Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies

Dr Vikas Misra is currently working as Campus Director in Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies Udaipur. His Professional Career span is of 25 Years. Dr Vikas Misra did his B.E in Mechanical Engineering in year 1995. In his interview he talks progressively about the mandatory approaches the institute has created for the development of the students. He appreciates the efforts faculty puts in to work and enhance the skills of the students. Furthermore, he mentions about the collaborations and integrations the institute has made for the students to fulfill the vision to create an environment that sustains academic excellence, and motivates and empowers students to be lifelong learners. He highlights how challenging times inspire and affect positive developments and the unanticipated pandemic has changed the pace at which the world is changing. In the later segment he emphasizes on how Engineering skills and knowledge are the foundation to technological innovation and development and how the institute has created positive healthy environment of teaching-learning process with Mantra of Innovation by Learning & Experimentation

We are continuously applying progressive methodologies and adapting to changing contexts

Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies has been the first and only college in Udaipur which is professionally run by leading corporate Industry, the Geetanjali Group. It is a mission-driven educational institution that has established a reputation in the field of technical and management innovation by continuously applying progressive methodologies and adapting to changing contexts. We have embraced participative involvement of all stakeholders and encourage democratic partnerships to work collaboratively with each other to advance the institution. Our mission and vision underlie the decisions taken making them more informed and effective. Our programmes create value by sharing knowledge, collaborating and develop a culture of healthy competition, to achieve big breakthroughs. I’m a firm believer of building a team by empowerment, giving flexibility to innovate, every person has got talent what we need is to give opportunity and mentorship. We provide our students opportunities to engage in experiments, project work, industrial training, seminars, and team work to develop skills of inquiring and exploring new ideas on their own.

Faculty at GITS is flexible to design and conduct training programs giving a chance to explore a wide range of subjects 

Engineering education currently is focused on completion of a well-defined university based standardized curriculum, which leaves room for institutes to independently conduct additional trainings and workshops to supplement the syllabus and fill the gap between academics and the skill-set required in industry. Faculty at GITS is flexible to design and conduct training programs giving a chance to explore a wide range of subjects. This allows students to decide their career path and open several new possibilities. Professors are approachable and provide their views and valuable insights to the students. Counselors also help students to deal with daily life challenges and develop an insight for making right decisions and improve their understanding of themselves, pattern of thoughts, behaviour and consequently tap into existing resources or develop new ones that enhance their academic and personal lives. 

We organize programs and cultural activities to familiarize and sensitize students from different backgrounds

GITS offers quality higher education at reasonable living costs and with English being the primary medium of instruction along with combination of mix address in Hindi as well. We organize programs and cultural activities to familiarize and sensitize students from different economic backgrounds, ethnicity, and religions. We uphold the principles of equality and do not discriminate among students from diverse backgrounds. Ensuring a uniform dress code also instills in the students a feeling of equality and oneness as well as improves intellectual self-confidence. 

Check Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies Courses & Fees

We have signed several Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with industries and companies to enhance the skills and technical aptitude of its students 

Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies (GITS) is the oldest ISO certified engineering college in the region and has become a Brand in itself in the field of academics, known for the quality education in Engineering, Business Administration, and Computer Applications. Over the years we have excelled and consistently continue its sustained efforts to improve the quality of technical education and innovatively adapt our teaching facilities to the fast changing global needs. 

GITS has signed several Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with industries and companies to enhance the skills and technical aptitude of its students specially geared to make them industry ready. Students getting trained under this MOU are getting placement opportunities with those Industries These collaborations and MoU’s provide industrial exposure to the students and faculty thereby, guiding and training them to upgrade to the new technologies, with the support and guidance from the industry. 

We aim to create an environment that sustains academic excellence, and motivates and empowers students to be lifelong learners

GITS endeavors’ to create an environment that sustains academic excellence, and motivates and empowers students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing society.

Our college has built a reputation for enabling constant all round development of students through sports, co-curricular and extracurricular activities that widen the scope of education and makes it more consequential.

We support collaborative learning, build positive relationships with the industry and provide exposure to our students which effectively allow them to engage in the real world, where qualities like problem solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating and innovating are inculcated. 

Challenging times inspire and affect positive developments 

I would like to begin on a positive note and emphasise that challenging times inspire and affect positive developments. Even though the current situation happens to be constraining the physical movements of young aspirants, it cannot restrain mental capabilities and intellectual growth. Students interested in being an engineer can opt for mentally stimulating exercises to hone their skills, opt for online courses to improve their critical thinking skills and abilities, learn new skills and pick new hobbies. 

Apart from developing the technical skills required for the industry, it is equally important to focus on enhancing one's individuality and make conscious efforts to empathise, be flexible and adapt to changes rapidly, and be a holistic thinker.

The world is changing at a rapid pace and this has been amplified by the unanticipated outbreak of the pandemic

The world is changing at a rapid pace and this has been amplified by the unanticipated outbreak of the pandemic. Its timing and impact will likely have significant consequences for many institutions and the world. Importantly in today’s times, students face unprecedented challenges and we collectively seek to balance engineering theory with practical skills, local knowledge with a global perspective and academic rigour with all-round development. Our college aims to help students understand that doing ‘good’ is as important as doing well. 

We encourage industry-institute interaction through our centers of excellence in collaboration with multinational companies

Our College is a Self-financed Institution with a state-of-the-art infrastructure that supports and encourages industry-institute interaction through its centers of excellence in collaboration with multinational companies like Siemens and Thermax to train the students on emerging technologies of Industry. Our dedicated and extremely committed faculty members impart up-to-date technical know-how using innovative practices and learning techniques blended with industry’s requirements. The campus provides modern facilities for training the youth in 360° learning frame-work to facilitate them for careers in IT, core engineering, Government sector, civil services, and other frontiers. We have had excellent placement records over the years and growing.

Click here Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies Placement

Engineering skills and knowledge are the foundation to technological innovation and development 

Engineering skills and knowledge are the foundation to technological innovation and development that help solve societal problems and challenges. Engineering has become the de-facto graduate degree for a large chunk of students today. The technologies have moved way ahead but we continue to teach outdated concepts to students. It is need of the hour to continuously adapt and improve the education and our understanding of cutting edge methods, knowledge-driven management, and synchronizing of academic knowledge with the needs of the industry. 

At GITS we have been improving education standards and evolving our undergraduate programs to make them more job centric and instill in the students the habit of up-skilling themselves and be life-long learners. For eg. I.T or Electronics engineers are given hands-on training beyond the course curriculum to apply basic principles and domain knowledge to solve real-world problems. 

We conduct numerous technical to strengthen domain knowledge and core technical skills as well as non-technical training to improve essential soft skills like problem-solving, creative thinking, team communication etc.

We have created positive healthy environment of teaching-learning process with Mantra of Innovation by Learning & Experimentation

Since its inception, GITS has created positive healthy environment of teaching learning process with Mantra of “Innovation by Learning & Experimentation” We have created an ecosystem of comprehensive development of our students for which our Faculties & Staff are proactively engaged in process of grooming our students so that they contribute to the growth of society & join hands in process of Nation Building.