byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
Reading Passage Question
There is much talk of a hydrogen economy and one version of that future is described as based on dissociating water into hydrogen and oxygen with sunlight in photo-catalyst cells or films. If the rooftops of every house in the United States were covered in these cells, then every household would have at its disposal the hydrogen equivalent of over 10 liters of gasoline a day. The cells used would have to achieve the US Department of Energy’s standard of 10 percent water-splitting efficiency before the investment would be worthwhile and the output would approach the 10 liter level. But this kind of efficiency has only been achieved under careful laboratory conditions using ultra-violet light. Sunlight comprises only 4 percent ultra-violet light and so the search is still on for a photo-catalyst that reaches the same level of efficiency using the whole sunlight spectrum.
Another technological approach to the dissociation of water relies on microorganisms. Biologists have long known of the existence of single-celled plants that can break water molecules apart and release hydrogen and oxygen gas and the hope is that a micro-organism can be found capable of generating hydrogen gas in sufficient quantities. So far, the search has been disappointing and the levels of gas produced have fallen a long way short of the amount necessary to satisfy the US Department of Energy’s standard of efficiency.
“There is much talk of a hydrogen economy and one version of that future” - is a GMAT reading comprehension passage with answers. Candidates need a strong knowledge of English GMAT reading comprehension.
This GMAT Reading Comprehension consists of 3 questions and answers. The GMAT Reading Comprehension questions check the candidates’ abilities in understanding, analyzing, and applying information. Candidates can actively prepare with the help of GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions.
Solution and Explanation
- Which of the following sentences best expresses the general theme made in the passage?
- The passage optimistically predicts that the hydrogen economy is just around the corner.
- The passage is pessimistic regarding the likelihood of a hydrogen economy based on the dissociation of water.
- The passage identifies a number of technological challenges that remain before a hydrogen economy is feasible.
- The passage describes a number of challenges that must still be solved on the path to a hydrogen economy based on the dissociation of water.
- The passage is downbeat regarding the prospects of finding an organic solution to the challenge of efficient dissociation of water.
Answer: D
Explanation: In the passage, it states that Hydrogen has been developed by the dissociation of water. It also adds that it does not reach the satisfaction level. The number of challenges is to meet the expectation. This property expresses the general theme of the passage. Hence option D is the correct answer.
- Which of the following subjects is not raised in the passage?
- solar panels that split water for hydrogen
- the dissociation of water with sunlight
- hydrogen production using ultra-violet light
- photo-catalysts that generate hydrogen from water
- bugs or organisms capable of generating hydrogen gas
Answer: A
Explanation: The passage in Paragraph 1 states about the dissociating water. It dissociates hydrogen and oxygen from sunlight in photo-catalyst cells or films. Paragraph 2 refers to the dissociation of water relying on microorganisms. Hence solar panels are not mentioned in the passage. Option A is the correct answer.
- Which of the following is the best description of the main conclusion of the passage?
- deductive
- inductive
- presumptuous
- hypothetical
- theoretical
Answer: B
Explanation: Here in the passage both paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 are experiments. It was conducted to generate hydrogen from the dissociation of water. It develops energy or hydrogen economy, based on its interpretation as inductive experiments. Hence option B is the correct answer.
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