bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero
Question: John W. Heisman is credited as having developed the football snap, which now signals the beginning of a play.
- as having
- with having
- to have
- as the one who
- for being the one who
Correct Answer: B
To convince someone to modify their language, provide the following justification:
- Parallelism
- Thinking about two distinct truths
- Modifiers
To handle concerns about sentence repair, the applicant needs to be well-versed in grammar and have a large vocabulary. The highlighted part of this section contains a statement.
The candidate has a choice of five options. Which of the various options genuinely fits in the highlighted region must be determined by the candidate. The candidate must therefore check the grammar of each statement. The majority of the choices will contain extraneous words or grammar mistakes. There can only be one correct choice.
Not always grammar but also sometimes the candidate may need to check the meaning of the statement after putting the appropriate phrase. The sentence should be meaningful after the choice of the phrase.
It is given to us in the passage that the football snap, which now denotes the start of a play, is credited to John W. Heisman.
You cannot use “credited” as a participle in the case of A.
For C) Credit to, a noun must come before or after. I attribute my success to my diligence.
I genuinely believe that D) is right, however, B is a clearer, more concise method to convey the content of the line. credit as a noun, for instance, "I am acknowledged as the company's founder."
Let us check the given options.
A: Incorrect
This choice is an incorrect one. Credited cannot be said to be a past participle.
B: Correct
It is the correct choice. “With having” is a grammatically correct phrase.
C: Incorrect
It is an incorrect choice. ”To” should not be used just before having.
D: Incorrect
D is an incorrect choice. The use of the word “as” here is incorrect.
E: Incorrect
This is an incorrect choice. The use of the word “for” here makes the sentence incorrect.
Essentially, this question is an idiom usage test.
Crediting X with Y is the proper way to phrase the verb "credit with."
credit with a verb or noun
Several wrong ways to phrase "credit with" include: credit in *credit for *credit to
The only option for a response that uses the right idiom is
*When used in different situations, the phrases "credit for" and "credit to" are acceptable.
In phrases like "give X credit for Y" or "take credit for X," "credit for" is the appropriate choice.
In situations like this: Dan is a credit to the organization, and "credit to" is appropriate.
“John W. Heisman is credited as having developed the football snap” is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.
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