byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
Question: How many numbers between 1 and 1000, inclusive have an odd number of factors?
- 10
- 25
- 31
- 64
- 128
‘How many numbers between 1 and 1000, inclusive have an odd number of factors? ' - is a topic of the GMAT Quantitative reasoning section of GMAT. This question has been taken from the book “The Official Guide for GMAT Reviews”. To solve GMAT Problem Solving questions a student must have knowledge about a good amount of qualitative skills. The GMAT Quant topic in the problem-solving part requires calculative mathematical problems that should be solved with proper mathematical knowledge.
Solution and Explanation:
Approach Solution 1:
It is asked in the question that how many numbers between 1 and 1000, inclusive have an odd number of factors. This is a question from the number theory.
It should be noted that only square numbers are found to have the odd number of factors.
The question is ultimately asking to find out the number of squares which come in the range of 1-1000.
To find the number of squares which lie in the range 1-1000
Take square root of 1000
\(\sqrt{1000}\)= 31.6
We get 31.6 Therefore 31^2 will always be less than 1000.
Therefore there are 31 squares which lie in the range 1-1000
The correct answer will be option C.
Correct Answer: C
Approach Solution 2:
It is asked in the question that how many numbers between 1 and 1000, inclusive have an odd number of factors. This is a question from the number theory.
There is a property that an integer with odd number of factors is a perfect square of an integer and only has even exponents in its prime factorization.
Let n = \(p^aq^br^c\), then n has (a+1)(b+1)(c+1) factors.
Where p,q,r are prime numbers.
A,b,c are positive integers. So (a+1),(b+1),(c+1) must be odd numbers in order for n to have odd number of factors. This implies that a,b,c are even numbers and n is a perfect square. To find the number of
squares which lie in the range 1-1000
Take square root of 1000
\(\sqrt{1000}\)= 31.6
There are total of 31 perfect squares in the range 1-1000.
Therefore the correct answer will be option C.
Correct Answer: C
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