GMAT Score Validity 2023: How Long are GMAT Scores Valid?

GMAT Score Validity 2023: How Long are GMAT Scores Valid?

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GMAT score validity is for 5 years. If you have not decided when to take GMAT, then it is better to take GMAT sooner. Before applying for any business school, your GMAT scores must be less than 5 years. Candidates have an option to retake the test as well. Top business schools now accept GMAT scores as GRE scores for admission requirements. 

GMAT Score Validity

The GMAT scores are valid for up to 5 years. As mentioned earlier, the GMAT Scores can be used to get admission to an MBA program or to get a job. 

Candidates who are not satisfied with their GMAT Scores have the option to take the exam again. The conditions stated for the same are:

  • A candidate can appear for the GMAT exam 5 times in one year i.e. in the duration of 12 months.
  • The time gap between the two GMAT exams should be a minimum of 16 days.
  • The maximum number of GMAT attempts allowed for a candidate is 8 times. 

Those who wish to draw their scores for the GMAT exam taken between 5 to 10 years ago must submit a request to GMAC. The authorities will charge a $28 fee and send the hard copy of the scorecard to your address. Candidates who took the exam more than 10 years ago cannot obtain the scorecard, unfortunately

How is the GMAT score evaluated?

The GMAT scores are evaluated on the basis of the candidate's answers in four sections of the exam or the GMAT syllabus - Quantitative section, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. The scoring is done in the following manner:

Analytical Writing

Scoring range: 0.0 to 0.6

The essay written in the GMAT AWA section is scored twice, once by a human reader and the other assessment is done by a computer. The scores in Analytical writing are reported in intervals of 0.5.

Integrated Reasoning

Scoring range: 1 to 8

Scoring in the GMAT Integrated Reasoning section is based on the number of questions answered correctly. Credits for questions with multiple parts will only be given if all the parts have been attempted. The scores reported in the Integrated Reasoning section are in intervals of 1.

Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning

Scoring range: 6 to 51

Since both GMAT Verbal and GMAT Quant sections are adaptive in nature, therefore, the scoring is based on three factors - a number of questions answered, correct answers from the lot, the difficulty level of the questions attempted. Those who attempt more difficult questions correctly are scored better. Scores in GMAT Quantitative and verbal reasoning sections are reported in the intervals of 1 and the standard error of measurement is 3 points.

Total scores are reported in intervals of 10 with the standard error of measurement being 30 to 40 points. Total GMAT scores range from 200 to 800; two-thirds of test-takers score between 400 and 600. 

How to check the GMAT Score?

The GMAT scores can be checked in two stages, immediately after the exam in the form of an unofficial scorecard and an official scorecard, which will be available after 3 weeks of the exam date. Candidates can purchase an enhanced score report which will have question type, area of focus, and pacing. This will help candidates to better understand their performance in the exam

Unofficial GMAT Scores

The unofficial score report can be obtained immediately after the exam. If you choose to retain the scores, you will get an unofficial scorecard with scores obtained in the Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning section, and the total scores obtained in them.

Check  GMAT Score Trends


Ques. How long GMAT scores are valid?

Ans. GMAT scores are valid for 5 years. However, the candidates can use this score to report to the B-schools for 10 years after the exam. After this time period, the GMAT score cannot be used anymore no matter how good the GMAT score the candidates had secured.

The downloaded version too will not work after this time period as the date will be displayed there.

Ques. In the case of GMAT retake, which score will be shown in the GMAT score report?

Ans. The official GMAT score report will include all the scores (the accepted GMAT score as well as the canceled score of GMAT). But, when the score report will be sent to the universities, it will be the accepted GMAT score only.

The reports, which will be sent to the universities, will not contain the canceled scores. Now, the accepted GMAT score can be the last take or the first take. But, the canceled score will not be displayed in that scorecard which the universities will receive.

Ques. When can the candidates get a GMAT score report?

Ans. Within 20 calendar days of the exam conducted, the test-takers can get the official score report of the GMAT. Sometimes it does not take 20 full days to get the scores generated.

Ques. How will I know that my GMAT score is available now?

Ans. As soon as the official GMAT scores are available, the Pearson VUE will send an email to the candidates.

Ques. How can I obtain the score report once it is generated?

Ans. The process is simple – the candidates only need to log in to their profiles. There, they will get the option to download the official GMAT score report.

Ques. Is it possible to get additional GMAT score reports?

Ans. According to the GMAC rules, the candidates can send the GMAT reports to 4 universities for free. However, some candidates may need to send it to more universities. In that case, yes, they can order the additional score report but these are chargeable. For each additional score sending the charge is US$ 35 and it is non-refundable. Also, the candidates are charged US$ 10 extra for ordering the additional GMAT score report via phone.

Ques. Is it possible to get a GMAT score report that is older than 5 years?

Ans. In case the candidates are looking for a GMAT score report of the test, which was taken 5 years or more before, they have to pay a fee. While sending the older than 5-year score report to the universities, the scores will be sent with a warning to interpret the scores with caution.

It is to be noted that the score reports older than 10 years will not be available even by making a payment.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure


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