Weightage of Academics and Work Experience in CAT 2022

CAT 2022 will be conducted on November 27, 2022. IIMs release their own selection process and admission criteria. Apart from CAT 2022 scores, IIM Admission Criteria gives weightage to parameters like Class 10 Marks, Class 12 Marks, Graduation Marks, Work experience, and Gender Diversity. Higher marks in class 10, 12, or graduation can get you extra points or marks in the final selection process. As per the admission criteria 2023-25, IIM Lucknow will give a weightage of 10 marks in the final score calculation to class 12 and graduation marks. Read IIM Shortlist and Admission Criteria

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Work experience accounts for a weightage of 0-10 marks in the admission criteria for the top IIMs. Although it is not mandatory to have work experience, a candidate with 2-3 years of work experience can gain 5-10 extra points in the final selection process. 

Weightage given to Academic and Work Experience in CAT will be beneficial for candidates securing a comparatively lower CAT percentile. Such candidates still have a fair chance of admission in IIMs, provided they prove excellent academic profile, internships, and training, participation in extra-curricular such as debates and conferences, working experience in NGOs or corporations, and other professional achievements.

IIM Ahmedabad CAT Selection Process: Weightage of Academics and Work Experience

IIM Ahmedabad Selection Parameters

IIM Ahmedabad selection criteria for class 10, class 12, graduation, and work experience is provided below. Changes, if any, announced by IIM Ahmedabad for the 2023-25 admissions will be updated here.

IIM Ahmedabad Weighatge of Class 10 Marks

Class 10 score (in percentage)

Rating score : A

Less than or eual to 55 1
55-60 2
60-70 3
70-80 5
80-90 8
More than 90 10

IIM Ahmedabad Weighatge of Class 12 Marks

Science Stream Commerce Stream Arts Stream
Score in Class XII (in per cent) Rating score: B Score in Class XII (in per cent) Rating score: B Score in Class XII (in per cent) Rating score: B
Less than 55 1 Less than 50 1 Less than 45 1
55-60 2 50-55 2 45-50 2
60-70 3 55-65 3 50-60 3
70-80 5 65-75 5 60-70 5
80-90 8 75-90 8 70-85 8
More than 90 10 More than 90 10 85 10

IIM Ahmedabad Weightage of Bachelor’s Degree Examination

AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 AC-4 &AC-6 AC-5
Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C
Less than or equal to 55 1 Less than or equal to 50 1 Less than or equal to 55 1 Less than or equal to 60 1 Less than or equal to 50 1
55-60 2 50-53 2 55-60 2 60-65 2 50-55 2
60-62 3 53-55 3 60-65 3 65-70 3 55-60 3
62-65 5 55-57 5 65-70 5 70-75 5 60-65 5
65-70 8 57-63 8 70-80 8 75-85 8 65-75 8
More than 70 10 More than 63 10 More than 80 10 More than 85 10 More than 75 10

IIM Ahmedabad Weightage of Work Experience

Work Experience in Month (as on July 31, 2020)

Rating Score D

Less than 12 months


Greater than or equal to 12 months and less than or equal to 36 months

0.20*(Number of months of work experience - 11)

Greater than 36 months


Check Detailed IIM Ahmedabad Selection Criteria 

IIM Kozhikode Selection Parameters

IIM Kozhikode CAT Selection Process

Aggregated Index Score Computation Criteria for Shortlisting

Component Weight
CAT Index Score 45%
CAT 10th Percentage Score 30%
CAT 12th Percentage Score 15%
Gender/Academic Diversity Score 10%

IIM Bangalore Shortlisting Parameters

Check Detailed IIM Kozhiode Selection Criteria

IIM Bangalore CAT Selection Process: Weightage of Academics and Work Experience

For PI shortlist, IIM Bangalore assigns a weightage of 40% to CAT Score. The institute lays down a lot of emphasis on work experience and academics. 

The PI shortlist parameter followed for PGP admissions are tabulated below:

Parameter Weightage Details
CAT Score  40 Prescribed differently for each section
Class 10 marks 20 90% and above
Class 12 marks 10 90% and above
Bachelors Degree 20 Stream wise weightage
Gender diversity 2 Preference to Female candidates
Work Experience 8 3 years and more given maximum weightage

IIM Bangalore Final Selection Parameters

Parameter Weightage
PI 30
WAT 10
CAT Score  25
Class 10 marks 5
Class 12 marks 5
Bachelors Degree 10
Work Experience 10

Check Detailed IIM Bangalore Selection Criteria 

IIM Calcutta Calculation of Scores

IIM Calcutta CAT Selection Process: Weightage of Academics and Work Experience

The Composite Score is calculated on the basis of CAT score, Class 10 and Class 12 aggregate percentages and Gender Diversity Factor. For the 2023-25 batch, the weightage assigned to different parameters for calculating the composite scores for PI and WAT is tabulated below. Check Detailed IIM Calcutta Selection Criteria

Parameters Weightage
CAT 2022 Score 56 
Class 10 marks 10
Class 12 marks 15
Gender Diversity Factor 4
Total 85

The method of allotting points for class 10 and 12 percentages based on aggregate scores is mentioned below: 

Class 10 (marks in %) Points Class 12 (marks in %) Points
≥80 10 ≥80 15
≥ 75 and < 80 8 ≥ 75 and < 80 12
≥ 70 and < 75 6 ≥ 70 and < 75 9
≥ 65 and < 70 4 ≥ 65 and < 70 6
≥ 60 and < 65 2 ≥ 60 and < 65 3
< 60 0 < 60 0

The composite cut-off score is used for short-listing the candidates for the PI stage in each category. The number of candidates shortlisted for the PI stage would be the discretion of the institute and would depend on the number of seats available. 

IIM Lucknow CAT Selection Process: Weightage of Academics and Work Experience

The various components and their weightage which are considered by IIM Lucknow for 2023-25 admission are mentioned in the table below. Check Detailed IIM Lucknow Shortlist & Admission Criteria

Component PGP PGP – ABM PGP-SM
Scaled CAT 2022 score (CS) 60 60 60
Class 12 marks (12M) 10 10 10
Graduation marks (GM) 10 10 10
Work experience (WE) 10 0 10
Diversity Factor: (DFa): Academic Disciplines AD) 5 20 5
Diversity Factor (DFb): Gender 5 5 5

The final merit list will be generated out of 90 based on other factors mentioned in the table below:

Components Weightage
Common Admission Test (CAT) 30 35
Academic Performance (12th + Graduation) 5+5 5+5
Gender Diversity and Academic Diversity 5 5
Work Experience 5 NA
WAT 10 10
Personal Interview (PI) 40 40
Total 100 100

IIMs Shortlisting and Admission Criteria

Candidates have to know that a high CAT percentile does not guarantee a ticket to IIMs or FMS Delhi. One needs to fulfill all the criteria added by the committee this year. It is compulsory for all the aspirants to qualify in each 3 sections individually. The overall 99 percentile will not yield the expected result if a candidate does not qualify in each section, but if a candidate scores 94 percentile and qualifies each section his probability of getting admission will definitely increase.

Less Weightage to CAT Score   

  • IIMs and FMS have decided to give low weightage to CAT scores, as they have shifted their focus to candidates’ other essential skills.
  • Now IIM Lucknow, Calcutta, Ahmedabad have decided to give more weightage to Communication skills (verbal and written), academic profile, and work experience.

High Weightage to Academic Profile

  • Excellent performances at Class 10, 12 and graduation level can compensate for lower CAT percentile as high weightage will be given to overall academic profile.
  • Further, preference will be given to the candidates from Commerce, Arts, or any educational discipline other than engineering background.
  • This does not mean engineers will not be admitted but preference will be given to commerce students.

Work Experience

  • IIMs give almost 5-10 percent weightage to the candidates who have quality work experience in their respective fields.
  • It is informed that work experience of fewer than 6 months is not considered.
  • Aspirants can mention their internship as a work experience as well. If any candidate has worked with any NGO or contributed in any social cause are advised to mention it as their work of experience, it shows their potential as a leader.

Must Read News

Other IIMs CAT Admission Process & Weightage to Academics

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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