byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
Reading Passage Question
Since the early 1990s, cancer researchers have recognized the role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in “chaperoning” peptides and assisting the immune system in its constant effort to recognize and destroy diseased cells. Unlike the many illnesses that take advantage of weakened immune systems, cancerous tumors can “trick” an immune system because their cells are derived from normal cells and thus do not elicit a response. It is the task of researchers, then, to identify and isolate unique cancer cell antigens that are more likely to stimulate immune systems to take action. It turns out that members of the HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 families carry peptides generated within cells; when those HSPs are taken from infected cells, the peptides they carry have similar properties and can spur an immune system into action.
In contrast to the cancer vaccines that rely on antigen-presenting peptides in HSPs, viral vector vaccines are manufactured in the laboratory. Such a vaccine involves manipulating a gene similar to the targeted tumor and injecting it into the patient in an attempt to trigger the immune system to attack not only the manufactured cells but also the cancerous cells already present in the body. Both approaches rest on the assumption that each patient’s tumor is unique and that the vaccine must be created specifically to induce an immune system response. While the first method is better established, the second may turn out to be both more cost-effective and easier to use in treating large numbers of patients.
“Since the Early 1990s, Cancer Researchers have Recognized the Role of Heat” is a GMAT reading comprehension passage with answers. Candidates need a strong knowledge of English GMAT reading comprehension.
This GMAT Reading Comprehension consists of 4 comprehension questions. The GMAT Reading Comprehension questions are designed for the purpose of testing candidates’ abilities in understanding, analyzing, and applying information or concepts. Candidates can actively prepare with the help of GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions.
Solution and Explanation
- It can be inferred from the passage that the first type of vaccine described has which of the following drawbacks?
(A) Cells can generate only a limited number of peptides, which limits their ability to stimulate an immune system response.
(B) It is unknown how many different types of cancers can be prevented with this type of vaccine.
(C) Weakened immune systems are not always able to respond appropriately to the antigen-presenting peptides introduced by vaccines.
(D) It may be more difficult to use in vaccinating large numbers of patients.
(E) HSPs in the HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 families are not always present in the cells of a patient, preventing their usage in cancer vaccines.
Answer: D
Explanation: Here the passage explains that researchers need to identify and isolate unique cancer cell antigens. The author states that they are more likely to stimulate immune systems to take action. This process makes immune cells quantity generation.
Likewise, every patient’s tumor is unique, so the vaccine must be created to induce an immune system response. Hence, this type of vaccination is more established to implement with a large number of patients. Hence option D is the correct answer.
- The passage suggests which of the following about the manufactured cells mentioned in the underlined text?
(A) They are introduced into the patient’s body to further weaken the patient’s immune system.
(B) They are identical to cancerous cells already present in the patient’s body.
(C) They rely on HSPs to “chaperone” peptides into a position that will stimulate a response from the patient’s immune system.
(D) They are created in a laboratory specifically for each individual cancer patient receiving a viral vector vaccine.
(E) Their peptides are different from those created by the patient’s body in that they operate independently of HSPs.
Answer: D
Explanation: In the second paragraph of the passage states that “Viral vector vaccines are manufactured … cancerous cells already present in the body”. It states that the vaccine must be created to induce an immune system response. Hence, this type of vaccination is more established to implement with a large number of patients. Hence option D is the correct answer.
- Which of the following best describes the overall content of the second paragraph of the passage?
(A) It describes a type of treatment and compares it to another treatment detailed in the first paragraph.
(B) It describes a method of vaccine production and explains how it is inferior to the method presented in the first paragraph.
(C) It offers a potential solution to a problem inherent in vaccine distribution.
(D) It provides further explanation of the mechanics of a vaccine described in the first paragraph.
(E) It describes the similarities between two types of treatments and explains why one is preferable to the other.
Answer: A
Explanation: The second paragraph in the passage describes the second vaccine. It adds the viral vector vaccine. It concludes with a sentence on the two vaccines with similarities. It adds another comparing the pros and cons of each. Option (A) describes the question, hence the correct answer.
- Which of the following best describes the function of the first paragraph of the passage?
(A) It presents two opposing views that will be reconciled in the second paragraph.
(B) It attempts to explain the importance of an approach that is superior to the one presented in the second paragraph.
(C) It describes a method that utilizes a contrasting approach to the method explained in the second paragraph.
(D) It provides details of one approach that has been superseded by the approach described in the second paragraph.
(E) It suggests that a technique has the potential to save lives, something also true of the technique mentioned in the second paragraph.
Answer: C
Explanation: The first paragraph states about Cancer researchers, who have recognized the role of HSPs in supervising peptides. The author refers to assisting the immune system and destroying disease cells. This implies that there is a contrasting approach to the first and the second paragraphs of the passage. Hence option C is the correct answer.
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