Newcomers to Southern California are Surprised to Discover that GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: Newcomers to southern California are surprised to discover that, in spite of the temperate climate, heating bills are as high, or higher than, those in most Midwestern or eastern cities.

(A) as high, or higher than, those in
(B) as high, or higher than,
(C) as high as, or higher than,
(D) at least as high as those in
(E) no lower than

Correct Answer: D

You can persuade someone to change their language by stating the following reasons:

  • Parallelism
  • Thinking about two distinct truths
  • Modifiers

Each alternative needs to be carefully considered before a decision is made. Only one of the available five options will be accurate. The candidate must consider a variety of factors, such as meaning, grammar, etc., in order to make the optimal decision.

Given that despite the mild temperature, southern Californians are sometimes startled to learn that their heating costs are on par with or even higher than those of most Midwestern or Eastern communities.

The preposition "in" serves as the first point of entry. This gives the right angle for a pertinent comparison between the cost of heating in South California and the cost in other cities. Without the word "in," we would be comparing bills and cities in the wrong way. As a result, we can effectively discard B, C, and E right away.

A should be expelled for omitting the second "as" in the phrase "as high as." In the end, D triumphs.
Let's approach the answer choices carefully.

A: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. This choice has modified the phrase “as high as” to fit in the statement “as high.” This does not make sense in the sentence. Hence, this choice is eliminated.

B: Incorrect

It is an incorrect answer. This choice, when put in the given passage, provides a sense of comparison between cities and heating bills. This comparison is absurd, so this choice is eliminated.

C: Incorrect

It is an incorrect answer. This choice, when put in the given passage, provides a sense of comparison between cities and heating bills. This comparison is absurd, so this choice is eliminated.

D: Correct

It is the correct choice. This choice eliminates the use of “as high as” and uses “at least” to provide the correct comparison of bills in different cities.

E: Incorrect

It is the wrong choice. To appropriately compare the heating costs of various cities, the words "as high as" and "those of" are employed. This choice, when put in the given passage, provides a sense of comparison between cities and heating bills. This comparison is absurd, so this choice is eliminated.

Also, some of the statements are given to know where to use “as high as”:

  1. According to independent economists, it may be as high as 8%.
  2. As high as 67 1/2 was the stock's previous high.
  3. Their spirits, though, were as high as those of the incoming pupils.
  4. The flow rate of older aerators is frequently as high as 8 gallons per minute.
  5. As much as $ 700 million in liabilities, according to WGI.
  6. As much as 80% of Germans oppose Bush, according to polls.
  7. The sum might reach as high as $1 billion in New Zealand dollars.
  8. Earlier, the contract climbed as high as 104 26/32.
  9. Some projections reach as high as dlrs 5 billion and higher.
  10. As high as 21 1/2 were the shares today.
  11. To see as high as in a sentence is challenging.

“Newcomers to southern California are surprised to discover that GMAT critical reasoning” is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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