Dr. Jyoti Agarwal is currently the HOD-MBA at Goel Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow. She is a Doctor of Philosophy in Management, and has 11+ years of Teaching and Administration experience along with 4+ years of Corporate Sector experience as well. Also, she has published more than 50 research papers in National and International Conferences and Seminars. 

Goel Institute of Technology and Management

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Learning and growing on a regular basis”

Education is something which always keeps you ahead irrespective of the field you belong to. Keenness to learn something new every day and share it with youth, and inclination to upgrade and render knowledge to aspiring and future holders of the nation is something that connects me with this sector. I believe that education is the only platform that can sharpen the intellect and groom the human mindset in a positive way. 

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Setting a conducive environment for potential development”

My philosophy of leadership is to work in a very healthy environment and get work done with ease while spreading positivity. I would describe my philosophy of leadership is best suited to make correct decisions, advocating direct approaches, teaching by examples and being a harbinger of principles. I lead by delegating tasks, workshops involvement, and taking a forefront on projects and instilling teamwork spirit with creativity, open mind and encouragement. Leadership style is not controlling or self-imposing, but being such a motivator or anchor that self motivates them.

How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practice of industry?

“Skill enhancement and personal growth”

In the present globally acquired business environment, dynamic managers having vision, resourcefulness and proficiency to face the problems and challenges are in demand. And here at GITM, we make sure that we are able to develop the personality of our students as a whole. The Institution has highly competent, committed and proficient faculties who train students in alignment with industry standards. We concentrate on providing soft skills with special emphasis on spoken English, role plays, case discussions, mock interviews, group discussions, etc.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the students are?

“Bringing out best and creating leadership”

To develop excellent, universal, socially responsible and creative leaders to interact with business and government to create a better society is my prime role towards my students. Our institute is continuously working hard to render quality education. We also try to develop a healthy environment for Work, Learning and Education for the holistic development of students.

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What do you think should be the institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“A reputation and name in the field of education”

Our prime priority is to become a leader in Management Education by developing effective and responsible leaders who will make a positive difference in society. This will not only lead to Goel Institute of Technology and Management to be on top but will also help us in nation-building. Our Institute’s top priority is to gain trust and impart qualitative knowledge and outshine in the education sector. We aspire our students and institutions to excel in every way, and try to make the institute a pinnacle of name, fame and success. 

What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?

“Multifold facilities and developmental approaches”

We at GITM believe that each and every student is equipped with some inherent skills, it’s just that you need to recognize it and work on it so that they can achieve heights. We are the official nodal center of Virtual Lab, IIT Kanpur and have an association with Spoken Tutorial IIT, Bombay. We at GITM give our students a solid foundation so that they achieve levels of academic and personal excellence through the best faculty and modern labs. We at GITM provide the best hostel, state of art library, sports and cultural facilities as well. Our students avail opportunities like internships, seminars, best placement at lucrative packages in a well-defined way. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in India?

“Unequal distribution of capital and resources”

India’s higher education system has still not been developed fully. The poor employment status of its students, poor track record in receiving national awards and recognition, poor share in research funding, etc. are major issues nationally. Apart from this, adequate enrolment, poor quality, political interference, poor infrastructure and facilities, inadequate research, over-centralization, bureaucratic structures and lack of accountability, transparency and professionalism, are some of the challenges faced by higher education in general. 

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Stay calm and keep working”

Today’s youth are a bit impatient, arrogant and lack mental peace. My advice to them is to be humble, think twice before they act and most importantly maintain emotional stability for which inner engineering is a must.