Camellia School of Engineering and Technology

Dr. AS Choudhury is the Director at Camellia School of Engineering and Technology. He has a plethora of experience in various fields and brings the same in the education to help build a prosperous career for the students. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Learning by sharing knowledge with others helps everyone grow simultaneously”

My personal leadership style is to teach by example. It would help if you did all your duties fairly and in jest. You should treat all your students as your sons and daughters. Whatever news you see, you must pass on to them to be more adapted to the modern world.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“It is my responsibility to ensure our students become good human resource”

My role is to train students to not only become a good engineer but a decent human being. A good engineer can solve problems but being a good person at heart is very important. Towards the university, I perform my duty to nurture good students and support innovation.

“We have a small team in our college where we brainstorm and discuss ideas. We decide the pros and cons of the idea and form a synopsis. We make plans with the team by fixing a time frame and assigning responsibility.”

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“We want to focus on the holistic development of the students”

The priority for the next ten years is to realize the rapid changes in technology. The university should change its syllabus accordingly to adapt to the changes to get practical knowledge. Also, there should be many courses introduced towards the social effects side so that the students become good human beings and be good engineers.

Check Camellia School of Engineering and Technology Courses & Fees

What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education in general and for Camellia School of Engineering and Technology specifically?

“The education system lacks innovation to solve big problems”

In West Bengal, we always have the problem of employment. We are giving the students proper education, training, and industry expenses, but employment remains a prime concern. The main reason for this may be that our methods of teaching do not encourage them to innovate. With less focus on innovation, people can only do routine jobs but can't solve problems. So our system should emphasize innovation so that people can make critical decisions.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“My advice for students is to become disciplined” 

You spend a small fraction of your life on education. It is a part of learning; you must ensure that you do it with proper dedication and enjoy your life while learning. Do not let this period be a burden to you. Try to become innovative; try to do things differently so that a habit is formed.