It is the Powerful Compound Capsaicin that makes a Chili Pepper Hot GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: It is the powerful compound capsaicin that makes a chili pepper hot; a single drop that has no taste and odor is capable of detection by humans at one part per million.

(A) a single drop that has no taste and odor is capable of detection
(B) a single drop is detectable, though without taste and odor,
(C) a single tasteless and odorless drop can be detected
(D) single tasteless and odorless drops are capable of detection
(E) single drops that have no taste or odor can be detectable

Correct Answer: C

The following argument can be used to support the desired linguistic change:

  • Parallelism
  • Thinking about two distinct truths
  • Modifiers

The applicant must have strong grammatical knowledge and a wide vocabulary in order to tackle sentence repair issues. There is a statement in the highlighted passage in this section.

Five choices are given to the candidate. The candidate must determine which of the available options actually fits in the highlighted area. As a result, the candidate must check each sentence's grammar. Most of the options will have redundant words or grammatical errors. There will only be one right decision.

Given to us in the passage that Capsaicin, a potent chemical molecule, is responsible for the spicy flavour of chilli peppers. Humans are able to detect a concentration of capsaicin as low as one part per million in just one drop, despite the fact that it has no smell or taste.

Take note of the semicolon that comes after the first sentence in this paragraph. This indicates that the second sentence ought to function as its own independent sentence.

Let us check the given options.

A: Incorrect

This choice is an incorrect one. The absence of both taste and odor gives the impression that there is no combination of them, while either one of those things could exist on its own. Another example of a statement that continues on and on

B: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. It seems to be one continuous sentence, and even the content of what is being said is not entirely evident from the context of the sentence.

Additionally, taste and odour should modify a drop, but in this case, it modifies detectable, which is another reason to eliminate this answer choice from consideration.

C: Correct

C is the correct choice. The message can easily be understood with your selection of the correct solution.

D: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. A single drops doesn't appear to function here. Also, this sentence has terrible phrasing. a run-on sentence that does not look like an individual sentence.The error is also the same as the one noted in A.

Hence, this choice is eliminated.

E: Incorrect

This is an incorrect choice. This choice requires some sort of link before the word "can." Also, the usage of "detectable" is wrong here. Hence, this choice is eliminated.

“It is the powerful compound capsaicin that makes a chili pepper hot.” is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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