B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology is a mark of excellence when it comes to Quality Leadership Institution. Located at the greenest spot of Chennai near Tambaram, the university offers a wide range of academic opportunities for students to excel. With a long history of 36 years of excellence, this institution is a rising stalwart in higher education with promising Quality, Security and Placement. Read here to know more about the university.
10th Convocation held at B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology

Date: January 27, 2021
B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology held its 10th Convocation at its campus today. A total of 1865 graduands including 31 Ph.D., 390 PG and 1444 UG received their degree at the Convocation ceremony. 40 Students were awarded Gold Medals for securing top ranks. Of this 25 students were from UG and 15 students were from PG.The Convocation was held as per the safety protocol norms as prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu due to the on-going pandemic. Based on the restrictions 71 students received their degrees in person and 1794 students attended the convocation online.
The degrees were handed over to the students by Dr.Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Institute Professor,IIT Madras.Also present on the occasion were dignitaries including BSACIST Chancellor Mr.Arif Buhary Rahman, Pro Chancellor Mr. Abdul Qadir A Rahman Buhari, Vice Chancellor Dr.A.Peer Mohamed, Registrar Dr. A. Azad & Members of the Board.
Dr.Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Institute Professor, IIT Madras, in his address congratulated the graduands on receiving the degrees and remarked,“Renewables are likely to become the primary source of power. By around 2030, most of India's vehicles will be running on electric power. This will be a great disruption. Today 7.1% of India's GDP comes from auto-sector. The processing and distribution of transport fuel contributes to another 5%. This 12.1% GDP and millions of jobs associated with them will be under threat. The transition will not be smooth if this is not handled well. You are walking into the beginning of this transition. Your knowledge and skills, honed by this institute, could make a difference.Similarly, Robotics, 3D-Manufacturing, Nanomaterialsare present now and are going to transform the society. Electric aircrafts will not be too far behind in this fast-changing world. Your ability to learn new things, train and adopt yourself quickly, can make you to lead the world.”
Speaking on the occasion,Dr. A. Peer Mohamed, Vice Chancellor, said “I congratulate the graduands for earning a degree in your chosen field and progress towards a successful future. I am proud to state that Crescent is and has always strived to be a topper in terms of creating an environment conducive for teaching-learning. Put the education you received to better use, not just for earning money, but also by sharing your knowledge with others. May the education you received be reflected in the actions you do and the decisions you make.”
The convocation was dissolved after Pledge was taken by the successful graduates followed by the National Anthem.
Crescent Institution’s Innovation Council Rated 5 STAR by Ministry of Education
Date: October 31, 2020
Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology powered by Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council (CIIC) is crowned with a prestigious 5 STAR rating for the year 2019 – 2020.
IIC is the new initiative by the Ministry of Education and AICTE to nurture innovation and entrepreneurial skills among the young student minds. Out of 1110 institutions listed in the IIC star ratings, 125 institutions across the country received 5 STAR based on their performance in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The Honorable Minister of Education, Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank’ along with Shri. Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre, Minister of State, Ministry of Education (MoE) announced the ratings on 15th Oct 2020 on the occasion of National Innovation Day. This year Crescent Institute has also been ranked in BAND A (6th-25th) by Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) Ranking 2020, Ministry of Education, Govt of India.
While talking to Mr. M. Parvez Alam, CEO & Director of Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council (CIIC), he highlighted that “Crescent is making consistent efforts to create more employability among students and making them as future ready entrepreneurs. We are glad to hear our efforts have been recognised in both IIC 5 STAR rating and ARIIA ranking of the Ministry of Education ''. Chancellor Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, Pro Chancellor Mr.Abdul Qadir AR Buhari, Pro Vice Chancellor Dr.A.Peer Mohamed and Registrar Dr.A.Azad congratulated the Crescent Team.
Crescent Ranks TOP 25 by ARIIA, Ministry of Education in Innovation & Startups

Date: August 29, 2020
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) is an initiative of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India to systematically rank all major higher educational institutions and universities in India on indicators related to “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” amongst students and faculties. Shri M.Venkaiah Naidu, Honourable Vice President of India has released the ARIIA Ranking in the E-ceremony held on 18th Aug 2020 in New Delhi.
In March 2019, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology initiated their Entrepreneurship & Innovation Wing, Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council (CIIC) to encourage their Students, Faculties, Alumni to convert their ideas/ innovation into start-ups as well as support other innovators also. Crescent made rapid progress within a year and incubated 64 start-ups in the areas of Agri-Tech, Med-Tech, Healthcare, Nano-Tech, Food-Tech, Clean-Tech, IoT, AI, ML, Edu-Tech, AR/VR, Cyber Security & Smart Manufacturing. They also one of the BIONEST Incubation Centre and received grant of Rs.1.8 Crores from BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology Govt of India. Based on their efforts, they have been ranked in BAND A (6th-25th) in ARIIA Ranking 2020.
Crescent also supported 10 start-ups as a Knowledge Partner to get Innovation Voucher Program (IVP) Grant of Rs.2 Lakhs- Rs.5 Lakhs from Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute (EDII), Govt of Tamilnadu. While talking to Mr.M.Parvez Alam, CEO & Director of Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council (CIIC), he highlighted that “Crescent is making consistent efforts to create more employability among students and make them as future ready entrepreneurs”. Chancellor Mr. BSA Arif Buhary, Pro Chancellor Mr.Abdul Qadir, Pro Vice Chancellor Dr.A.Peer Mohamed and Registrar Dr.A.Azad appreciated the efforts.