CAT 2017 Question Paper: CAT 2017 was conducted on November 26, 2017, by IIM Lucknow in 2 slots. CAT 2017 Question Paper had 100 questions divided into 3 Sections - VARC (34), DILR(32), and QA(34). The exam duration was 3 hours. RC-based questions had the highest weightage of around 70% in CAT VARC. Check CAT 2022 Exam Pattern
CAT DILR was the toughest with a majority of the puzzles requiring advanced problem-solving skills. On the other hand, CAT Quantitative Aptitude was the easiest with arithmetic and algebra accounting for 67% of the questions. Candidates must solve CAT 2017 question paper with solution PDFs provided below to prepare for CAT 2022 exam.
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