Saurav Jha, graduated from GNIOT with 7.37 CGPA and later cleared CAT exam with 90.14 percentile. Currently, he is an MBA student at IIT Dhanbad. He has also worked in Byju’s, 0.3 and Ed-Tech Product Sales. Saurav, shares his MBA journey and WAT/ PI experience with Stay tuned to know some interesting details.
Saurav Jha Profile
- Current Institute: IIT Dhanbad
- Graduation College: GNIOT, Uttar Pardesh
- CAT score: 90.14
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 8.4 CGPA
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 66
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 7.37 CGPA
- Work Experience: Byjus (Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd.), 0.3, Ed-Tech Product Sales
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Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Saurav Jha: “General (No reservation)”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Saurav Jha: “My WAT was offline before Covid guidelines came into action. As the MBA admission for IITs are combined, shortlisted applicants of all IITs were bought together. The Time given was 30 mins and we had to write approx 300 words. The booklet had adequate space for writing and expressing your thoughts.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Saurav Jha: "The Topic was related to Data Integrity in New Digital World”
What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Saurav Jha: “I started with an overview of what is digital world and how it is part of our daily life. Then I moved to the use of data by companies which is generated by us. The good and bad of it. Wrote about government policies on the matter and concluded with how we can be more cautious with equal responsibilities sharing by people, company and government.”
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Saurav Jha: “My PI was an easy one. There were 2 Panelists. One Male One Female and both were faculties. They asked me questions from my SOP. Why I had a dip in class 12th? What other offers I have? Why not job right now (As I told I had several job offers with me)? Tell me an instance where you showed great leadership skills.”
Check IIT Dhanbad Admission Process
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Saurav Jha: “Q. So you want to be an entrepreneur, why?
Ans: Explained my enthusiasm towards owning my own business which started from my College days after winning a business idea.
Q. Why you had such low marks in the 12th?
Ans: Told them about how I was overconfident and didn't study at all but changed the attitude after coming to college and learning from my internships.
Q. So you have multiple jobs right now, why not join them and gain work ex?
Ans: Told them how the world is changed now and even internship experience should be counted as students learn the corporate culture pretty fast.
Q. You said you learned from your experience as President of a college club, Tell us an instance where you showed great leadership skills.
Ans: Told them about how I solved a crisis of one of the events in ongoing fest and made sure all the participants were treated fairly and earned our college a good reputation.”
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Saurav Jha: “1. One of the Best RoI as placement is good.
2. MBA from IITs give you exposure to a strong alumni base and a chance of mingling with B.Tech guys.
3. I wanted to pursue MBA in Business Analytics and IIT Dhanbad was the only IIT giving it.”
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What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?
Saurav Jha: “-NA- (Converted all the colleges I applied to IIM Sirmaur, IIT Jodhpur, NITs, BITS Pilani, etc.)”