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Did RBI visit IIM Amritsar for recruitment as per the recent placement report? If yes, what profile did they offer?

Ashok Dube Posted On : January 19th, 2023
former Student at Indian Institute of Management Amritsar (2017-2019)

IIM Amritsar has made its name in the IIM family due to the following 

  • Corporate Competitions’ Presence
  • Student Achievements
  • Placement Records

All these achievements have made it among the fastest-growing IIMs. So I don’t understand why people keep questioning and judging an Institute of National Importance.

Now coming to your question, yes RBI did visit the IIM Amritsar campus for recruitment last year for Summer Internships but the exact role and package were not revealed to the public. Try to get in touch with some batchmates to get this info.


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What should I choose between an MBA from IIM Amritsar and central excise inspector or other inspector jobs from SSC CGL?

Akash Tiwari Posted On : January 19th, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Amritsar

Looking at the 2 options provided by you, I can say IIM Amritsar is definitely a better choice. I have seen many people regret going for CGL. 

Excise Inspector is the worst post of CGL and many of them retire as superintendents themselves. The transfer is banned in CBIC so no matter which remote area you have been posted to, you have to stay there for 15-20 years until you become Assistant Commissioner which is rare.

You can change your life in two ways 

  • Crack UPSC
  • Or leave the post and prepare for CAT

You can become a CEO through the second option. I have many acquaintances who left the CGL and went for CAT and today are entrepreneurs or CEOs. Surely the job at CGL provides security but the job itself is not worth it.

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What is the max and min salary offered at IIM Ranchi? Is it worth leaving a job of 9 lakhs CTC and joining the college?

Pragya Tripathi Posted On : January 19th, 2023
Data Scientist

If you are considering studying finance, it is not recommended to do so solely for the purpose of earning a high salary. Students who have graduated from newer Indian Institute of Management (IIM) programs, including the one in Ranchi, have reportedly obtained jobs with salaries ranging from 9-20 lakhs per year, with a median of around 10 lakhs per year. However, it is important to genuinely enjoy the field of study rather than just being attracted to it for financial reasons. 

It is also worth noting that as you progress in your career, you may eventually take on managerial responsibilities regardless of your field of study. If you are unsure about your interest in finance, you may want to try taking an introductory course on Coursera to see if it is something you truly enjoy.

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What is a better choice, take a job at Infosys as a fresher or pursue an MBA at IIM Nagpur?

Nupoor Sinha Posted On : January 17th, 2023
PGP from Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur (Graduated 2022)

I cannot answer your question directly but I can direct you to answer it yourself. Choosing something related to your career requires constant analysis of your own interests. 

Now let’s look at the 2 options you have. Taking a job at Infosys as a fresher or pursuing an MBA from IIM Nagpur. One choice may be right for someone and wrong for the other person. So it’s up to you to decide.

You should join Infosys only if you are interested in solving technical problems. You will be trained at the training facility at Mysore and made to inculcate impeccable technical skills. You will be dealing with the technological aspects of the company. like working on features of a product, and solving/reporting bugs for a product. Your future job prospects include becoming a Technical Analyst, Tech lead, or other tech-savvy roles. You need to have a serious interest in this area if you choose this option.

You should pursue an MBA from Nagpur or any other IIM only if you are interested in solving business problems. Here you will be taught by world-class faculty for 2 years who will teach you the various dimensions of business management. You will have to participate in case studies, quizzes, classroom participation, presentations, group assignments, club activities, etc. During the second year, you can focus on one or two of your favorite domains. MBA will open doors for big placement offers.

So what matters, in the end, is what you want to do in life and what you are passionate about.

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How is life after completing an MBA from IIM Nagpur?

Rushiraj Patel Posted On : January 17th, 2023
Data Science Manager at EY | IIM Alumni | 9+ yr Exp

Once you end your college life, life is not the same anymore. You end up missing every moment spent whether enjoying or studying for your exams. Once you step into the real world you realize it’s now that the real-life issues begin. I have listed some good and bad things you will experience as an IIM pass out

Good things

  • Your living standards will have been improved because of the high package you received
  • You will have a new circle of friends
  • Many aspirants will look to you for inspiration.

Bad things

  • As an IIM pass-out, you will have to live up to its name and brand. People will expect you to excel in whatever you do.
  • You will be mistaken as arrogant because of your IIM tag
  • High tax payments have to be made
  • You have to repay the educational loans you have taken and sometimes it takes years to do so 

Apart from these situations, you might face serious criticism if you give up your job and initiate entrepreneurship.

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Should I spend 2 lakhs on a certification course from IIM Lucknow and Wiley in Product Management? However, I would want to change my job role from Business Development to Product. Is this a good way?

Tithi Aggrawal Posted On : January 16th, 2023
Founder, NextBigWhat

You should not spend 2 lakhs on a product management certification course from IIM Lucknow and Wiley. There are several reasons for this:

  • A certification course only provides you with a certificate, not actual skills.
  • Product managers are never hired based on their certifications. That is something that no company ever does.
  • Theoretical skills are frequently taught in most B schools. Companies today have little time and patience for such talent unless you want to start as a fresher.
  • Consider the product management certificate to be an add-on rather than a core feature. This is the most important mental shift to make to get things started right.

If you want to move into product management, you should take the following steps:

  • Learn the fundamentals.
  • Begin observing your surroundings.
  • Begin to wonder why some things work and others don't.
  • Begin writing. Writing clarifies things. A product manager's most important skill is writing.
  • Next, analyze a product (any of your favorites) to understand the user experience and product decisions (for example, why did WhatsApp launch the basic group admin feature after so many years, why did hike shut down despite massive funding/userbase, and so on).

Recognize that product management is a skill, and that there is a HIGH demand for skilled professionals. Where you begin (as a newcomer vs. an experienced professional) is determined by your ability to learn.

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How much does a student earn in UAE?

Jasmine Grover Posted On : January 13th, 2023

While working part-time in UAE students may earn up to 15 to 20 AED (338 to 450 INR) per hour and 160 AED (3,600 INR) per month. To work part-time students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.2 every semester. International students may work 15 hours to per week 60 hours per month during semesters. During holidays, the students may work 40 hours per week to 160 hours per month.

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Can I work and study in UAE?

Mayank Badhwar Posted On : January 13th, 2023

Many international students in the UAE look for part-time jobs in order to meet their daily expenses. Until now, international students were not eligible to work part-time while studying in UAE. Now, all international students may work part-time on meeting certain legal requirements. To be able to work part-time in UAE, the students must carry University sponsorship as work permit.

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Is joining new IIMs (Ranchi, Trichy, Udaipur) worth it? How will be the career growth after an MBA from new ones?

Arvind Balakrishnan Posted On : January 13th, 2023
99.22 CAT'16, PGPM at MDI Gurgaon

The career growth offered by the new IIMs is difficult to analyze as they haven’t been established for long. One cannot infer their worth easily as its alumni are yet to establish themselves in the corporate world. It will take a few more years to determine the growth of CEO alums career-wise.

If you are concerned about the general job prospects, try going through the placement reports of these IIMs. You will get a general idea of the packages and roles offered.

To know if the new IIMs are worth going for, you need to check what you are expecting from these B Schools. If you are looking for basic learning and a small push to kickstart your career, the new IIMs will benefit you. But if you are on the lookout for high ROI, the new IIMs may or may not satisfy your expectations.

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I would like to know the career prospects after completing the PGPBM program from IIM Trichy (Chennai campus) or similar courses other than the regular PGP course from IIMs like the EPGP, etc.?

Aija Manoj Posted On : January 13th, 2023
PGDM from Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India (Graduated 2018)

The one-year MBA programs are full-time residential courses offered by various IIMs. These programs have a lot of credibilities. Some major shifts you will experience after completing this program are

  • Your Management skills will have been upgraded
  • You will be offered better placement opportunities ranging from mid to senior sector roles depending on your profile and past experience
  • You will receive high package offers

The admission process is quite a task with great competition. Even after you join, you will be facing industry experts and talented people thereby increasing the competition.

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