Prof. P. B. Ghewari Ashokrao has done M. E. Electronics and is a PhD Scholar.

Ashokrao Mane Group Of Institute

Throughout your professional career, you've held prominent roles at educational institutions. What are the primary ties that bind you to the education sector?

Continuous education and keeping abreast of new trends.

As the Professor of AMGOI Vathar, what is your leadership philosophy? How would you describe your style of leadership?

Maintaining contact with all team members, working in collaboration, performing a constant review of work, and inspiring individuals through knowledge enhancement are vital leadership qualities.

How do you, as the Professor, strategize on the important marketing and administrative initiatives and strategies for your institute?

Creating Websites optimally, Few plans will aid in the marketing and management of the institute: focusing on SEO, Webinars for engaging with huge crowds, influencer engagement, social media campaigns, expert presentations, student connectivity, ease of access for current students and alumni, and a speedy resolution system.

India's and other countries' educational systems are structured significantly differently. In your experience, what are the benefits of studying at AMGOI for an international student?

Our institution's technology-enhanced learning environment and training options' adaptability can provide students with worldwide advantages.

How does the AMGOI curriculum ensure industry best practices?

Our curriculum allows students to choose self-learning electives beginning in the first year, mini-projects included in each semester instil confidence in coming closer to industry standards, and an internship is included in the final year.

How could your university be more accommodating to students of different races and socioeconomic backgrounds?

We recognise the significance of variety. We promote students from all socioeconomic backgrounds by awarding merit-based scholarships to all qualified candidates. We also provide classes for those with specific needs.

What do you believe your tasks and responsibilities are toward the Institute and its students?

Our kids' learning curve should increase exponentially so that they can meet worldwide norms.

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What should be the Institute's major priority over the next decade, in your opinion?

Priority number one is to become a worldwide recognised institution during the next ten years.

What was your vision for the Institute when you arrived at AMGOI? Has it changed over time, and how far along are you in executing it?

We have been a rapidly expanding institute in western Maharashtra since our founding. It is evidenced by the acknowledgment we have obtained from many accreditation summits, including NBA, NAAC, etc. And we are the youngest to accomplish this feat. Now, we anticipate establishing a worldwide recognised institution.

What would you like people to know about your institution that they may not already know?

I would like to emphasise to the public our unwavering commitment to the development of students into industry-ready engineers. We are dedicated to providing our students with curriculum and requirements that meet industry standards.

What are AMGOI's main strengths in your opinion?

Brilliant Faculty staff, Enhanced Learning Modules, and World-Class Trainings are a few of our distinctive strengths.

What are some of the greatest obstacles you foresee for higher education in general and AMGOI in particular?

Rural students are still unfamiliar with the engineering field and its scope. They have limited information regarding available engineering scholarship opportunities.

Do you have any recommendations for the current young and aspiring students?

I recommend that present young and prospective students become job producers as opposed to job seekers. As more entrepreneurs emerge, more employment will be created in our country.

What are (or will be) some of the plans you are designing for AMGOI international affairs and/or students?

We intend to enter into worldwide MOUs with various academic institutions in order to exchange the most recent requirements from other nations.

How can you develop healthy relationships and an environment in your institution?

It is crucial that all stakeholders participate in the overall development of the institute. We are concentrating on methods that emphasise collaboration, review, feedback, and action.

Unique Subject/Course-Based Questionnaire for Head Of Institute

What is the latest program that you are offering in your institute/dept? Which will help students outperform and stand apart from the crowd?

We have established different clubs such as programming, PLC, 3D Max and many more as per the skills requirements of the industry. MoU with top finishing schools is done so that students will get trained in a shorter duration

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

These programs are offered at almost minimum cost. The duration of the program is kept shorter so students are getting trained faster.

What would you say are the “best practices” in the course you’re offering?

Industry projects are included in the program so students' resumes are building strong as per industry standards.

What are some valuable insights into the program that you are offering at your institute/dept.?

The curriculum is set by industry professionals, trained by industry professionals and assessment is also done by industry professionals.

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How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

Students choose internships based on the skills they are trained for. Most of the students are getting stipends during their internships. Students are getting offers from employers who are providing internships to them.

How do you tend to build an industry connected with this program?

Industries are connected to us by providing the internship to our students. They get freshers talent in their current projects

What were the challenges that you faced while inculcating this program in your curriculum?

We are developing the mechanism for assessing the skills of students trained during the program.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?

Most focus is given on hands-on training on smaller industry tasks to boost the confidence of students. Later they are assigned with a live project.

What are the benefits and career options after pursuing this course?

We are building the strong resume of students as per industry skills requirements. Students are getting internship, placement, job offers right in the last year of course.