Sanjeevan Engineering and Technology Institute

Mr. PR Bhosale is the Founder and Chairman of Sanjeevan Engineering and Technology Institute, Panhala of Kolhapur district. A man who started his career as a sports instructor at an institute in Panhala, has proved that indeed the value of zero is priceless, without zero there’s nothing. In his career, he has seen many ups and downs. But, it is rightly said, “the more you struggle, the sweeter will be your success”

His colleagues and students believe that he is a man with foresightedness, thoughtfulness and precedential courage. Mr. Bhosle is a recipient of “Ideal Administrator” award - by Parents’-Teachers’ Association, Delhi and “LifeTime Achievement Award” by Avishkar Foundation, Kolhapur.

In conversation with Pranav, the academician revealed to us about the struggle behind establishing his institute. Also, he has a special message for students visiting our page. So, let's check out his interview, which gives us hindsight in a chairman's life and struggles. 

Success without Struggle has no value

I have been in the industry for the last 30 years. For me, education is like a smartphone. You start using the phone, by the time you become familiar with it, new models come in the market. Similarly, trends in the educational field keep on changing and we should keep on accepting those changes. 

My journey started from zero and reached up to an academic bureau. I had to beat all the odds and prove myself. I faced a lot of competition and tried my best to deliver something new each time. This is what made all the difference in my career. I had to carry out scrutiny and micro study of several Residential Public Schools before setting off an Empire called ‘Sanjeevan’.

"Comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable"- PR Bhosale

You have to shatter the glass ceiling to reach top-level leadership. A leader should have the ability and capacity to create a team of aspirants. He should be able to set examples. 

A leader should be hardworking, honest, a learner, a mentor, a person with empathy and a great listener too. They should cooperate with their employees, build confidence and rely on teamwork. 

Leaders need to recruit and nurture talent, encourage diversity at their workplace and have impactful conversations with their employees. He should have trust on his employees as ‘Trust begets Trust’. Trust is the key to the level of efficiency in any organization. 

My leadership style goes with the way: "Comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable"

I am a leader to my employees, but I have defined my style and statement in case of leadership. Instead of command, I believe in demand. When you touch the hearts of people more than reaching their minds, the job becomes easy. I have reached this conclusion after experimenting and experiencing many times. 

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Every challenge thrown my way had a purpose:

In my career, there were many significant challenges we faced. Listed below are the few major ones:

  1. The challenge was in setting up the institution. The building process of ‘Sanjeevan Empire’ crossed many barriers. 
  2.  ‘Parents’ at first were hesitant in sending their ward to our institute for schooling. They had many questions and queries regarding our institute. But the quality of education we provide our students with solved this issue. And now, the parents know how good our institute is and hence we have a good number of students in our institute.
  3. Financial problems always teased us. Availability of resources was a major problem. These things looked very difficult to overcome. But, with our sheer determination and passion to open an institute for all we managed to overcome these difficulties

Not every student can be good at academics, know your attributes!

Our curriculum ensures the best practice in the Industry. It gives scope for all-round development of the children. We tried to inbuilt the best practices in education. And this has resulted in our students shining in many fields. We inculcate in our students the art of creative and out of the box thinking. 

I have been telling our parents, “Don’t judge the capability of children by the marks they score, judge them based on the attributes they have.”

I have often experienced that students scoring 99% marks are sometimes lagging behind than the ones scoring just 70% marks. All I am saying is, it all depends on what qualities the student has. We should not predict their future on our own. All we need to do is, let them decide about their future and support them. One should remember these words "Every student can learn, just not on the same day or the same way".

Be the creator of a job and not the seeker of a job

Being a chairman, along with my entire team, our effort is to provide students with good placements. For this, we keep inviting many companies to the campus. But, due to the current scenario, it might just happen that not every individual could get the job. So, this is the reason why I believe that one should become a creator of a job and not a seeker of a job

Click here Sanjeevan Engineering and Technology Institute Placement

I managed to establish a close rapport with the students

My students respect every decision I make. I have established a close rapport with the students. The benefit of a residential system is that it increases your bond with the student. Whenever I have time, I spend it communicating with them. The most important factor between the student and me is the face to face encounter. I believe that the generation today has infinite resources and is eager to learn everything. 

Green School Bhugaon, Pune- New School Opening Soon

I wish that ‘Sanjeevan’ should leap ahead to open a Deemed University, Naturopathy College and Hotel Management Institute. We are already building up a Green School at Bhugaon, Pune. Our march towards making Sanjeevan an international harbour of education is continuous without any halt. We wish to prepare top-class professionals and worthy citizens.

Rank and merits are a part of life, not your life!

A student must have a life, which is cultured with values. Modern trends in the market may tempt the youth, but if it is followed blindly, it may spoil your life. Also, remember that ranks and merits are a part of your life and not your life. 

The youth should work onto shaping their personality. This is what reflects your attributes and talent zone. Last but not least, I would like to say "Try to know your hidden potentials and innate talent, which may lead you on the right path".