Dr. Abha Bansal is presently serving as the Director at Mahadevi Institute of Technology, Dehradun. With an overall experience of 30 years in the education field, Dr. Bansal holds a Ph.D. in Finance. She has worked in many institutions in the state so far and has attended many national level seminars and conferences as well. Also, she has been instrumental in starting the Commerce Department at MKP PG College, Dehradun. 

Mahadevi Institute of Technology

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Being with students and instrumenting their growth”

To serve society is what keeps me glued to the education sector and the idea of contributing to an individual’s overall growth and progress in life motivates me as an educator. I try to guide my students as a friend, as a teacher, as a mother and as a mentor, and ensure they feel comfortable in approaching me for any issue that they may face in life. 

How would you describe your leadership style?

“Collective and individual efforts counts”

I am a soft and lenient person who believes in taking people together towards progressions. I believe in the idea of uplifting by empowering others. We at MIT respect the idea of teamwork and collective efforts. Taking everyone together while understanding the challenges that one may face individually is my mantra of leadership. 

What vision do you have for the Institute so far?

“Best professional and personal growth of my students”

MIT stands for empowering the Girl Child and ensuring that they are in alignment with the talent requirements of today. Being an all-girls institution, I always strive to create a proper environment for the students to learn, grow and evolve as better individuals. We have created multiple departments and student bodies to help students grow through modes of peer learning, and not just excel in academics but learn life skills and other necessary qualities to become successful in today’s world. 

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What do you see as your institution’s greatest strengths?

“A sound environment and best faculty”

MIT is a comprehensive education centre providing a holistic environment for learning and presenting the students with an atmosphere that imbibes positive vibes. We have excellent faculty and staff members who play their parts in institutions’ development and student growth which is reflected in our teaching methodologies and the approach of the faculty at MIT. Our parent institution MKP is more than 100 years old and is a household name in Dehradun. 

How is your relationship with the students of your institute?

“Accompanying and interactive”

I am more like a friend than like a teacher. In my entire span of being a teacher, I have always treated my students as my friends. Communicating with my students allows me to get a glimpse of what is happening around in the world, and the demands and thinking of today’s generation. This helps me to get their opinions and empower them with a favorable environment to learn and grow. 

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Give your relations time and care”

The youth must try and spend time with their family and their near and dear ones. In the current generation, the students are always busy on their gadgets and really miss out on the beauty of relationships and hence face issues in bonding with people during the later stages of life. Hence, my advice to them is to enjoy your life to the fullest and spend time with your loved ones.