In these uncertain times, success in the workplace requires more than education, theoretical knowledge and experience. Today, Emotional Quotient (EQ) is as important as Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Am I emotionally intelligent?’ When faced with a deadline, how do you react to it? Do you get anxious or do you stay focussed and create a plan to reach the goal? Your EQ determines how you react to situations, especially in tough times.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
According to Daniel Goleman, science journalist and author of ‘Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ?’, EQ refers to the capacity of recognising our feelings, and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well, in ourselves and our relationships.
Miss Aruna, Senior Counsellor with 1to1Help, India's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider that offers psychological counselling to help employees, lists out the traits of people with High EQ.
- They acknowledge their flaws and learn from their mistakes.
- They can take criticism well.
- They stay calm in the chaos and have a solution-oriented mindset.
- They can have thoughtful discussions with just anyone around them.
- They are good listeners.
People with low EQ, on the other hand, think that they are often misunderstood by others and are unable to convey their ideas properly. She adds, “This makes them irritable and frustrated. They usually blame others for their problems and do not give much consideration to other’s emotions.”

How academic institutions and organisations are incorporating EQ in their students and employees?
Organisations such as UPES have ensured that learning doesn’t get affected for their students and have simultaneously taken measures to build their students’ EQ by taking care of their mental health. Since March 15, they have been providing online classes via Blackboard Collaborate, with faculty conducting more than 500 online sessions each day. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates and stringent measures are imposed to keep people apart, mental health experts are warning that losing everyday social connections can have a serious psychological fallout. To effectively address issues related to emotional well-being in these crisis-ridden times, UPES has introduced UPESCare – a 24X7 counselling support for their students, faculty, other staff members and their families.
Additionally, they will provide students with further support – refresher classes, remedial coaching, workshops and lab sessions – once they are back on campus.
Why is the concept of EQ gaining importance, especially in workplaces and schools?
Many successful entrepreneurs have spoken about the importance of high EQ. As human beings, we are essentially social creatures and our social life plays a big part in shaping our personality. In addition to that, the way we perceive the world depends on our Emotional Intelligence.
EQ is becoming increasingly relevant to organisations because it provides a way to understand and assess people’s behaviour, attitude, potential, interpersonal skills and management styles. Studies have proved that students/employees with high EQ perform better.
Under the current circumstances, thousands of students have been out of their schools and employees are working from their homes because of the COVID-19 lockdown. The pandemic has not only had repercussions on people’s physical health but is also taking a toll on their emotional well-being. We are staring at uncertainty and a sharp economic downturn. Hence, when we think of a post-pandemic world, it is essential to find a new approach towards nurturing students as well as training employees to deal with moments of crisis effectively.
By Ekta Kashyap