JEE Main 2023 B.Arch Syllabus (OUT): Download PDF with Topics & Sub-Topics, Question Paper, Preparation

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18 Mar, 2025 asds

No new changes have been made to JEE Main Syllabus for Paper 2. Topics in JEE Main B.Arch/B.Planning Syllabus PDF are the same as the previous year. Mathematics and Aptitude sections are the same for both JEE Main B.Arch Syllabus and JEE Main B.Planning Syllabus.

Check JEE Main 2023 Exam Dates 

Before preparing for the examination, candidates are advised to go through the syllabus as well as the B.Arch Paper Pattern. It will help the candidates to strategise their study plan accordingly. Knowing the exam pattern and syllabus of JEE Main B.Arch paper will give a deep insight about the topics, mode of the examination, what type of questions can be asked in the exam. 

Must Read: JEE Main vs JEE Advanced: What are the differences? - Check Here

​JEE Main 2023 B.Arch Syllabus- General Aptitude 

The Aptitude Test will analyze the candidate’s verbal, abstract/conceptual reasoning skills and numerical reasoning. The JEE Main B.Arch section comprises two parts. Candidates can refer to the topics mentioned below for preparing for Aptitude Test.

Sections Topic Name
Part 1 Awareness of Persons, Objects, Places, Buildings, Materials, Textures related to Architecture and build-environment, Visualizing different sides of three-dimensional objects, Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings, Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).
Part 2 Three-dimensional- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast. Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil, Transformation of forms in both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects, Creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms. Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, festivals, market, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc), landscape (riverfronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc) and rural life. 

Note: Candidates are advised to bring pencils, erasers, colour pencils, crayons and own geometry box for the Aptitude Test.

Topic-wise Weightage of General Aptitude Section 

Important Topics for Aptitude  Weightage
Awareness of persons, places, Building, Materials 2-3%
Objects, texture related to Architecture and build-environment 2-3%
Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings 3-4%
Visualizing Different sides of 3D objects 3%
Mental Ability 2%
Color Texture 1-2%
Analytical Reasoning 1-2%
3D- Perception and Appreciation of scale and proportion of objects 2-3%

Drawing Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 B.Arch Syllabus- Drawing

Basically, Drawing Test of JEE Main Paper 2 is based on the designing ideas. Check JEE Main B.Arch Syllabus for Drawing section tabulated below:

Serial Number Topic Name
1 Drawing and Designing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil
2 Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union
3 Development of Surfaces and Volumes
4 Generation of Plan
5 Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shapes and forms
6 Elevation and 3D views of objects rotation
7 Sketching of activities from memory of urban scenes

Click Here to download JEE Main B.Arch Official Syllabus Released by NTA

Mathematics Syllabus

JEE Main B.Arch Syllabus- Mathematics

Topic Sub-topics
Sets, relations and functions Sets, roster and set builder form of sets, Types of sets, subset, the proper and improper sets, Power set, universal set, union of sets, complement of sets, De-morgan’s Law, Ordered pairs, cartesian product, Relation, number of relation, types of relation, Functions, image, and Pre-image, Types of functions, Composition of function, condition for composite function, the property of a composite function, The inverse of a function
Complex numbers and quadratic equations Algebra of complex numbers, Modulus and argument of complex numbers, The complex conjugate of complex numbers and properties of complex numbers, Polar form representation and Euler form, Finding the square root of complex numbers and complex equations, De-moivre’s theorem, cube root and nth root of unity, Vector representation and rotation, The discriminant of quadratic equation, Nature of roots, the relation of coefficient and roots, Transformation of quadratic equations and condition of common roots.
Matrices and Determinants Matrix and operation on matrices, Types of matrix, Transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix, Conjugate of matrix, hermitian and skew-hermitian matrix, Determinant of matrix, Minor and cofactor of an element of matrix/determinant, Adjoint and inverse of a matrix, Elementary row operations and use in finding the inverse of a matrix, System of linear equations and Cramer’s Rule, System of homogeneous linear equations
Permutations and Combinations Fundamental Principle of Counting, Permutations as an Arrangement, Combinations as Selections, P (n,r) and C (n,r), Application of Permutation and Combination.
Mathematical Induction Principle of Mathematical Induction and it’s Simple Application, Principle of Mathematical Induction.
Binomial Theorem and its simple applications Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Index, Pascal’s Triangle, General Term, Middle Term, Properties and Application of Binomial Theorem.
Sequence and Series Sequences, Arithmetic and Geometric Progression, Arithmetic and Geometric Mean, Harmonic Progression, Sum up to n terms, Arithmetic-geometric series.
Limit, Continuity and differentiability Limits of a function, Properties of limits, Limits of polynomials and rational functions, Continuity of a function at a point, Discontinuity, Continuity of Composite Functions, Differentiability, Algebra of derivatives, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem (Lagrange).
Integral Calculus Introduction, integration as the inverse function of differentiation, Indefinite integral and properties of indefinite integral, Comparison between definite and Indefinite integral, Methods of integration, Integration by substitution, Integration using trigonometric identities, integration by partial fractions, integration by parts, Integrals of some particular function, Integrals of some special types, Definite integral and its properties, The fundamental theorem of calculus, Evaluations of definite integral by substitution.
Differential equations Order and Degree of a Differential equation, General and Particular solution, Formation of differential equations, Methods of solving different types of differential equations.
Coordinate Geometry Directrix, Latus Rectum, Slope and gradient, Focus and Eccentricity, Angle between two intersecting lines, their intersection points, parallel lines and collinear lines are the important terms of Coordinate Geometry.
Three dimensional Geometry Coordinate of a point in space, distance formula, Direction cosine and Direction ratio, The angle between two intersecting lines, Skew lines and the shortest distance between two lines, Equation of line and plane, The intersection of line and plane.
Vector Algebra Vector (Position Vector, Direction cosine), Types of vector, Vector Algebra, Detection Formula, Product of two vectors (Scalar and Vector product).
Statistics and Probability Independent Events, Dependent Events, Conditional probability, Random variables, etc.
Trigonometry Trigonometry Function and their Identities, Trigonometry Equation, Inverse Trigonometry.
Mathematical Reasoning Statements and types of statements, Basic logical connectives, conjunction, and disjunction, Negation, Conditional statements, The Contrapositive of conditional statements, the converse of conditional statements, Biconditional statements, Quantifiers, Validity of statements.

B.Arch Exam Schedule

JEE Main 2023 B.Arch Exam Schedule

JEE Main B.Arch paper 2023 will be conducted over two shifts:

Shifts Exam Start (tentative) Exam End (tentative)
Shift 1 9:30 AM 12:30 PM
Shift 2 2:30 PM  5:30 PM 

B.Arch 2020 Paper Analysis

JEE Main B.Arch Paper Analysis

We must take a look at last year’s paper in order to get a better understanding of how the paper might look this year.

  • According to JEE Aspirants and experts, JEE Main B.Arch 2023 paper was easy to moderate difficulty level.
  • It comprised of three sections i.e. Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Drawing. The time duration was three hours long in which 60 minutes were allotted to each section.
  • The Mathematics section had 25 questions while the Aptitude and Drawing section had 50 and 2 questions respectively.
  • Most of the aspirants found the Mathematics section more difficult than the rest of the sections. Candidates also stated that the questions asked in the exam were the tricky ones in this section.
  • In the General Aptitude section, there were questions like explaining 3D image, viewing the structure of a building from the top and having to match it with the options.
  • It had questions on mental ability and there were a few questions from theories.
  • Whereas, in the Drawing section, the candidates had to draw a gymnast and then use cylinders to make a composition.
  • In 2019, the Mathematics section of the JEE Main B.Arch paper was easier. According to the students, the questions were difficult as well as tricky in 2020.

Recommended Books

JEE Main B.Arch 2023 Recommended Books

Books  Author/Publisher
A Complete Self-Guide for B.Arch Entrance Examination P.K. Mishra (Arihant)
Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning Book R.S. Aggarwal
Complete Architecture Entrance Guide Ashok Goel and Arjun Kamal
B.Arch/NATA/JEE Main- Offline Drawing Test Nimish Madan
Mathematics XI & XII R.S. Agarwal
Elementary Mathematics DoroFeev, Potapov
Higher Algebra Hall & Knight

B.Arch Exam Pattern

JEE Main 2023 B.Arch Exam Pattern 

National Testing Agency has revised the exam pattern of JEE Main B.Arch paper. It consists of various details like, mode of the examination, duration of exam, number of questions, marking scheme, etc. Students are advised to check JEE Main B.Arch exam pattern before appearing for the examination:

  • Mode of Exam: JEE Main B.Arch paper comprises of three sections i.e. Mathematics, General Aptitude and Drawing. The drawing section will be conducted in offline mode only i.e. pen and paper based. However, Mathematics and Aptitude sections will be conducted in Online mode only i.e. Computer Based Test
  • Types of Questions: The Question paper will consist of MCQs and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) both.
  • Marking Scheme: Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for each correct answer whereas 1 mark will be deducted for the incorrect answer.
  • Exam Duration: The duration of the exam will be 3 Hours.
  • Total number of questions: The total number of questions asked in the exam will be 77.
  • Language of the exam: Hindi, English and Gujarati (only for centers in Gujarat, Daman and Diu, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli).

Check JEE Main 2023 Exam Pattern 

How to Crack JEE Main B.Arch Paper? 

JEE Main B.Arch Paper has a very tough competition in India and requires a lot of hard work to prepare for it. Every year lakhs of students appear for the entrance examination. Along with the hard work it also requires smart preparation. That’s why it’s important to learn tips and tricks that will certainly help you in increasing your speed and accuracy in the paper. Given below are a few tips to help you in JEE entrance exam.

  • Build a proper study plan: Usually, aspirants spend a lot of time on planning their studies, but they do not really execute them. Not executing the study plan eventually gives them half of the result as compared to what they expected. Planning is not just about preparing a study time table. Rather, prepare an effective plan that can be executed successfully. If you are not motivated to do what you are planning then definitely it is not going to work.
  • Analyse your strengths and weaknesses: When you start the preparation, you come across your strengths and weaknesses. It gives you an opportunity to work on your weak areas and bring forth your strengths. Working with your full potential will certainly help you to get higher ranks in the exam.
  • Practice Previous year question papers/sample papers: It is always advised to practice thoroughly. Sometimes examiners try to put questions in a tricky way in order to confuse the students about what is exactly being asked. There will be all sorts of tricks in play and it’s important for you to develop the ability to see through them and develop a clear understanding of the questions.
  • Plan how you will approach the exam: Before you appear for JEE Main B.Arch Paper, the most important aspect is to prepare the strategy on how you will approach the paper. As you do not have to attempt the questions as they have been numbered. Attend the paper in such a way that you do not waste your time in trying to solve the question that you are finding difficulty in. It would be better to start with the questions you are confident about.
  • Keep a positive attitude and balanced mindset: It is important for JEE Main architecture aspirants to keep a healthy mind set before appearing for the examination. With a clear mindset you will be able to concentrate and solve the questions with a positive mindset. Even if you find difficulty in solving a question, you won't lose your balance and it will help you to avoid negative effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

JEE Main 2023 B.Arch Syllabus FAQs 

Question: What type of questions are asked in the drawing section?

Ans. For drawing section, the candidates will have to prepare topics such as sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (festivals, market, street scenes, recreational spaces, monuments, public space, etc), landscape (river fronts, trees, plants, jungles, etc) and rural life.

Question: I want to attempt JEE Main 2023 Paper 2 (B.Arch). What are the subjects that are included in Paper 2?

Ans. For the B.Arch paper, candidates need to study Mathematics, General Aptitude and Drawing Skills. NTA releases the syllabus for the students to know which topics have to be studied for the preparation of the exam.

Question: In which mode will JEE Main Paper 2 be conducted?

Ans. The entrance examination will be conducted in Online mode. However, the drawing section will be held in offline mode. 

Question: Which topic has the most weightage in the general aptitude section?

Ans. Based on previous years trends, visualizing three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawing has the most weightage in the JEE Main B.Arch aptitude section

Question: What are the languages in which I can take JEE Main 2023 B.Arch?

Ans. JEE Main B.Arch can be taken in English, Hindi and Gujrati ( on in centres in Gujarat, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar haveli)

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Main 2025 : 17 Answered Questions

Ques. What marks and rank are required in the JEE Mains exam for CSE in NIT Trichy?

To get admitted to NIT Trichy in 2024 you will have to look at the category-wise cut-off given in the following table. Category Cutoff General 936-5164 EWS 1032-3280 OBC-NCL 1071-1778 SC 499-1450 ST 767-1472 If you are a General category student, you will need to secure 75% in your 12th board to be part of the top 20th percentile and for SC/ST students it is 65%. You will be considered for admission if your rank is higher than the closing ranks. In 2023, the cutoff for JEE Main was 358-14406 rank....Read More
Answer By  31 May 24
2 Answer

Ques. Can I get into NIT Calicut with 93 percentile in JEE Main?

For admission into NITs, you must have obtained a good percentile in JEE MAIN 2024. 93 percentile will roughly correspond to a rank between 81,351-82,500. Now, here are the previous year cutoffs for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut- 2023 JEE MAIN Cutoff for NIT Calicut (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats) Branch HS OS Bio Technology 44304 38003 Chemical 34186 30047 Civil Engineering 45465 37216 CSE 10512 5256 ECE 15076 9358 Electrical & Electronics 20628 14740 Engineering Physics 26910 18337 Materials Science and Engineering 39572 38388 Mechanical Engineering 26786 22734 Production Engineering 45059 36530 Based on the previous year cutoffs, you can analyse and understand the basic rank requirement for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut.  Unfortunately, 93 percentile ( a rank roughly between 81,351-82,500) is not enough to get you a seat in NIT Calicut.  But the situation may be different if you are a reserved category candidate. You can visit the official JoSAA website for more information on 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for NIT Calicut- More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. I got 95 percentile in JEE MAIN. Can I get admission into NIT Calicut with this score?

In general, candidates need a percentile between 85 to 95 for B.Tech admission in NITs.  However, this range may vary based on the categories of the students, and the NIT in question. Also, the admission depends on the rank obtained. Here are the expected 2024 cutoff percentile for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs- Expected JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs Category Percentile General 90+ PwD - EWS 74+ OBC 74+ SC 52 ST 37 I hope this answer provided you with some clarity on the expected cutoff percentile for B.Tech admission at top NITs like NIT Calicut. ...Read More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. What is the IIEST Shibpur Cutoff Rank in JEE Main for B.Tech admissions?

IIEST Shibpur is situated in West Bengal. It is a renowned institution that offers B.Tech courses to interested candidates. To gain admission into IIEST Shibpur, the candidates must meet the institution’s cutoff requirement. The cutoff is for the JEE Main exam, and those who fulfil this requirement have to attend the subsequent CSAB/JOSAA counselling. This cutoff serves as a benchmark, ensuring that only candidates who meet the specified rank can apply for the B.Tech programmes at IIEST Shibpur. Here is the 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech Admissions at IIEST Shibpur (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats)- IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Admissions  Branch HS OS Aerospace Engineering 33167 23280 Civil Engineering 49928 52036 Computer Science and Engineering 11666 13711 Electrical Engineering 23153 28582 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18868 21207 Information Technology 18259 16809 Mechanical Engineering 29101 37579 Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering 48023 51002 Mining Engineering 53265 54788 I hope you’ve got an idea of the JEE MAIN cutoff trend at IIEST Shibpur for its B.Tech admissions. ...Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 20,000 rank in JEE Main enough to get me a seat in DTU?

First of all, congratulations on securing such an impressive rank in JEE Main 2024. I am a second year B.Tech IT student at DTU. 20,000 is a pretty good rank and it will open ample branch options for you, even more if you are a Delhi Candidate. I have mentioned below the previous year JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU- JEE MAIN 2023 Cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU (General Category) Branch Non-Delhi Candidate Delhi Candidate B.Tech Computer Engineering 6,224 13,345 B.Tech Information Technology 8,047 16,364 B.Tech Software Engineering 10,742 19,967 B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 14,191 22,844 B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 17,427 31,328 B.Tech Electrical Engineering 26,778 45,966 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 34,761 58,304 B.Tech Engineering Physics 35,157 60,976 B.Tech Automotive Engineering 38,448 68,769 B.Tech Chemical Engineering 1,55,628 97,229 B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 1,67,573 99,535 B.Tech Civil Engineering 1,83,336 5,84,235 B.Tech Biotechnology 1,99,849 7,06,173 B.Tech Environmental Engineering 2,03,503 8,81,148 Unfortunately, a rank of 20,000 in JEE MAIN won’t fetch you a seat in Computer Engineering / IT / Software Engineering at DTU. You won’t get admission into Mathematics & Computing or ECE if you are a non-delhi candidate. But all the other branches will be most certainly open for you. In case you are a Delhi candidate, things will be even more in your favor. I hope you choose a good branch at DTU, and begin your journey at this esteemed engineering college....Read More
Answer By  24 May 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for choosing exam centers in India and countries other than India varies. Also, the application fee for the online and offline modes of examination differs.

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