Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. Vinay Kandpal is currently working as the Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting & Finance, School of Business (SoB), University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun. He holds Ph. D. in Management from Department of Management Studies, Kumaun University, Nainital. He is a graduate in Commerce from the University of Calcutta and did his MBA with dual specialization in Finance & Marketing.
Dr. Kandpal has over 12 years of experience in Academics. He has published 25 research papers in the areas of topics like Banking, Smart Cities, CSR, Corporate Governance and Infrastructure Finance in leading refereed and indexed Journals. He has presented papers in National and International Seminars and Conferences on various topics in Institutes like IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Bangalore, IIM Indore, IIM Raipur and IIT Delhi to name a few.
Dr. Kandpal has participated in the UGC Refresher Course organized by Academic Staff College Kumaun University, Nainital and FDPs in IIT Kharagpur and Banaras Hindu University. His fields of Teaching and Research Interest are Financial Accounting, Management Accounting & Cost Accounting, Working Capital Management, Capital Market, Mutual Fund, Financial Management, Banking, Financial Inclusion and Financial Institutions. He is a member of All India Management Association Indian Accounting Association and Indian Commerce Association. He has published 4 books in the area of Accounting & Finance.
Teaching profession is a learning experience for the teachers as well
My experience in the education sector started in 2006 and it was a good start as I got the opportunity to teach both UG and PG students from the first year of teaching itself. I got full support from faculties and students. I have been in academics for the last 12 years and it’s quite a learning experience in both teaching and research.
It’s a special industry to work in. It is all about not only motivating students to learn, but also teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. It is about listening, questioning, being responsive and to add humour mostly at your own expense, so that the ice breaks and students learn in a more relaxed atmosphere.
My leadership style is leading from the front by taking actions
I would like to lead by example. I would like to lead from the front by taking action, demonstrating what needs to be done, and keeping my team organized to make sure that all the team members are on the same page and contributing equally.
Further, I would try to give each person a chance to do what they’re best at.
Adjusting with students with different background and grasping ability is a challenge
It’s great to work in UPES as here I have got enough opportunity to improve and grow in academics and research work. It’s tough to adjust with students having different background and grasping ability. The approach which I have found the best in dealing with this is to communicate this at the very beginning of the class. I begin my batch by talking to them and laying a good foundation of free communication.
The University stays in touch with the Industry’s trends and modifies the curriculum accordingly
UPES has a regular interaction with Industry experts in the form of Guest Lecture, Workshop, Conference and Academic Council Meeting. Every year Different departments Consultative Committee Meeting where Experts from Academia, Industry and Alumni discuss the best practice or the requirement of Industry and accordingly the syllabus are modified.
Among all the changes in the education sector, investing in the infrastructure has become very important
The education sector has seen a host of reforms and improved financial outlays in recent years that could possibly transform the country into a knowledge haven. With human resource increasingly gaining significance in the overall development of the country, development of education infrastructure is expected to remain the key focus in the current decade.
In this scenario, infrastructure investment in the education sector is likely to see a considerable increase in the current decade
The Government of India has taken several steps including the opening of IIT’s and IIM’s in new locations as well as allocating educational grants for research scholars in most government institutions. Furthermore, with online modes of education being used by several educational organizations, the higher education sector in India is set for some major changes and developments in the years to come.
An ideal learning environment has a combination of academics and extracurricular activities
An ideal school environment could be a place where all students are treated equal irrespectively
There should be no scope of partiality i.e. a place where commerce, science toppers and other students are considered at an equal level. There should be a focus on curricular and extracurricular activity as I believe mere education won’t help. In a school or college, there should be a huge playground, airy classrooms, innumerable activities in and out of the classrooms and good auditorium.
The top qualities that an aspiring student must possess
- Self-confidence: Self-confidence and calm conduct can help others feel more certain that they too can overcome hurdles or reach a challenging goal.
- Humility: Candidate should be willing to admit that he or she is not perfect, others see that and appreciate it.
- Trustworthiness: People trust you when your attitude, words, and motives align with what you actually choose to do.
- Authenticity: Be yourself, and act in line with your core values and personality. People will notice if you’re trying to be someone other than who you really are.
- Enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth: Staying positive, being approachable, and expressing positive thoughts and feelings through both verbal and nonverbal communication.
- The sense of humour: A candidate should have the ability to make people laugh can help others feel comfortable and relieve tense situations.
Goals for self to be done in the coming future
I will try to contribute to organizing FDP and Conferences. I will also try to organize workshops and Finance club events for the students.
A note for the current youth
Respect your Parents and Teachers.
Try to control your attitude, as it really matters in getting work done by the people.