byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
Reading Passage Question
Cargo cults are religious movements that have appeared in tribal societies following interaction with technologically advanced cultures whose representatives have arrived bearing manufactured goods, or "cargo." These cults were known in the late nineteenth century, but arose in earnest in the years following World War II, as members of tribal societies came into contact with radios, televisions, guns, airplanes, and other goods brought to New Guinea and other Micronesian and Melanesian countries as part of the Allied war effort. Members of native societies, having little knowledge of Western manufacturing, found soldiers' explanations of the cargo's provenance unconvincing and drew the conclusion that the "cargo" had come about through spiritual means. Some concluded that the cargo had been created by the deities and ancestors of the native people, and that the foreigners had attracted the cargo to themselves through trickery, or through an error made by the deities and ancestors. Cargo cults arose for the purpose of attracting material wealth back to its "rightful owners" via religious rituals that sought to mimic the actions of the foreigners in order to attract cargo. The most famous of the cargo cults still exists on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu, where cult members have constructed elaborate airstrips and control towers intended to attract airplanes, and where an annual celebration features barefoot soldiers in re-created U.S. Army uniforms conducting military exercises. Cult members wearing "headphones" made of wood can be observed speaking into "radios" made of coconuts and straw, mimicking actions observed by Allied troops during the war.
Members of cargo cults commit the fallacy of confusing a necessary condition with a sufficient one. It is true, of course, that an airstrip and a control tower are necessary for executing a safe landing of a military airplane; they are not, of course, sufficient to attract an airplane in the first place. Communicating with a radio tower may bring new supplies; speaking gibberish into a straw replica of a radio, of course, will not bring the desired cargo. Thus, the term "cargo cult" has arisen as an idiom in English to describe those who mimic the superficial appearance of a procedure without understanding the underlying purpose, meaning, or functioning of that procedure.
In the book Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!, physicist Richard Feynman dedicates a chapter to "cargo cult science," the product of researchers who create the appearance of real science— even with the fastidiousness of those who create a full-size Jeep from bamboo and straw— but without an understanding of the underlying workings of real science. Feynman gives the example of experiments involving running rats through a maze. In 1937, a researcher named Young discovered that rats who had run a maze previously were using some hidden cue on subsequent runs that invalidated the results of those trials. Through meticulous experimentation, Young discovered that the rats could use the sounds made by the maze's floorboards to memorize positions within the maze; when the maze was put on a floor of sand, this cue was removed, and future experiments could be conducted untainted by the "floorboard problem." However, Young's research made no impact whatsoever; other scientists— cargo cult scientists— went on running rats through the maze just as they had before, publishing their results and going about the motions of science without, as Feynman argues, actually doing science.
“Cargo Cults are Religious Movements that have Appeared in Tribal Societies” - is a reading comprehension passage with answers for the GMAT. Candidates must have a strong understanding of English GMAT reading comprehension. This GMAT Reading Comprehension section contains 4 comprehension questions. The GMAT Reading Comprehension questions are intended to assess candidates' abilities to comprehend, analyse, and apply information or concepts. GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions can help candidates actively prepare.
Solutions and Explanation
- The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) offer a suggestion for improving the results of scientific experiments.
(B) suggest that two disparate groups of people share similar logical errors.
(C) explain that cargo cults mistakenly confuse preceding events with causal events.
(D) argue that it is important for scientists to take into account the research of other scientists in their fields.
(E) imply that the cargo cult members' mistakes in logic could be remedied through the scientific method.
Answer: B
Explanation: Option B is the correct answer to this question. The primary purpose of the passage is to suggest that there are two disparate groups of people, having similar logical errors. The group of people thinks that just mimicking the superficial appearance of a procedure. So, without knowing the underlying reason or the scientific reason, it will not fetch the desired result. The author says “the term "cargo cult" has arisen as an idiom in English to describe those who mimic the superficial appearance of a procedure. So, without understanding the underlying purpose, meaning, or functioning of that procedure Options A, C, D, and E are wrong. This is because in this passage, the author does not offer a suggestion, nor does it explain the mistakes of cargo cults. He does not argue about the importance of the shifting of the research work of other scientists in their field, nor does it imply a redemption.
- The passage suggests that resident of Tanna concluded that they were the "rightful owners" of the "cargo" because
(A) they found stories of the goods' actual origins to be incredible
(B) they believed all possessions were created by deities
(C) they believed they were owed a debt by their ancestors
(D) Allied forces had given them the cargo
(E) guns and airplanes were unknown to them prior to World War II
Answer: A
Explanation: Option A is the correct answer to this question. The passage suggests that he is a resident of Tanna. It concluded that they were the "rightful owners" of the "cargo" because they found stories of the goods' actual origins to be incredible. Some concluded that the cargo had been created by the deities and ancestors of the native people. The foreigners had attracted the cargo to themselves through trickery, or through an error made by the deities and ancestors. Cargo cults arose for the purpose of attracting material wealth back to its "rightful owners". Via religious rituals that sought to mimic the actions of the foreigners in order to attract cargo. As it is told in the first paragraph, that according to some, the cargos are created by deities. The ancestors of the native people, and the people of the foreign land had attracted the cargo to themselves through some kind of trickery. It can be the result of or through an error made by the deities and ancestors.
- According to the information provided by the passage, which of the following would critics such as Feynman most likely describe as practitioners of "cargo cult science"?
(A) Scientists who create a sufficient cause for an event rather than a necessary one.
(B) Residents of Tanna who attempt a scientific experiment with only primitive equipment.
(C) Researchers who are unsuccessful in causing a desired phenomenon to occur.
(D) Westerners who believe in supernatural phenomena despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
(E) Scientists who receive recognition for their work without disclosing possible flaws in the design of their experiments.
Answer: E
Explanation: The correct option is E. Cargo cult science is most likely described as the Scientists who receive recognition for their work. They received it without disclosing possible flaws in the design of their experiments. It is said in paragraph 3, “ Through meticulous experimentation, … conducted untainted by the "floorboard problem". Young's research made no impact whatsoever; other cargo cult scientists went on running rats through the maze. Just as they had before, publishing their results and going about the motions of science without, as Feynman argues. The researchers who create the appearance of real science. So, even with the fastidiousness of those who create a full-size Jeep from bamboo and straw. Without an understanding of the underlying workings of real science. This clearly describes the answer.
- According to the passage, the similarity between cargo cult members and practitioners of "cargo cult science" can most appropriately be described in which of the following ways?
(A) Both use inappropriate equipment in trying to cause a phenomenon.
(B) Both refuse to accept the principles of the scientific method.
(C) Both adhere to processes that lack scientific rigor.
(D) Both have no logical basis for their actions.
(E) Both would benefit from enhanced scientific education.
Answer: C
Explanation: Option C, that is Both adhere to processes that lack scientific rigor, is the correct answer to this question. In the second paragraph, the author very politely explains that what cargo cult science does is not scientifically correct. Communicating with a radio tower may bring new supplies; speaking gibberish into a straw replica of a radio, of course, will not bring the desired cargo. Thus, the term "cargo cult" has arisen as an idiom in English to describe those who mimic the superficial appearance of a procedure. So, without understanding the underlying purpose, meaning, or functioning of that procedure. Options A, B, D, and E are not correct because option A talks about the equipment used for causing a phenomenon. SO, the similarity, Option B, and D are too extreme for the refusal to accept the scientific method. Option E is a policy prescription that has not been indicated by the passage.
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