byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
Reading Passage Question
The word democracy may stand for a natural social equality in the body politic or for a constitutional form of government in which power lies more or less directly in the people’s hand. The former may be called social democracy and the latter democratic government. The two differ widely, both in origin and in moral principle. Genetically considered, social democracy is something primitive, unintended, proper to communities where there is general competence and no marked personal eminence. There will be no aristocracy, no prestige, but instead an intelligent readiness to lend a hand and to do in unison whatever is done. In other words, there will be that most democratic of governments—no government at all. But when pressure of circumstances, danger, or inward strife makes recognized and prolonged guidance necessary to a social democracy, the form its government takes is that of a rudimentary monarchy established by election or general consent. A natural leader emerges and is instinctively obeyed. That leader may indeed be freely criticized and will not be screened by any pomp or traditional mystery; he or she will be easy to replace and every citizen will feel essentially his or her equal. Yet such a state is at the beginnings of monarchy and aristocracy.
Political democracy, on the other hand, is a late and artificial product. It arises by a gradual extension of aristocratic privileges, through rebellion against abuses, and in answer to restlessness on the people’s part. Its principle is not the absence of eminence, but the discovery that existing eminence is no longer genuine and representative. It may retain many vestiges of older and less democratic institutions. For under democratic governments the people have not created the state; they merely control it. Their suspicions and jealousies are quieted by assigning to them a voice, perhaps only a veto, in the administration. The people’s liberty consists not in their original responsibility for what exists, but merely in the faculty they have acquired of abolishing any detail that may distress or wound them, and of imposing any new measure, which, seen against the background of existing laws, may commend itself from time to time to their instinct and mind.
If we turn from origins to ideals, the contrast between social and political democracy is no less marked. Social democracy is a general ethical ideal, looking to human equality and brotherhood, and inconsistent, in its radical form, with such institutions as the family and hereditary property. Democratic government, on the contrary, is merely a means to an end, an expedient for the better and smoother government of certain states at certain junctures. It involves no special ideals of life; it is a question of policy, namely, whether the general interest will be better served by granting all people an equal voice in elections. For political democracy must necessarily be a government by deputy, and the questions actually submitted to the people can be only very large rough matters of general policy or of confidence in party leaders.
“The Word Democracy May Stand for Natural Social Equality in the Body” - is a reading comprehension passage with answers for the GMAT. Candidates must have a strong understanding of English GMAT reading comprehension. This GMAT Reading Comprehension section contains 8 comprehension questions. The GMAT Reading Comprehension questions are intended to assess candidates' abilities to comprehend, analyse, and apply information or concepts. GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions can help candidates actively prepare.
Solutions and Explanation
- The author suggests that the lack of “marked personal eminence” (Highlighted) is an important feature of a social democracy because
(A) such a society is also likely to contain the seeds of monarchy and aristocracy
(B) the absence of visible social leaders in such a society will probably impede the development of a political democracy
(C) social democracy represents a more sophisticated form of government than political democracy
(D) a society that lacks recognized leadership will be unable to accomplish its cultural objectives
(E) the absence of visible social leaders in such a community is likely to be accompanied by a spirit of cooperation
Answer: E
Explanation: Line five of paragraph one, “There will be no aristocracy, no prestige, but instead an intelligent readiness to lend a hand and to do in unison whatever is done. In other words, there will be the most democratic of governments—no government at all.” tells us that when there is no government or leaders, the community as a whole is accompanied by a spirit of cooperation and ready to help each other. Hence, option E is the correct answer.
- Which one of the following forms of government does the author say is most likely to evolve from a social democracy?
(A) monarchy
(B) government by deputy
(C) political democracy
(D) representative democracy
(E) constitutional democracy
Answer: A
Explanation: Line 6,7 and 8 of the first paragraph, “A natural leader emerges and is instinctively obeyed. That leader may indeed be freely criticized and will not be screened by any pomp or traditional mystery. He or she will be easy to replace and every citizen will feel essentially his or her equal. Yet such a state is at the beginnings of monarchy and aristocracy.” explains that monarchs can be criticized, easy to replace and citizens feel equal to the monarch. Hence, option A is the correct answer
- The author of the passage suggests that a political democracy is likely to have been immediately preceded by which one of the following forms of social organization?
(A) a social democracy in which the spirit of participation has been diminished by the need to maintain internal security
(B) an aristocratic society in which government leaders have grown insensitive to people’s interests
(C) a primitive society that stresses the radical equality of all its members
(D) a state of utopian brotherhood in which no government exists
(E) a government based on general ethical ideals
Answer: B
Explanation: First line of the second paragraph, “Political democracy, on the other hand, is a late and artificial product. It arises by a gradual extension of aristocratic privileges, through rebellion against abuses, and in answer to restlessness on the people’s part. Its principle is not the absence of eminence, but the discovery that existing eminence is no longer genuine and representative.” clearly mentions that political democracy arose after aristocratic society in which leaders have grown insensitive to people's interests. Hence, option B is the correct answer.
- According to the passage, “the people’s liberty” (Highlighted) in a political democracy is best defined as
(A) a willingness to accept responsibility for existing governmental forms
(B) a myth perpetrated by aristocratic leaders who refuse to grant political power to their subjects
(C) the ability to impose radically new measures when existing governmental forms are found to be inadequate
(D) the ability to secure concessions from a government that may retain many aristocratic characteristics
(E) the ability to elect leaders whom the people consider socially equal to themselves
Answer: D
Explanation: “The people’s liberty consists not in their original responsibility for what exists, but merely in the faculty they have acquired of abolishing any detail. It may be distress or wound them, and of imposing any new measure, which, seen against the background of existing laws. This may commend itself from time to time to their instinct and mind.” This line from the passage explains what people’s liberty consists of which is most suited with option D. Hence, option D is the correct answer.
- According to the author of this passage, a social democracy would most likely adopt a formal system of government when
(A) recognized leadership becomes necessary to deal with social problems
(B) people lose the instinctive ability to cooperate in solving social problems
(C) a ruling monarch decides that it is necessary to grant political concessions to the people
(D) citizens no longer consider their social leaders essentially equal to themselves
(E) the human instinct to obey social leaders has been weakened by suspicion and jealousy
Answer: A
Explanation: “But when pressure of circumstances, danger, or inward strife makes recognized and prolonged guidance necessary to a social democracy. The form its government takes is that of a rudimentary monarchy established by election or general consent.” These lines explain that when pressure arises or there are social problems , a new formal government is established by elections.
- According to the passage, which one of the following is likely to occur as a result of the discovery that “existing eminence is no longer genuine and representative” (Highlighted)?
(A) Aristocratic privileges will be strengthened, which will result in a further loss of the people’s liberty.
(B) The government will be forced to admit its responsibility for the inadequacy of existing political institutions.
(C) The remaining vestiges of less democratic institutions will be banished from government.
(D) People will gain political concessions from the government and a voice in the affairs of state.
(E) People will demand that political democracy conform to the ethical ideals of social democracy.
Answer: D
Explanation: “The people’s liberty consists not in their original responsibility for what exists, but merely in the faculty they have acquired of abolishing any detail. It may distress or wound them, and of imposing any new measure. It is seen against the background of existing laws, may commend itself from time to time to their instinct and mind. This line from the passage explains that as a result of discovery that “existing eminence is no longer genuine and representative”. It leads to people’s liberty which allows them to gain concessions from the government. Hence, Option D is the correct answer.
- It can be inferred from the passage that the practice of “government by deputy” (Highlighted) in a political democracy probably has its origins in
(A) aristocratic ideals
(B) human instincts
(C) a commitment to human equality
(D) a general ethical ideal
(E) a policy decision
Answer: E
Explanation: In the passage it states “it is a question of policy... equal voice in elections.” This line from the last paragraph clearly mentions that government by deputy has its origin as a policy decision. Whether the general interest of the government will be better served by granting all people an equal voice in elections.
- Which one of the following statements, if true, would contradict the author’s notion of the characteristics of social democracy?
(A) Organized governmental systems tend to arise spontaneously, rather than in response to specific problem situations.
(B) The presence of an organized system of government stifles the expression of human equality and brotherhood.
(C) Social democracy represents a more primitive form of communal organization than political democracy.
(D) Prolonged and formal leadership may become necessary in a social democracy when problems arise that cannot be resolved by recourse to the general competence of the people.
(E) Although political democracy and social democracy are radically different forms of communal organization, it is possible for both to contain elements of monarchy.
Answer: D
Explanation: In the first paragraph of the passage mentions about the author’s viewpoint. It states that “Genetically considered, social democracy is something primitive, unintended, … rudimentary monarchy established by election or general consent”. Option D is the correct answer, it's exactly opposite of what's mentioned in the passage.
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