Ms. Deepthi Kulkarni is presently working as HOD – E&TC at Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune. With 13 years of experience in education and teaching field, she has published 6 International Journals, and has attended 4 International Conferences and 4 National Conferences as well. She is a leader, academician and guide working towards mentoring students and betterment of higher education.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“Satisfaction of moulding the bright future of students”
I feel immense pleasure everyday to work as an educator and the thought of being able to contribute to the society by nurturing and mentoring young students who are the future of our country. It always gives me a sense of pride and fulfilment that I am able to cater to the younger generation of bright minds the education and values that will shape their career. A chance of working with enthusiastic and innovative minds keeps me motivated to work within the education sector.
How does the curriculum of TAE ensure the best practice of industry?
“Access to better learning methodologies and connection with industries”
Innovations being a core principle of our institute, we are constantly in touch with the advancements in the field of Science and Engineering. We always try to incorporate the new learning pedagogies in the curriculum to motivate students and make studies more interesting and fruitful. We have an excellent library with trending E-books, newly launched papers, journals, etc. that help keep the students updated and informed with latest trends in the market. Institute-Industry Interaction Cell, conducting industry representative talks and visits, helps us always keep in touch with all the trending topics and technologies going on in the practical world of industries.
What is your opinion about the New Education Policy 2020?
“More flexibility with advanced learning and teaching”
The NEP 2020 talks about creating higher performance standards for teachers clearly stating out the role of the teacher at different levels of expertise and competencies required for that stage. Adhering to this new policy, teachers will also have to be digitally trained to blend into the digital learning processes at an early stage than ever. This is certainly great for our younger generation of students as they will get advanced mentorship right from the beginning of their education. Also, the inclusion of internships and vocational education in curriculum will help the students be prepared to contribute and easily work in the corporate industry.
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What do you see as TAE’s greatest strengths?
“Strategic program framework and added ethical values”
The values like Ethics and Dignity, Diversity, Student Focus and Innovation are ingrained in the fabric of our institute and this is the biggest strength of our Academy. Also, several initiatives like Teacher Guardian Scheme – a mentorship program; the Student Training Program – a prep-placement camp, Value added Programs – prominent guest lectures and advanced courses help mark the institutes strengths as an excellent engineering academy. Besides, an excellent T&P cell with a great track record of placements in prominent organizations all across the Engineering field are an added feather in our cap and an important attractive point for students to proceed aboard after their studies.
What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?
“Best technology and education according to industry standards”
With the constantly changing technology and modes of learning, I believe our top priority should be to provide our students with quality education and modern technical facilities that are relevant to the current market trends. Also, with the boom in the engineering industry, we must also prioritize creating engineers who are at par with the industry standards; this can only be achieved by looking beyond the horizon and being ambitious. Our administration within the college is constantly upgrading with the progressing technology and market to provide the best in industry instruments, devices and platforms for our young minds to flourish.
How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your academy?
“Mutual respect and transparency in workforce”
We believe in having an open dialogue and transparent communication with our students. All their concerns and problems are addressed and they in turn feel being understood and hence always turn to our teachers, mentors for advice and help. Furthermore, every individual working in and around the institute is valued irrespective of the amount of their contribution towards the academy, this environment of dignity and acceptance towards everyone helps us to perform our duties productively.
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Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?
“Use you resources wisely and learn effectively”
Students nowadays are immensely lucky to have all the access to so many excellent sources of studies and information. They must use this free access and availability judiciously and learn as much as possible. I would suggest everyone to think and dream big, be ambitious in life and challenge yourself everyday to learn new things and do not be scared of failure, they are stepping stones to success.