In today’s world, every legal activity is governed by certain rules of the government. For instance, there are rules in the games which we need to follow to stay in the game. Similarly, there are rules that must be followed in order to stay within the lines of the constitutional law.
Definition of the Constitutional Law given in the Wikipedia - “It is a body of law which defines the role, powers, and structure of different entities within a state. The entities can be an executive, the parliament or legislature, and the judiciary.”
Therefore, to term, it simply is the body of rules, doctrines, and practices which govern the political communities. In recent times the most important political community is the state, which needs to protect certain fundamental rights of individuals. In the mid-20th century, this issue became the concern of supranational institutions.
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The law is often applied to cases that are argued in federal courts, which also includes the Supreme Court. Like other attorneys, constitutional lawyers can work as solo practitioners or as members of law firms. Professional duties include conducting legal research, discussing court cases with clients and colleagues, and arguing cases in court before a judge or judges.
How to become a Constitutional Lawyer?
Law aspirants who wish to serve as a constitutional lawyer must add the pointers given below:
Earn a Degree
The very first step towards this career would be to earn a Bachelor's degree in constitutional law. One can also pursue majors in history, political science or any other subject involving research and analytical thinking.
However, there are universities which offer a bachelor's degree directly in Constitutional law. One of them being UPES, Dehradun. The university offers a specialized degree in various fields of law like Criminal Law, Constitutional law and Energy Law.
Apply for Internships
In the second year of law, start applying for internships in your field. In many cases like UPES, which sends out its student to the industry training program to get them well-versed with the reality of industry set-up. This experience will help them to deal with the challenges, build their personality and will increase their chances of getting hired.
Qualify the Bar Exam
The bar exam is a comprehensive exam which covers all the major aspects of the law. It is essential for all the aspiring lawyers, as it enables them to practice at the state level. The questions in the exam are also framed out of constitutional law topic.
Apply for legal positions and get a skill set
A constitutional lawyer must have good analytical thinking with proper knowledge of the technicalities of constitutional law and its amendments. They should be fully aware of the Supreme Court decisions that have established new legal precedents.
Apart from this, it is important to be detail oriented and should interact with all their clients with excellent communication skills. They should know to work under pressure. One can apply for constitutional law-related legal positions in their area. Many large public policy institutes and think tanks, as well as state and federal government agencies, have regular openings or requirements of a constitutional lawyer.
Other Alternate careers
Apart from being a constitutional lawyer, students can also consider similar field like :
Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators
Arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators are more like counsellors who help people resolve their matters outside the court through their communication skills. Like lawyers, they use legal criteria and precedents to facilitate the resolution process.
The major responsibilities include - interviewing disputing parties and witnesses and preparing formal settlement agreements. A bachelor's degree is the minimum educational requirement for obtaining a position; some employers may prefer candidates with a law degree or a Master of Business Administration.
Paralegals and Legal Assistants
As the name suggests a paralegal or legal assistant, support the lawyers in organizing files, do the research work and prepare formal documents.
If you are a law aspirant and want to attain a degree in law, then opt for UPES. The university offers specialized courses in the field of law. You can apply here.