IIM CAP 2023: Registration (Started), CAT 2022 Cut off, Admission Criteria, Participating IIMs

IIM CAP 2023 is the common selection process conducted for the 9 participating new and baby IIMs- IIM Bodh Gaya, Kashipur, Raipur, Ranchi, Sambalpur, Sirmaur, Trichy, Udaipur, Jammu. IIMs have announced their qualifying CAT 2022 Cut off and admission criteria for 2023-25 batch.

IIM CAP Admission Process involves three stages: Shortlisting of candidates on the basis of their CAT score, Screening of candidates for WAT-PI, and Calculation of Composite Score and Final Selection. Check IIM Shortlist Criteria

IIM CAP 2023 counselling personal interview round will be conducted for the shortlisted candidates in February 2023. Check IIM PI Preparation Tips

Other IIMs have also released their admission criteria for the 2023-25 batch. The candidates will be called based on their CAT Scores and CAT Cut Off. Candidates meeting the qualifying CAT Cut off need to fill the online application form for the respective IIMs. In the next stage, the candidates will be screened based on their CAT Score and the Academic Scores at the Undergraduate, HSC, and SSC levels. Next, the composite score will be calculated based on various parameters like graduation marks, work experience, etc.

IIM Ahmedabad will likely release its PI shortlist in February 2023. Candidates can check their PI shortlist status by entering their CAT 2022 registration number and email id on the official website. Check CAT IIM Ahmedabad Admission.

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IIM CAP (Common Admission Process) for 2023-25 Batch

IIM Common Admission Process or IIM CAP is conducted for admission in the new IIMs. This year, IIM Udaipur is responsible for conducting the CAP 2023 process.

  • In IIM CAP counselling process, common rules, guidelines, or criteria are followed to offer admission to CAT qualified students. 
  • IIM CAP counselling PI rounds will be conducted in online mode. However, the detailed information will be shared with shortlisted candidates.
  • IIM Bodhgaya, IIM Kashipur, IIM Sambalpur, IIM Sirmaur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Trichy, IIM Udaipur, IIM Jammu, and IIM Raipur will participate in the CAP counselling.
  • Unlike last year, IIM Jammu has released its own qualifying criteria.

IIM CAP Counselling through CAT 2022: Dates

Events Dates 
CAP registration starts January 12, 2023 
Last date for CAP registration

January 22, 2023 (Extended)

Intimation for Personal Interview Second week of February 2023
Personal Interview Phase I February 13 – 18, 2023
Personal Interview Phase II February 20 – 25, 2023
Personal Interview Phase III February 27 – March 4, 2023

CAP 2023: Important Instructions for Attending Online Personal Interview

Requirements for Online Personal Interview

  • Desktop/Laptop with camera
  • Headphone
  • Microphone
  • Stable and high-speed Internet connection
  • Stationery items like blank sheets, pens, pencils, etc.
  • Install Zoom software
  • A white or a clear background of a lighter color to ensure better visibility
  • A valid photo ID for verification

Instructions for Online Personal Interview

  • Click on the provided link to attend the online personal interview through the Zoom platform on the designated date and time.
  • For the forenoon slot, candidates should join by 9:30 am and for the afternoon slot by 1:30 pm.
  • No one other than the candidate should be present in the room during the PI process.
  • The audio and video should be kept on throughout the PI session. Use of any recording devices is prohibited.

CAP 2023 Counselling: Documents Required

Candidates need to keep the following documents for CAP counselling registration.

  • Soft copy of the Photograph (Less than 100 KB).
  • Soft copy of the Signature (Less than 100 KB).
  • Photo Identity Card Document
  • CAT 2022 Score Card
  • 10th & 12th Marksheet with a pass certificate
  • Graduation related certificates:
    • Graduation Marksheet of all semester/years.
    • Degree Certificate is required for those who have completed the graduation before 2021.
    • Provisional Degree Certificate is required for those who have completed the graduation in 2022 but have not received the degree certificate.
    • Certificate and mark sheets of any other degree-Masters/Professional Qualification as mentioned in the CAP Registration form.
  • Experience related certificates:
    • Please do not consider training and apprenticeship as an experience.
  • Provide a valid caste certificate (NC-OBC/SC/ST) as per the format. 

CAT IIM Shortlisting Process

CAT IIM Counselling Dates 2022

Different IIMs will release a shortlist of the candidates who will proceed to the next stage of the CAT admission procedure. This shortlist is released on the official website of the respective IIM. The status of the shortlist as per the IIMs is updated in the table below. Read New IIMs CAP Shortlist & Admission Criteria

IIMs IIM Shortlist Start Date
IIM Ahmedabad Shortlist & Admission Criteria AWT-PI Shortlist Release (Out)- January 8, 2023
IIM Indore Shortlist & Admission Criteria PI Shortlist Release Date- January 20, 2023
IIM Jammu Shortlist & Admission Criteria CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Kozhikode Shortlist & Admission Criteria Stage 1 Registration Last Date – January 12, 2023
IIM Amritsar Shortlist & Selection Process Stage 1 Registration Start Date – January 12, 2023
IIM Visakhapatnam Shortlist & Admission Criteria Stage 1 Registration – January 6 to February 28, 2023
IIM Bodhgaya Shortlist & Selection Process CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Raipur Shortlist & Selection Process CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Udaipur Shortlist & Admission Criteria CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Kashipur Shortlist & Selection Process CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Trichy Shortlist & Admission Criteria CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Banglore Shortlist & Admission Criteria

Release of Shortlist for PI- January 15, 2023

Last Date for confirmation for PI- February 2023

IIM Calcutta Shortlist & Admission Criteria

Release of Shortlist- January 13, 2023

Last Date for Registration- February 2023

IIM Lucknow Shortlist & Admission Criteria

Release of Shortlist (Out)- January 4, 2023

Last date of Registration- January 7, 2023

IIM Shillong Shortlist & Admission Criteria PI Shortlist Release Date- January 20, 2023
IIM Rohtak Shortlist & Selection Process Stage 1 Registration Last Date – January 5, 2023
IIM Ranchi Shortlist & Admission Criteria CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Nagpur Shortlist & Selection Process Last Date of Stage 1 Registration- March 10, 2023
IIM Sambalpur Shortlist & Selection Process CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023
IIM Sirmaur Shortlist & Selection Process CAP Registration Last Date – February 1, 2023

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IIM Counseling CAT Cut off 

Student Category Quantitative Aptitude Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning  Verbal & Reading Comprehension  Total (Overall Percentile)
General 70 70 70 92
EWS 40 40 40 70
NC-OBC 45 45 45 74
SC 35 35 35 54
ST 32.5 25 25 40
DAP 32.5 25 25 40

Key Points of CAT IIM CAP Process

CAT admission process of new IIMs is the same as older IIMs. The qualifying CAT cut off and the weightage of various selection parameters are also common to these new nine IIMs. 

  • Shortlisting of candidates based on CAT Cut off. 
  • Written Ability Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview.
  • Final Admission to offer to candidates based on composite CAT scores. 

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CAT Counselling Process 2022

The 3 stages involved in the CAT Counselling or selection process are:

  • Stage 1: Shortlisting of Candidates – Based on CAT qualifying cut off released by the institute's candidates will be shortlisted for stage 2. 
  • Stage 2: WAT, GD, PI – In the second stage candidates will have to appear for WAT, GD, or PI rounds. 
  • Stage 3: Calculation of Composite Score – Based on various parameters the final composite is calculated and based on that admission offers will be made to candidates. 

In the below headings all the stages have been explained in detail for a better understanding of candidates. 

Written Ability Test

CAT Written Ability Test 2022

The Written Ability Test or the WAT is preferred by most IIMs instead of the Group Discussion. Last year, most of the IIMs did not conduct the WAT round due to COVID-19. However, this year, some IIMs will conduct WAT. Major Highlights of WAT are as follows - 

  • WAT assesses a candidate's critical thinking and communication skills.
  • The test is scored on the basis of the following aspects: 
    • Clarity of Thought in the Written Ability Test
    • Simplicity of Expression
    • Comprehensiveness of Perspective
    • Robustness of Reasoning 
  • The weightage for the WAT uaually varies from 10% to 30% of the total score depending on the IIM. 
  • WAT Duration: 
    • The time given to complete WAT varies depending on the IIM. 
    • It can be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. 
  • Questions Asked - Essay Type
  • Here are the some of the important topics for WAT - 
WAT Important Topics
Media Influence Corruption in India
Women’s Reservation Bill Should Petroleum Subsidy go away? 
Social Activism is necessary for survival of democratic society  GST: Aim to take economy on faster growth path
Demonetization in India: Decision is more appreciated than criticized Ethics and morals cannot be taught in classrooms only
Browsing at Workplace affects productivity RERA should win the trust of home buyers
Aadhar -Utility is more than perceived Beti Bachao Beti Padhao will change the orthodox mindset?
Global economic slowdown COVID-19 Pandemic
Article 370 Abrogation Farm Bills 2020: Protests and more
Digital India Make in India
Union Budget of India Privatization of the Indian Economy

Read CAT WAT and PI Experiences

CAT WAT Duration

The duration for WAT differs based on the IIM of choice. They can usually be anywhere between 15-30 minutes and are essay tests. Based on the past trends, given below is the word limit and the duration for the Written Ability Test: 

B-School Time Limit (in minutes) Suggested Word Limit
IIM Ahmedabad 20-25 300+
IIM Bangalore 30 400
IIM Calcutta 20-25 400
IIM Lucknow 15-20 200+
IIM Indore 20-25 250
IIM Kozhikode 25 300
IIM Shillong 20-25 300
New IIMs 25-30 300
FMS 20-30 300
IIFT 20 300+

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Personal Interview

CAT Personal Interview 2022

  • It is conducted in most IIMs and is an extremely crucial round for the selection procedure. 
  • The selection panel for PI usually involves 2-4 experts. 
  • This is a crucial part of the selection, and the key to succeeding this round is to be very confident and expressing yourself clearly. 
  • The questions asked in an IIM interview range from questions about Personal life, Academic Record, Extra-curricular activities, work experience, outlook on contemporary issues, etc.

CAT PI Things to Remember

There are some important things to remember while attending the CAT PI. Here are some of the key things to remember: 

  • Remember to present yourself well, i.e. be well dressed and well-groomed. 
  • Work on your language skills and presentation skills. 
  • Try to practice public speaking. 
  • Sometimes, the interviewers can ask abstract questions based on anything in your call letter. For Instance, interviewers have asked why a candidate's email has 1990 in it instead of their actual birth year. 
  • Answer to the point and do not speak too much.
  • Do not give cliched or obvious answers.
  • Interviewers will notice your non-verbal cues/body language while responding.

CAT PI Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions in CAT PI - 

  • Tell us something about yourself.
  • How did you choose MBA as your career? Why?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • Tell us the reasons to select you.
  • Do you have any regrets? (Academic-related, life-related, etc.)
  • Past- related Questions.
  • Why do you choose to join IIM (city)?
  • Discuss your strengths/weaknesses.
  • Questions from your GD. 
  • Do you have any questions from us?

Reservation Criteria

Admission in Non-IIMs through CAT 2022

CAT 2022 Scores are accepted by more than 1000 MBA colleges in India. The top non-IIM colleges in India are The selection process for Non-IIMs also includes:

  • Releasing CAT Cut off and Shortlisting of candidates based on CAT scores: The institutes release their respective CAT cut offs after the declaration of CAT results and shortlist candidates for GD-PI rounds based on CAT scores & percentile.
  • GD-WAT-PI rounds: Some institutes conduct all the 3 rounds while others may conduct either the GD or the PI round.
  • Final Merit List: The final merit list is prepared by assigning different weightage to various parameters including CAT scores, GD-WAT-PI scores, Academic record, past work experience.

The top Non-IIMs in India that accept CAT scores are:

Institute Expected CAT 2022 Cut off
FMS Delhi 99+ percentile
IIT Delhi 98+ percentile
IIT Bombay 98+ percentile
IIT Madras 96+ percentile
JBIMS Mumbai 95+ percentile
SPJIMR Mumbai 90+ percentile
NITIE Mumbai 90+ percentile
IBS Hyderabad 85+ percentile

CAT Reservation Criteria 2022

A certain percentage of seats in IIMs are reserved for SC, ST, OBC and PWD candidates. The table given below provides an overview of the same:

Category Reservation (%)
Scheduled Caste (SC) 15
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 7.5
Non-Creamy – Other Backward Classes (NC-OBC) 27
People with Disability (PWD) 5
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Up to 10

CAT Seat Intake 2022

There are 20 IIMs across India that offer admission to different specializations of MBA. Here is the total seat intake of various IIMs is given below:

College Number of Seats College Number of Seats
IIM Ahmedabad 395 IIM Ranchi 185
IIM Bangalore 400 IIM Rohtak 264
IIM Calcutta 460 IIM Raipur 90
IIM Lucknow  500 IIM Trichy 240
IIM Indore 450 IIM Udaipur 325
IIM Kozhikode 480 IIM Kashipur 240
IIM Shillong 92 IIM Nagpur 130
IIM Visakhapatnam 120 IIM Sambalpur 90
IIM Bodh Gaya 120 IIM Jammu 90
IIM Sirmaur 120 IIM Amritsar 160

CAT IIMs Selection Criteria

CAT Counseling 2022 FAQs

Ques: Which IIM conducts CAT Counselling?

Ans: IIM CAT counseling is conducted by each of the IIMs for candidate’s admission in management programs in their institute. There is no particular IIM that performs centralized counseling for all management colleges. The admission process depends upon a candidate’s performance in the CAT exam. CAT Counselling will be conducted by IIM Indore. 

Ques: Which factor plays a major role in getting admission to one of the IIMs?

Ans: Candidate’s performance in CAT exam is a major role in securing a seat in any one of the IIMs. After clearing CAT Cutoff, candidates have to qualify WAT, GD, and PI. 

Ques: What are the documents required for CAT counseling?

Ans: The documents required for CAT counseling is given below:

  • CAT Scorecard
  • Class 10th Marksheet
  • Class 12th Marksheet
  • Passport Sized Photograph
  • Admit Card
  • Caste Certificate

Ques: What is the percentage reservation for different category candidates?

Ans: The reservation criteria for different categories are tabulated below:

Category Reservation (%)
Scheduled Caste 15%
Scheduled Tribe 7.5%
Non-Creamy Other Backward Classes 27%
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwD) 5%
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Up to 10%

Ques: On what basis do candidates are shortlisted for WAT/GD in IIMs?

Ans: Depending upon the candidate’s performance in CAT exam, IIMs shortlists the candidates for WAT and GD

Ques: What is the procedure to get an MBA admission in IIMs?

Ans: To get admission in MBA program of IIMs, candidates have to follow the steps given below:

  • Take CAT exam
  • Reach the cutoff laid down by IIMs
  • Get shortlisted for a further round of IIMs selection process
  • Appear and clear WAT and GD
  • Perform in PI and secure a seat in IIMs

Ques: Do class 10th and 12th aggregate considered in IIM admission process?

Ans: Yes, class 10th and 12th scores are also considered while offering admission to the candidates. Different IIMs have different percentage of weightage that is assigned to consider a candidate’s percentage in class 10th and 12th.

Ques: What are the number of seats offered by IIMs in MBA admission?

Ans: The approximate number of seats offered by IIMs is 3300 in total. This year, there may be a hike in seats offered by the IIMs into its management program.

Ques: Which IIM offers a maximum number of sears?

Ans: Though the number of seats offered by the IIMs may vary but depending upon the analysis, IIMs offering maximum seats into its management program are listed below:

  • IIM Ahmedabad
  • IIM Bangalore
  • IIM Calcutta
  • IIM Lucknow
  • IIM Indore

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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