B Tech IT: Syllabus, Subjects, Yearly, Semester, Entrance Exam, Books, Top colleges 2023

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager | Updated on - Feb 13, 2025

B.Tech Information Technology Latest Updates

13 Feb, 2025 Testing JEE Main

BTech Information Technology is the study that comprises computer-based systems and deals with both hardware as well as software components of a computer system.BTech IT prepares students in the concepts like software development, information security, business software, and maintaining databases and networks. Check: All About BTech

BTech Syllabus is divided into 4 years, 8 semesters which are 2 semesters each year. The student's marks are based on their performances, in theory, lab work, and research projects assigned to them and this course helps in getting hands-on subjects like WeBTechnologies, Discrete Structures, Android Applications Development, Artificial Intelligence, Design and Analysis of algorithms etc. See Also: B.Tech Information Technology

BTech IT Course Details

Course Level Undergraduate
Full-Form Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
Duration 4 years
Eligibility Minimum 50% in 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as the main subjects.
Admission Process Direct Admission or on the basis of an Entrance test.
Course Fee INR 30,000 to INR 8,00,000
Average Salary INR 3,00,000 - INR 4,50,000
Job Positions IT Analyst, Software Developer, System Engineer, Programmer, Data Security Officer, IT Engineer
Top Recruiting Areas IT sectors, Banks, Hospitals, and Educational Institutes.

Read More about BTech IT Jobs and Scope

BTech IT Syllabus

Each semester's curriculum shall normally have a blend of theory and practical courses. 

I&II Semester III Semester
English Engineering Mathematics – III
Mathematics I & II Signals & Systems
Applied Physics Digital Principles & system Design
Applied Chemistry Principles of Communication
Basic Civil & Mechanical Engg Computer System architecture
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg Object Oriented Programming
Basic Computer Science and Engg Sanskrit & Indian Culture
Engineering Drawing OOPS Lab Using Linux Plat form
Environmental Science and Engg Digital Lab
Sanskrit & Indian Culture I & II -
Physics Lab -
Chemistry Lab -
Computer Lab -
Workshop Practical -
Electrical Workshop -
IV Semester V Semester
Applied Statistics And Probability Numerical Methods and Statistics
Computer Graphics and Multimedia Information Coding Techniques
Data Structures and Algorithms Computer Networks
Digital Signal Processing Relational Database Management System
Microprocessors & Micro controllers Introduction to Java Programming
System Software Operating System
Sanskrit & Indian Culture Sanskrit & Indian Culture
Data Structures Lab RDBMS Lab
Microprocessor/ Micro controller & Assembly Language Programming Lab Java Programming Lab
VI Semester VII Semester
Data Warehousing and Data Mining Software Engineering
Mobile computing Professional Ethics and Human Value
Distributed Computing Component Based Technology
Object Oriented System Design Dot Net Technologies
Cryptography and Network Security Elective- I
Embedded System Elective- II
Sanskrit and Indian Culture Dot net Lab
Network Lab Using Linux Plat Form CASE Tools Lab
WeBTechnology Lab -
VIII Semester
Engineering Economics and Management (Common with BE CSE) -
Elective – III -
Elective – IV -
Project Work -


BTech IT Subjects

The detailed explanation of BTech IT Subjects is listed below for proper reference. The course has a number of compulsory subjects and a few elective subjects.

BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 1 Subjects

  • Programming for Problem Solving-II - To formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems. Students can apply programming to solve simple numerical method problems, namely rot finding of function, differentiation of function and simple integration.
  • Programming for Problem Solving Lab-II -This includes Introduction to C Programming using Control Statements and Repetition Statements, Applying and practice logical formulations to solve some simple problems leading to specific applications. 

BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 2 Subjects

  • Data Structure and Algorithms – To understand basic concepts about stacks, queues, lists, trees and graphs. Students will learn to write algorithms for solving problems with the help of fundamental data structures 
  • Data Structure and Algorithms Lab - This helps to Develop problem-solving ability using Programming and develop the ability to design and analyze algorithms.


BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 3 Subjects

  • Python Programming with Raspberry PI - Introducing Raspberry pi: what is programming, why raspberry pi, introducing the raspberry pi, Creating games: building a game, installing Pi game, creating worlds, detecting collisions, adding sound, adding scenery, adding the finishing touches, realistic game physics, Calculating Reflecting Angles, Building the 3D Model, Speaking to Your Pi.
  • Object-Oriented Systems and Programming - To introduce object-oriented concepts in C++ and Java. To strengthen their problem-solving ability by applying the characteristics of an object-oriented approach.
  • Database Management Systems - To develop an understanding of essential DBMS concepts such as database security, integrity, concurrency, distributed database, and intelligent database, Client/Server (Database Server), Data Warehousing. 

BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 4 Subjects 

  • Discrete Computational Mathematics -To simplify and evaluate any logical expression and to express logical statements in terms of logical connectives, predicates and quantifiers. Students will learn and perform various graphs and tree terminologies, traversals & their applications. 
  • Modeling and Simulation Techniques - To learn the basic concepts, applications and terminology of computer simulation and modeling. The student will learn different techniques for the Verification and Validation of a simulation study
  • Operating System - To learn the mechanisms of OS to handle processes and threads and their communication. Students will gain knowledge of distributed operating system concepts that include architecture, Mutual exclusion algorithms, deadlock detection algorithms and agreement protocols.


BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 5 Subjects 

  • Information Systems - This will help to understand the fundamental terms and concepts of information systems, associated technologies and underlying infrastructure. This will help to acquire knowledge and develop hands-on skills in various information system development technologies. 
  • Advanced Java -To learn and design a full set of Event-driven UI widgets and other components, including windows, menus, buttons, checkboxes, text fields, scrollbars and scrolling lists, using Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) & Swings 
  • Computer Organization and Architecture - To learn the basic concepts, terminology and evolution in computer organization and architecture. Understanding computer architecture and computer arithmetic. 

See Also:

BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 6 Subjects 

  • Data Mining- To understand the basic concept of data mining and its functionality and the concept of association rules, different techniques and implementation details.
  • Computer Networks - The course introduces the concepts and fundamental design principles of modern computer networking, focusing on the Internet’s architecture and protocols. 

BTech IT Syllabus: Semester 7 Subjects 

Pattern Recognition - This will help students to learn the fundamentals of statistical pattern recognition. The clustering of data and related algorithms are also included in this. 

BTech IT Entrance syllabus

JEE Main Full Form is the Joint Entrance Examination (Main) and it is a national-level entrance examination for engineering admission in India. 

Feature Paper Pattern for B.Tech
JEE Main Examination Mode Computer-based Test
JEE Main Exam Language Thirteen languages (English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu)
Number of Sections Three- Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
JEE Main Exam Duration 3 hours
JEE Main Sectional Time Limit None
JEE Main Total Marks 300 marks
JEE Main Total Number of Questions Asked 90 questions
JEE Main Total Number of Questions to be Answered by students 75 questions
JEE Main Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ);
Numerical Answer Type Questions
JEE Main Section-wise Number of Questions Physics- 20 MCQs and 10 numerical type,
Chemistry- 20 MCQs and 10 numerical type,
Mathematics- 20 MCQs and 10 numerical type
JEE Main Section-wise Weightage Physics- 100 marks,
Chemistry- 100 marks,
Mathematics- 100 marks
JEE Main Marking Scheme +4 for each correct answer
JEE Main Negative Marking -1 for each incorrect answer


BTech IT Syllabus in Jaypee University of IT

The Syllabus for the Jaypee University of Information is ;

Semester 1 Semester 2
English Engineering Mathematics -II
Engineering Mathematics -1 Engineering Physics-II
Engineering Physics-I Engineering Physics Lab - II
Programming for Problem Solving-II Electrical Sciences
Workshop Practices OR Electrical Sciences Lab
Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphics OR
Engineering Physics Lab-I Workshop Practices
Programming for Problem Solving Lab-II Data Structures and Algorithms
English Lab Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
Mandatory Induction Program Life Skills & Effective Communication
- Life Skills & Effective Communication
Semester 3 Semester 4
Python Programming with Raspberry Pi Discrete Computational Mathematics
Object Oriented Systems and Programming Modeling and Simulation Techniques
Database Management systems Operating Systems
Probability & Statistics Software Engineering Practices
Interpersonal Dynamics, Values and Ethics Environmental Studies
Python programming with Raspberry Pi Lab Finance & Accounts
Object Oriented Systems and Programming Lab Data Simulation Lab
Database Management Systems Lab Operating System Lab
IT Workshop (SciLab/MATLAB) Lab Software Engineering Practices Lab
Professional Communication Practice WeBTech Lab
Semester 5 Semester 6
Information Systems Data Mining
Science Elective Computer Networks
Advanced Java Data Mining Lab
Computer Organization and Architecture Computer Networks lab
Project Management and Entrepreneurship Elective II
Information Systems Lab Elective - II Lab
Computer Organization and Architecture Lab Elective III
Advanced Java Lab Elective - III Lab
Elective -I Open Elective -I (Humanities)
Elective -I Lab Minor Project
Semester 7 Semester 8
Elective IV Elective VI
Elective IV Lab Open Elective IV / MOOC Course
Elective V Open Elective V / MOOC Course
Open Elective II / MOOC Course Major Project - II
Open Elective III / MOOC Course -
Indian Constitution -
Major Project - I -


BTech IT Syllabus in Anna University

The syllabus for BTech Information Technology Anna University is :

Semester I Semester II
Foundational English Technical English
Mathematics I Mathematics - II
Engineering Physics Physics for Electronics and Information Science
Engineering Chemistry Data Structures
Computing Techniques Engineering Graphics
Basic Sciences Laboratory
Computer Practices Laboratory
Information Technology Essentials
Information Technology Essentials and Data Structures Laboratory
Engineering Practices Laboratory
Semester III Semester IV
Environmental Science and Engineering Software Engineering
Database Systems Computer Architecture
Digital Communication Operating Systems
03 Object Oriented Programming and Advanced Data Structures Algorithmics
351 Digital Principles and Design WeBTechnology
355 Probability and Queueing Theory Discrete Mathematics
Digital and Database Systems Laboratory
12 Object Oriented Programming and Advanced Data Structures Laboratory
Operating Systems Laboratory
WeBTechnology Laboratory
Semester V Semester VI
Compiler Engineering Information Security
Computer Networks Integrated Programming
Embedded Systems Mobile Computing
Unix Internals Parallel and Distributed Systems
Professional Elective - I . Open Elective - II *
Open Elective - I * Professional Elective - II
Computer Networks Laboratory
Embedded Systems Laboratory
Socially Relevant Project
Creative and Innovative Project #
Information Security and Mobile Computing Laboratory
Integrated Programming Laboratory
Semester VII Semester VIII
Computer Graphics and Multimedia Professional Elective - V
Data Analytics Professional Elective - VI
Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Systems Professional Elective -VII
Principles of Human-Computer Interaction Project Work
Professional Elective - III -
Professional Elective - IV -
Graphics and Multimedia Laboratory
Mini Project

Syllabus of Related courses 

There are many options available for students in BTech. The syllabus for related courses is listed below for better understanding:

BTech CSE Cyber Security Syllabus

The Syllabus for BTech Cyber Security is:

Semester I Semester II
Differential Calculus and Geometry Advanced Calculus
English / Arabic / Mandarin / German / Japanese Physics Elective
Physics Chemistry Elective
Chemistry Basic Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Graphics Environmental Studies
Engineering Design Computer Programming II
Basic Engineering Practices Laboratory Digital Principles and Applications
Computer Programming I Programming in Python
- Digital Laboratory
Semester III Semester IV
Introduction to Probability and Statistics Mathematics Elective I
Humanities Elective I Humanities Elective II
Oral Communication Written Communication
Data Structures using Java Operating Systems
Computer Networks Analysis of Algorithms
Programming in Java Foundation of Cyber Security
Database Management Systems Computer Architecture
Data structures Laboratory Cyber Security Laboratory
LINUX Programming Laboratory Operating System Laboratory
- Programme Elective
Semester V Semester VI
CEO and Leadership Training CEO and Leadership Training
Social Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship
General Elective I Agile Software Development
Communication and soft skill – I Communication and soft skill – II
Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Big Data Analytics Intrusion Detection and Internet Security
Web Application Development Cloud Computing
Web Application Development Laboratory Intrusion Detection and Internet Security Laboratory
Cyber Law and Ethics Security Architecture
Programme Elective Programme Elective
Semester VII Semester VIII
General Elective II Project Work
Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery -
Ethical Hacking -
Virtualization and Cloud Security -
Ethical Hacking Laboratory -
Internship -
Programme Elective -

BTech Computer Science and IT syllabus

This course provides the ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics and Science in software engineering solutions and communicate effectively in diverse groups and exhibit leadership skills. See Also: PhD Computer Science and IT

Semester- I Semester- II
English Applied Physics -II
Applied Mathematics – I Applied Physics Lab – II
Industrial Chemistry Basics of Electronics
Chemistry Lab Basics of Electronics Lab
Applied Physics – I Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Physics Lab– I Basics of Mechanical Engineering Lab
Electrical Technology Worksop Technology Lab
Electrical Technology Lab Basics of Civil Engineering
Fundamentals of Computers And Programming (with C) Basics of Civil Engineering Lab
FCPC Lab Applied Mathematics-II
Foreign Language Part-I Numerical Methods
- Value Education
- PC Lab
- Foreign Language Part - II
Semester– III Semester- IV
Data Structure using ‘C’ Database Management Systems
Data Structure using ‘C’Lab DBMS LAB
Discrete Structure Object Oriented Programming using C++
Multimedia Technologies OOPS using C++ Lab
Elective-I Principles of Operating System
Elective-II Operating System Lab
Management & Professional Leadership Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Aptitude I Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Professional Communication-I Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
Academic Writing Elective- III
Yoga/ NCC/ NSS Elective-IV
Semester- V Semester- VI
Computer Networks System and Network Administration
Computer Networks Lab System and Network Administration Lab
Computer Graphics JAVA Programming
Computer Graphics Lab JAVA Programming Lab
Theory of Automata & Computation Software Engineering & Project Management
Industrial Training I (Training to be undergone after IV Semester) Specialized Minor Project (Individual)
Specialized Minor Project (Group) Elective-VII
Elective-V Elective-A
Elective-VI Creativity And Innovation
Aptitude II -
Professional Communjcation-II -
Semester- VII Semester– VIII
Compiler Design Specialized Major Project (INDIVIDUAL)#
Compiler Design Lab Environmental Sciences
Data Warehousing & Data Mining Entrepreneurship
Advanced Java -
Advanced Java Lab -
Specialized Major Project (Group) -
Industrial Training II (to be undergone after VI) semester) -
Elective-VIII -
Elective-B -
Co-Curricular Activity -

Syllabus of Computer Science in BTech

The Syllabus of Computer Science in BTech is:

Semester I Semester II
English Mathematics II
Applied Physics Data Processing
Mathematics I Discrete Structures
Computers and Information Technology Linear and Digital ICs Applications
Engineering Drawing Practice Logic Theory
Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Managerial Economics and Accountancy
C & Data Structures IC Application
Semester III Semester IV
Computer Organization Interfacing Through Microprocessors
Electrical Technology Data Communications
Probability and Statistics Operations Research
Operating Systems Theory of Computation
Object-Oriented Programming System Programming
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Principles of Programming Languages
Semester V Semester VI
Computer Architecture Artificial Intelligence
Neuro-Fuzzy Wireless Network
Data structures and Algorithms Implementation of Programming Languages
Database Information System Compiler Design
Data Mining Computer Graphics
Computer Network Information Storage Management
Semester VII Semester VIII
Software Engineering Simulation and Modeling
Java Programming Mobile Computing
Distributed Systems Pattern Recognition
Image Processing Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Neural Networks Project Management
Visual Programming Computer Communication

BTech IT Books 

Books Author
Information Technology Eric Frick
Innovation and IT in an International Context Frantz Rowe
The Future of Tech is Female Douglas M. Branson
Why Digital Transformation Fail Tony Saldanha
The Cybersecurity Playbook Allison Cerra

CheckMBA course

BTech IT Top colleges

The list of famous colleges in BTech Information Technology is :

See Also: BTech IT Top Colleges


Ques. What are the subjects in Information Technology BTech?

Ans. Examples of subjects in BTech Information Technology include operating systems, Basics of Electronics, Computer Languages, Engineering Mathematics, Software Project Management, Introduction to Microprocessor, Introduction to WeBTechnology etc 

Ques. Is BTech good in Information Technology?

Ans. There are various job opportunities in the IT sectors of the country and companies provide an amazing platform for students to nurture their skills. There are also opportunities in government sectors for IT students.

Ques. Is BTech Information Technology tough?

Ans. BTech is an easy course if you are passionate about engineering otherwise you will find it difficult. You have to read the subjects daily and learn the concepts thoroughly to succeed in BTech Information Technology.

Ques. Is coding taught in IT Branch?

Ans. In the Information Technology branch students are taught about computer applications and codings. Students are going to learn about coding properly in four years span.

Ques. Which IT course is best for the future?

Ans. Courses like Data science, Big Data, Artificial intelligence and Machine learning, Cloud computing, Software Development are great for your future.

Ques. How much is the IT job salary per month?

Ans. The Average Salary for Information Technology IT in India is INR 8 LPA ( INR 66.7k per month).

Ques. Is coding hard to learn?

Ans. To learn coding easily choose an introductory programming language and take time to learn easier languages like CSS, HTML, Javascript, Python, HTML before learning any difficult languages like C++.

Ques. Which IT Course is trending now?

Ans. Cloud computing is experiencing an emerging trend in 2022 as organizations are going for more dynamic and scalable applications, the demand for Cloud services are rising.

Ques. Which BTech has more scope?

Ans. The Engineering branches that have high packages are Biomedical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering etc 

Ques. What is the qualification requirement for IT jobs?

Ans. Students must have completed Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science Information Technology, Computer Engineering 

Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Information Technology) : 191 answered questions


Ques. How good is the new IIIT Lucknow for a B.Tech in IT, mentored by IIIT Allahabad?

● Top Answer By Raktim Tarafdar on 06 Oct 23

Ans. IIIT Lucknow is one of the best among all IIITs under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program of the Government of India. A few key aspects of IIIT Lucknow are as follows: Courses offered: IIIT Lucknow provides a wide range of courses under one roof. It offers B. Tech, MTech as well as MBA. Placement: This year IIIT Lucknow concluded their placement with the highest package of INR 59 LPA and an average package of INR 30.52 LPA. Top recruiters like Amazon, Flipkart, Intel, BYJU, Capgemini, etc. visited the campus for placement. They gained huge success due to their coding culture. Infrastructure: Being a newly constructed campus the hostel's infrastructure is in excellent condition. The rooms are very large and have basic amenities such as beds, study tables, and almirahs. Water and electricity are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the hostel. Alumni: Monika Gupta (Assistant Professor at BITS Pilani), and Surya Prakash Pati (Assistant Professor at IIM Kozhikode) are a few notable alumni of this organization.  IIIT Lucknow offers a compelling opportunity for a solid academic foundation, good placement statistics, and a dynamic learning environment that is ideal for being a better choice than other new IIITs.Read more
3 Answer

Ques. How is IIIT Vadodara for a Btech in CSE/IT?

● Top Answer By Priyansh Kumar on 16 Mar 23

Ans. If you have a choice between IIIT Vadodara and any other well-established NIT or IIIT for a Btech in CSE/IT, you should go for the latter as IIIT Vadodara lacks proper infrastructure and resources. However, studying B.tech in CSE at IIIT Vadodara is a rigorous course that offers different course content from other colleges, making students good engineers. The professors put in equal amounts of hard work to deliver their content in a professional manner, and there are ample resources available online for students.  IIIT Vadodara is a good option as it provides exposure to both theory and industrial practice, and the institute has improved immensely. The placements are also getting better, with tech giants recognizing IIIT Vadodara and aiding in projects through developer student clubs and Mozilla student clubRead more
2 Answer

Ques. Which is better at CUSAT, IT or EC?

● Top Answer By Sikha Rajput on 20 Jul 21

Ans. Both the options are good. There is no such difference in the quality of education, either in these two branches, or any other branch in CUSAT. They make you work hard, focus on every detail, and stress a lot on the practical classes and labs. As for the faculty, 85% are permanent. As for the quality of faculty, everyone will have a different view. According to my friends at CUSAT, the only difference you will find between the branches is that the EC people toil 3 times harder than the other branches. According to the overall placement statistics the average and highest CTC offered to the students is 4 LPA and 15 LPA. You should choose the branch that is better for you. Think about the branch where your interest lies, will you be able to manage the workload efficiently, does the subject interest you, or which branch has the better placements matter. However, I would like to advise you not to be bothered by placements any more.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the average package at IIIT Allahabad for IT?

● Top Answer By Subham Chowdhury on 06 Oct 23

Ans. IIIT Allahabad offers an average package of INR 34.66 LPA for IT students. A few facts and figures about the placement record of IIIT Allahabad are mentioned below: Students studying Information Technology (IT) at IIIT Allahabad enjoyed an impressive average annual salary of INR 34.66 LPA. Whereas last year the amount was in and around INR 20 LPA. The institute achieved an excellent placement rate of around 95.76%, which is fantastic news for IT students. In 2023, some students hit the jackpot with extraordinary job offers. The domestic package peaked at INR 82.50 lakhs per annum. These exceptional packages are a testament to the quality of education and opportunities available at IIIT Allahabad. Top recruiters like Code Nation, Google, Qualcomm, Oracle, Phone Pe, etc. participated in the placement drive of 2023.  These figures showcase the exciting potential for students pursuing IT at IIIT Allahabad and highlight the institution's strong commitment to helping its graduates kickstart their careers on a high note.Read more
3 Answer

Ques. Which is the better option; doing computer engineering at SVNIT-Surat, Gujarat or b.tech in ict at DA-IICT Gandhinagar, Gujarat?

● Top Answer By Madhumanti Halder on 19 May 21

Ans. According to my friends at DAIICT, it is definitely a better choice among the two. Considering factors like placement, brand reputation, and coding culture.  The points below give a brief overview of some of the advantages of choosing DAIICT over SVNIT. According to some professors of SVNIT itself, DAIICT is a better institute for CSE and IT, compared to SVNIT. The overall placement statistics of DAIICT are far better than that in SVNIT, with more high-paying jobs offered in the institute.  DAIICT doesn’t have as good a reputation as NITs in India. But, in companies like Amazon, MAQ, Morgan Stanley, etc, DAIICT has a far better reputation than SVNIT. There is an excellent open-source coding environment in DAIICT.  The number of GSoC entries from both institutes makes it evident that DAIICT has much more success in open-source contribution. Categories CSE at SVNIT ICT at DAIICT Course Fee 5.47 lakh 7.28 LPA Placement Percentage 90% 95% Highest CTC 35-40 LPA 43 LPA Average CTC 10-12 LPA 19 LPA Therefore, it is clear that DAIICT is a much better choice, especially in subjects like CS and IT. In DAIICT, there is a high exposure in higher studies among students. There is a good environment for competitive coding too in DAIICT. In every notable coding contest from platforms like Codeforces, Codechef, etc, there are at least 30-40 participants from DAIICT.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better, NIT Kurukshetra IT or NIT Jamshedpur CS?

● Top Answer By Nandini Mukharjee on 22 Jun 22

Ans. NIT Jamshedpur CS is better than NIT Kurukshetra IT. It offers better placement opportunities to students. According to the highlights of NIT Jamshedpur placements 2022, students of CSE received the highest CTC of around INR 37.50 LPA. Amazon, Deloitte, Tata Group are some of the major recruiters that frequently visit the campus placements. Read more
2 Answer

Ques. How good are the placements for B.Tech in IT students at CUSAT?

● Top Answer By Jasmine Grover on 23 Feb 24

Ans. The placement opportunities are good enough for B.Tech IT students at CUSAT. The main requirement is a good CGPA in all first 6 semesters of the degree, a good coding knowledge, and soft skills like communication.  You can acquire soft skills by participating in extracurricular activities during your degree. Infosys, Oracle, Amazon, Microsoft, TCS Digital, Nissan Digital, Envestnet, Unisys and IBM are some of the companies that recruit IT students from the CUSAT campus.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. How are the placements for an IT at NIT Raipur?

● Top Answer By Subham Bajaj on 24 Mar 23

Ans. During NIT Raipur placements in 2022, there were 91 eligible students and 85 offers received during the placement season. This is indicative of the good placements at NIT Raipur, where most sincere students during their academic years are able to get jobs with decent packages. The average salary package offered during the placements is around 17 LPA, with the lowest salary package being 6 LPA. This indicates that even the lowest salary package offered is still decently high. Additionally, some of the top recruiting companies that come to NIT Raipur for placements are Microsoft, Adobe, Cognizant, Wipro, and ITC. If you are considering applying for internships at NIT Raipur, then you should know that around 75-80% of students were able to secure internships from the college. This is a testament to the quality of education and opportunities available at the institution. Finally, if you are curious about the top roles offered for your course, then you should know that NIT Raipur offers roles in data analytics, software development engineering, and other related fields. This means that if you are interested in these areas, then NIT Raipur might be a great place for you to consider for your higher education and future career prospects.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Which one is better: HBTI Kanpur (IT) or IET Lucknow (CSE)?

● Top Answer By Aditi Banerjee on 22 Jun 22

Ans. HBTI IT will be better than IET Lucknow CSE. It offers better placements. All the companies that visit HBTI campus to recruit students from CSE, also allow students from IT branch to sit for placements.  Here are the recent highlights of HBTI placements. Average CTC  INR 6.46 LPA Highest CTC INR 43.5 LPA  Top recruiters  Adobe, Samsung, Mu Sigma, Ericsson HBIT also has a better brand presence in the industry. Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Which is a better option: CSE at Mnit Jaipur or IT at IIIT Allahabad?

● Top Answer By Subham Agarwal on 20 Apr 23

Ans. IIIT Allahabad is a great place for students who are interested in programming in comparison to MNIT Jaipur. It has a strong coding culture and is the first college to introduce a competitive programming course as a semester course. If you are considering IIIT Allahabad, you should know that In the NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) 2021 rankings for engineering colleges in India, IIIT-Allahabad was ranked 46 for its CSE program specifically. In the Outlook-ICARE India Rankings 2021 for engineering colleges in India, IIIT-Allahabad was ranked 23 for its CSE program specifically. In the India Today Rankings 2021 for engineering colleges in India, IIIT-Allahabad was ranked 30 for its CSE program specifically. In the QS India University Rankings 2021, IIIT-Allahabad was ranked 47 for its Computer Science and Information Systems program specifically. IIIT-A also offers excellent packages for IT students. IIIT Allahabad has a strong reputation for producing skilled IT professionals, and its recent placement record is a testament to this. Here are some highlights of the recent placements for the IT program at IIIT Allahabad: The average package of the IT program at IIIT Allahabad was around 19 LPA, with the highest package being 47 LPA. Companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Google, Oracle, and Adobe have been among the regular recruiters at IIIT Allahabad for the IT program. Around 90% of the students from the IT program were placed, with a significant number of them receiving multiple offers from leading companies in the IT industry. Many students from the IT program at IIIT Allahabad secured internships with top companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Goldman Sachs. The IT program at IIIT Allahabad has a strong alumni network, with many graduates working in leading IT companies in India and abroad. This network provides current students with valuable connections and opportunities for internships and job placements. IIIT-A is also a great place for those who want to learn programming, even if they have no prior experience. Many students who come to IIIT-A with little or no knowledge of coding have developed their skills significantly. Overall, IIIT-A is a worthy place for students who love programming and want to develop their skills in this field.Read more
2 Answer


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