions along with different difficulty levels. Authentic test materials for GMAT prep like GMAT sample paper PDF offer the best experience since it consists of every type of question.




*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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