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Which is better CSE in Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology or IT in Heritage institute of technology?

Priyanka Roy Posted On : September 22nd, 2021
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology in 2020

Look for other options as IT at Heritage is not the best option. However, it has a stellar record of placement if we talk about the other branches. 

MSIT, on the other hand, offers good exposure for CSE. It just falls short of Heritage’s fame and does not enjoy the same reputation. During a recent placement drive, the CSE branch observed the highest number of placement offers.

Check the following table for a brief insight on both institutions

Criteria Heritage Institute of Technology Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology
Total Fees 3.93 lakhs 4.84 Lakhs
Highest Package 16 LPA 11.40 LPA
Average Package 4 LPA 5.6 LPA

If you are unable to join MSIT, go for IT at Heritage and then shift your stream to CSE at the end of the first year if your SGPA is above 8.5. HIT boasts of having a brand value nowadays so obviously it attracts the most candidates.

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What is the IT and business informatics course in IIIT Allahabad?

Hari Vyaas Posted On : April 12th, 2021
B. Tech. from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (2020)

IT-Business Informatics at IIITA is dominantly a B.Tech IT program with all compulsory subjects of B.Tech. IT is already a part of the B.Tech. and so is the IT-Business Informatics program. The Program while maintaining its core IT structure keeps whatever is mandatory for a Technology Bachelor program as per national statutory bodies specializes at Elective subjects level with Business Informatics specialization as a rather essential part of the program.

  • The first Semester is exactly the same for all the branches and all the specializations with an option of internal sliding as per Institute rules.
  • The subjects with Business Informatics are included in B.Tech. IT program as specializations in the consecutive semesters with other associated activities like Summer Internships, Project work, etc.

Also, the new program is incomplete consent with national statutory bodies and thus all the opportunities available for B.Tech. IT program shall continue to be available to the B.Tech.

IT-Business Informatics program as well including that of higher education and job-related requirements/skills etc.

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In terms of rate of growth in next 4 years which would be better option: CSE, NIT Trichy or IT, IIIT-Allahabad?

Arnav Singh Posted On : March 16th, 2021
Studied at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India

IIIT Allahabad has an awesome coding culture. You can note the difference when you interact with a lot of engineers from other colleges. In old engineering colleges for the first year, you would be doing foundry and welding. You might also end up learning English etc. but actual coding starts after 1st semester or in the second year. While at IIIT Allahabad coding starts from the very beginning of the course. 


  • IIIT Allahabad has an awesome course structure and meets the demand of current times. 
  • In IIIT Allahabad they teach C or C++ in 1st year and Java in 2nd year.
  • IIIT Allahabad lacked in Professors but then this was made up by the awesome students and seniors. 
  • The most important thing in IIIT Allahabad was how to learn. This has helped many students throughout their careers. 
  • Students in IIIT Allahabad start coding through a completely different language in just a day and it has never felt that it is a big deal because this is what was expected from IIIT Allahabad. 
  • This is because the student is expected to complete one project each semester and they will get no help from your professors.

The table shows a brief overview of the institutions.


NIT Trichy

IIIT Allahabad

Median Salary

Rs. 6.5 lakhs

Rs. 20 lakhs

Highest Salary

Rs. 42 lakhs

Rs. 43 lakhs


Rs. 5.24 lakhs

Rs. 5.85 lakhs

Also, there is a great culture of competitive programming in the institute. There are students in other premium engineering colleges who wouldn't have coded completely their engineering. This is unheard of in IIIT Allahabad.

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How is information technology at NIT Surathkal?

Daksh Pandey Posted On : April 21st, 2021
M.Tech Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal (2013)

IT department is nothing less than just excellent. The faculty here is immensely experienced and talented with Ph.D. degrees from IISC Bangalore or some reputed foreign institute. 

  • The heads of the department are well established and experienced in the field of Information Technology.
  • A number of passed-out students from NIT Surathkal have gone abroad for future studies from the top international universities such as MIT, Stanford University, Yale University to name a few.
  • The placement statistics of 2019 are a sight to the eyes! The highest package offered was 42 LPA and the company was Deshaw based in Hyderabad.
  • Their claim of 100% placements is absolutely correct in every batch that passes out. Roughly 280 companies visited the campus recruitment with the average package being 18 LPA. 
  • Some of the top recruiters here are Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Uber, Sprinkler, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan.

23 students were also selected from NIT Surathkal for the google summer of code (GSOC) and it also scored 13th rank in the ICPC Asia contest. One of the most successful startups is PRACTO, which is a venture of NIT Surathkal alumini.

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How many seats are available for IT in IIIT Allahabad?

Aditi Sharma Posted On : March 22nd, 2021
Studied Electronics and Communication Engineering at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (2019)

Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) offers the seat matrix for all the IIITs in India. For IIIT Allahabad, the following is the seat matrix for the academic year 2020-21:

B.Tech IT

CSAB 2020-21

CSAB 2019-20




General (PwD)












SC (PwD)






ST (PwD)












Therefore, there are a total of 250 seats in Information Technology.

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Which is better, IIIT, Vadodara for IT or IIIT, Guwahati for ECE?

Amit Khanna Posted On : June 14th, 2021
Programming Club Coordinator at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati (2020-Present)

You have to decide based on the field in which you are passionate. There is not much difference in the curriculum framework since both are IIITs.

  • In your first year, you will be studying the same core subjects be it IT or ECE branch.
  • In your second year, IIIT Guwahati offers a lot of research opportunities if you are into it.
  • You have a chance to opt for a project matching your field of interest out of numerous ones in the lot.
  • You will be allocated under a professor who will guide you out throughout the process.
  • Students at IIIT Guwahati have won numerous techno competitions not only in India but globally.
  • Few research papers from the institute have also got recognition globally.
  • Entire campus is facilitated with a high-speed internet connection.
  • College even encourages its students to actively participate in extracurricular activities.
  • There are various programming clubs which conduct seminars where top national and international guest lecturers are invited.
  • Hostel facility is pretty decent too.
  • The food offered at the campus is amazing, apart from that you also have 24*7 canteen facilities.


IT at IIIT Vadodara

ECE at IIIT Guwahati

Course Fee

7.83 lakh

9.05 lakh

Highest CTC

28 LPA

50 LPA

Average CTC


10 LPA

Recruiting Companies

TCS, IBM, Infosys, Capgemini, etc.

Tata, JP Morgan, SAP Labs, Accenture, etc.

You even have an opportunity to change your branch based on your performance in your first and second semesters at IIIT Guwahati which makes the course really flexible.

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Is it worth leaving VIT IT for IIIT Guwahati ECE?

Shalini Mitra Posted On : May 6th, 2021
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati

If you think that you can work under technical giants later in years of study, then you should go for VIT. However, if you want to pursue your field of interest, and choose a likewise job scenario, then undoubtedly, you should enroll in IIIT Guwahati. 

There are various differences between both the institutes for B.Tech ECE. Let’s walk through most of them:

Approaches of VIT:

  • VIT has a gigantic campus and is considered top-notch by students. You will most definitely enjoy your four years course period in VIT.
  • VIT, other than that, has balanced boys: girls ratio.
  • VIT is known to secure you a corporate job sooner than IIITG. This is seen at least in the current scheme.

The following table shows the placement statistics of both institutions:




Highest Salary

44 LPA

12 LPA

Average Salary

6.39 LPA

8.1 LPA

Total Job offers



Approaches of IIITG:

  • IIIT Guwahati is comparatively a very new college. 
  • The placement record is not 100%. If you however have the necessary abilities, it is only then that you will get placed. There are unfortunately no mass recruiters here, unlike VIT.
  • IIITG is renowned to motivate you to think and implement your theories in places not most people have thought of before. VIT clearly missed out on it.
  • You will find that the questions are seldom asked in IIITG examinations. In a nutshell, you are likely to find not any repeated questions in any course throughout the B.Tech course, unlike of course VIT.
  • IIITG tremendously focuses on the research sectors.

VIT is a reputed institute that is known to get you a job in the placement. If you’re willing to enter the job sector soon, join VIT.

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Is the I.T. course in IIIT Allahabad different from the CSE course taught in other similar colleges?

Ananya Sengupta Posted On : March 20th, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (2019)

In terms of placements and Course structure, I have to say, Yes IT in IIIT Allahabad is better than the CSE course taught in many similar colleges.

 Here are some of the prominent features of the IT course at IIIT Allahabad:

  • IIIT Allahabad is a more focused Institute and has only IT & ECE branches. Also, there is only one Semester common in B.Tech IT and B.Tech ECE and from the second semester, both specializations have their own subjects thus smoothing the path for many new technological advancements and finding a place in the regular course curriculum.
  • From the year 2019, the IIIT Allahabad has introduced new innovative B.Tech. IT-Business Informatics program. The B.Tech IT-Business Informatics at IIITA is predominantly a B.Tech IT program with all compulsory subjects of B.Tech.
  • The IT Program while maintaining its core IT structure and keeping whatever is mandatory for a Technology Bachelor program as per national statutory bodies specializes at Elective subjects level with Business Informatics specialization as a significant part of the program. A 2-credit course on German / French language with intercultural studies is a mandatory part of the Business Informatics program.
  • Apart from this IIIT Allahabad offers an excellent coding culture in the Institute where different students / specialized clubs/ bodies are involved in cooperative and cumulative learning, which possibly one of its kind in our country.

These are a few things that separate IIITA from other colleges and Universities.

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