JEE Main 2023 Physics Preparation: Resources, Study Material and Last Minute Preparation Tips

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18 Mar, 2025 asds

JEE Main Physics is an important component of the paper and requires regular practice and a good understanding of all principles and formulas relevant to it. Therefore, the first step to score high in this section is to grasp and memorize all of the relevant concepts and formulae as per JEE Main Physics Syllabus. That would help the students respond relatively smoothly to complex numerical problems. 

To have a full analysis of each and every concept for JEE Main 2023 Physics, students are advised to take topic-wise online test series. Try to link every concept to its practical application. 

Latest: Collegedunia's JEE Main 2023 Test Series Live, Get Online Mock Tests with Solution Here.

JEE Main Physics 2023: Study Notes and Topic Wise Weightage

Here is the chapter wise weightage for JEE Main Physics syllabus, based on the previous year trends.

Topics No of Questions Weightage
Electrostatics 1 3.33%
Current Electricity 3 10.00%
Capacitor 1 3.33%
Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism 2 6.67%
Alternating Current 2 6.67%
KTG & Thermodynamics 2 6.67%
SHM 1 3.33%
Sound Waves 1 3.33%
KInematics 1 3.33%
Work Power Energy 1 3.33%
Laws of motion 1 3.33%
Centre Of Mass 2 6.67%
Rotational Dynamics 2 6.67%
Modern Physics 2 6.67%
NLM 1 3.33%
Elasticity 1 3.33%
Wave Optics 2 6.67%
Error 1 3.33%
Circular Motion 1 3.33%
Electromagnetic Waves 1 3.33%
Semiconductors 1 3.33%
Communication System 1 3.33%
Total 30 100%

Part A: Theory Preparation

JEE Main 2023 Physics Part A: Theory Preparation Tips

Once you understand the topic-wise weightage and the number of questions that could be asked, you can develop a good approach towards preparation of important topics. 


Mechanics is one of the topics with the highest weightage. It consists of 9 chapters. While preparing for this topic, consider the weightage of each chapter and dedicate an appropriate amount of time and effort.

Some of the important concepts for your preparation in Mechanics are

Dimensional and error analysis
Acceleration due to gravity
Conservation of momentum & energy and collisions
Equations of motion
Kepler’s laws
Mechanics of common forces
Moment of inertia and dynamics of rotational motion
Pascal’s law, Bernoulli’s principle, viscosity and Reynolds’ number
Potential energy of a spring
Projectile and circular motion
Relative motion
Simple Harmonic motion
Standing waves & Beats, Doppler effect
Transverse and longitudinal waves: superposition and reflection

Electrostatics and Magnetism

This section needs an utmost clarity of concepts. Almost 4 questions are asked every year from electrostatics in JEE Main. Concept of Physics by HC Verma is a good book to cover core fundamentals and also contains good quality numerical solved questions.

Some of the important concepts in Electrostatics and Magnetism for your preparation are -

Ampere's Circuital law
Bandwidth and modulation of signals in communication systems
Bar magnet and magnetic field lines
Biot-Savart Law
Capacitance and Capacitors
Continuous charge distribution and Gauss’s Law
Electric charge and Coulomb’s Law
Electric field, field lines, flux
Electromagnetic waves and spectrum
Electrostatic potential and work done
Electrostatics of conductors and Dielectrics
Force between two parallel currents
Motion in electric and magnetic fields and Cyclotrons
Potential energy in an external field
The earth’s magnetism
Torque on current loop and magnetic dipole


This is one of the scoring topics and contains some important chapters like Huygens principle. To get a grasp of these topics, go through advanced optics, understanding physics for JEE Main and Modern Physics by DC Pandey.

Heat and Thermodynamics

  • Clearly know all of your basics regarding this JEE Main Physics portion. 
  • Understand the principles of Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Joules Law and the First Law of Thermodynamics. 
  • Practice model papers on Carnot Engine - Efficiency and Coefficient of Performance.
  • Kinetic Theory of Gasses is a portion that can be easily solved with practice. 

Some of the important concepts in Heat and Thermodynamics for your preparation are -

First Law of Thermodynamics and Heat Capacity
Heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps
Heat transfer
Law of equipartition of energy, specific heat capacity and mean free path
Newton’s Law of Cooling
Reversible and irreversible processes and Carnot engine
Second law of thermodynamics
Specific Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
Thermodynamic state variables, equation of state and thermodynamic processes
Transfer of Thermal Expansion

Motion of System, Particles and Rigid Body

  • Questions for determining torque and moment of inertia of regular bodies using the theorem of parallel and perpendicular axes is considered an essential section in JEE Main Physics. Train more for questions like these. 
  • Practice numerical based questions on angular momentum, conservation and rolling motion. 
  • Circular Motion problems are easy for the candidates to answer. Do practice answering these questions. 


  • Kinematics is the most important segment of JEE Main Physics. This chapter is considered simple and interesting by most students. 
  • In JEE Main Physics, problems focused on finding maximum height, range, flight time, and velocity at any point in the trajectory are considered important. Practice is important. 
  • Make copies of all important formulae, theorems and derivations. That will help you prepare at the last minute. 
  • Gain clarity on the definitions of displacement, acceleration, average velocity, and relative velocity.

Modern Physics 

One of the important topics for JEE Main and JEE Advanced, this is a scoring section. Sub topics in this section to be covered up include radioactive substances, nuclear fusion and fission, dual nature of matter and x rays. Bohr’s model should not be forgotten. The trick to ace this section includes solving numerical problems.

NCERT is the best source to cover up the basics. Then students can move onto HC Verma for covering up the theory part and 3000 numerical problems by Schaum for practice.

  • This topic is where you can score a lot of marks in the JEE Main Physics section. You can begin with studying Radioactive Decay of Substances, Nuclear Fission and Fusion, Dual Nature of Matter, X-rays and Bohr’s Model.
  • You can get your basic concepts clear with NCERT Physics. 
  • To study the theory part, refer to ‘Concepts of Physics’ by H.C Verma. For numerical, refer to ‘3000 Solved Problems in Physics’ by Schaum. 

Collegedunia Tip: Make short note and flash cards

This is a good reference tactic during the last days of the exam. Make short notes of each topic that you cover during preparation . This will allow you to check marks for topics while revising without going into details and opening textbooks. Make flash cards for tricks and formulas

Part B: Practical Preparation

JEE Main Physics Part B: Practical Components Preparation Tips

While preparing and revising the physics syllabus candidates must take note of part B which states that 20% weightage of the entire paper will be given to practical components that are experimental skills. As every mark counts it is advised to gain maximum benefits from attempting this section the right way and get the maximum scores. The questions are quite simple and based on the following topics:

Vernier callipers: its use to measure the internal and external diameter and depth of a vessel.
Screw gauge: its use to determine thickness/diameter of thin sheet/wire.
Simple Pendulum: dissipation of energy by plotting a graph between square of amplitude and time.
Metre Scale: the mass of a given object by the principle of moments.
Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a metallic wire.
The surface tension of water by capillary rise and effect of detergents.
The coefficient of Viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring the terminal velocity of a given spherical body.
Plotting a cooling curve for the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time.
The speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube.
The specific heat capacity of a given solid and liquid by method of mixtures.
The resistivity of the material of a given wire using a meter bridge.
The resistance of a given wire using Ohm’s law.
Potentiometer: Comparison of emf of two primary cells and Determination of the internal resistance of a cell.
Resistance and figure of merit of a galvanometer by half deflection method.
The focal length of a Convex mirror, Concave mirror, and Convex lens using the parallax method.
The plot of the angle of deviation vs angle of incidence for a triangular prism.
Refractive index of a glass slab using a traveling microscope.
Characteristic curves of a p-n junction diode in forward and reverse bias.
Characteristic curves of a Zener diode and finding reverse breakdown voltage.
Characteristic curves of a transistor and finding current gain and voltage gain.
Identification of Diode, LED, Transistor, IC, Resistor, and Capacitor from mixed collection of such items.
Using the multimeter to: (i) Identify base of a transistor (ii) Distinguish between NPN and PNP type transistor (iii) See the unidirectional flow of current in case of a diode and an LED (iv) Check the correctness or otherwise of a given electronic component (diode, transistor or IC).

Collegedunia Tip: Stress Buster

Do take out time for an activity that you love doing, this will release the excess stress accumulated. A small walk, some recreational activity or anything else. Sitting all day continuously is not a healthy practice. Finish a topic and opt for a break.

Must Read Interviews of JEE Main Toppers (NTA Score 100)

Last Minute Preparation Tips

JEE Main Physics Last Minute Preparation

  • Focus on your strong points, don't start anything new: Rely on your strong points and ensure no question from these areas is left or is incorrect. Last minute is not the time to start anything new. Hone and sharpen strong areas.
  • Revise important formulae: Take reference of short notes and flash cards created to revise formulas and tricks. This is not an appropriate time to go through details in the books. Revise those topics that carry a high weightage and have dominated question papers of the last few years.
  • Go easy with the mock test: Certain students get affected by the hype of solving practice papers and spend too much of time on that. While mock tests are essential, just blindly practicing them will bear no fruit. It is important to solve one to two mock tests each day, analyse them and work on the weak points. This ensures that mistakes made are not repeated on the exam day. A bad mock test should not demoralise a candidate, rather help in improving.
  • There is no room for self doubt: Any bad practice session or mock test or peer pressure should not demotivate you. The last few days are crucial so keep yourself mentally strong. Revise topic wise, practice questions based on that and move on to the next topic without any doubt.
  • Take timely breaks: Continuous study can cause fatigue, thus it is advised to take small breaks after every hour or so to break the monotony and keep the momentum high. Though the breaks should be timely and as per schedule to ensure there is no wastage of time.
  • Eat healthy and get some good sleep: Depriving yourself of sleep in the last few days can cause high stress levels and lack of concentration. Thus ensure a good amount of sleep and relaxation. Eat healthy, avoid junk and try to keep fit especially in the last few days before the actual exam.
  • Avoid Preparation Discussion: Over Discussing preparation levels with friends and family can increase anxiety in aspirants. 

Ideal way to Score 100+ in JEE Main Physics section

  • Practice Previous Year Question Papers: Solving previous year question papers will give an idea on what kind of questions are asked and in which domain you lack knowledge. Enhance your score by practicing a varied number of questions.
  • Shortcuts and formulae: To ace numerical type of questions formulae play an important role. Mugging up formulae will help arrive at the solutions quickly. If effort is taken to understand them, formulae can be derived on their own.
  • Time Management: Students should not spend more than 45-50 minutes in physics as 30-40 % questions are theoretical in nature, thus can be attempted in less than a minute And as they say every second saved is a second earned.
  • Elimination of Wrong Answers: At the first instance, elimination of options that seem incorrect by intelligent guessing and wisdom can lead to solving questions the right way and even arriving at the correct answer.
  • Easy question first: It is advised to solve easy and approachable questions first. This will maximise the number of questions attempted and help you score good marks. Time left can be spent on questions that are remaining.

JEE Adv vs JEE Main vs NEET Phy

JEE Main vs JEE Advanced Physics Topic Wise Comparison

Candidates who attempt JEE Main wish to clear it and make it to the advanced level. Thus a comprehensive preparation for both the exams should be kept in mind. Several topics are covered under the domain of both the exams whereas certain topics are exclusive to each. Let's have a look at the difference of topics in the chemistry section: 

Common Topics Topics in JEE Main and not in JEE Advanced Topics in JEE Advanced and not in JEE Main
Kinematics Electronic devices Kirchoff’s laws
Gravitation Oscillators Newton's law of cooling
Laws of Motion Electronic Waves Black body radiation
Optics Electromagnetic Spectrum Absorptive and Emissive power
Waves Communication System Stefan’s law
Electromagnetic Induction Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Wien's displacement law

NEET Physics Preparation vs JEE Physics Preparation

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an admission examination to engineering colleges while the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is an admission examination for medical colleges. Both examinations are conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). JEE and NEET have a Physics segment with a few similarities and differences. 

Pattern NEET Physics Pattern  JEE Main Physics Pattern 
Number of Questions  45 Questions 25 Questions
Total Marks 180 Marks 180 Marks
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs); 5 Numericals 
Marking Scheme + 4 for the correct answer, -1 for an incorrect answer + 4 for the correct answer, -1 for an incorrect answer for MCQs; + 4 for the correct answer, 0 for an incorrect answer for Numericals
Exam Mode Offline (Pen and Paper Test) Online

It is important to note that the preparation strategies for NEET Physics and JEE Physics differ considerably. NEET Physics expectations are not as high as those of JEE Physics because it is an entrance exam to medical colleges while JEE is for engineering colleges. 

  • While preparing for NEET Physics, one must not refer to books of JEE Physics because NEET does not require you to solve the complex numericals asked in JEE Advanced. This is also because NEET aspirants usually opt out of Mathematics after Class 10 while JEE aspirants have a strong relationship with Mathematics. 
  • The exam pattern of NEET Physics and JEE Physics differs considerably. Therefore, preparation strategies must be formed accordingly. 
  • NEET Physics asks only MCQs while JEE Physics asks MCQs and numericals. Practice should be done keeping this in mind. 
  • NEET Physics preparation must be lighter than JEE Physics preparation due to the nature of the difficulty of questions. JEE Physics requires more intense practice with complex numericals. 

Books and Other Resources

NCERT and Other Books for JEE Main Physics

NCERT Physics has all the important preparation topics to crack JEE Physics. Students require a lot of practice with NCERT books to ace the Physics section in JEE. NCERT Physics Solutions have been curated by subject matter experts after extensive research to provide the best study material for JEE Physics. The concepts are explained in a learner-friendly manner which makes it easy for students to understand and apply the concepts. Students preparing for JEE Physics can revise efficiently with NCERT books. They are the best resources for developing strong fundamentals in Physics and work on your weak areas. 

Sources - Online versions from NCERT official website 

NCERT Physics for Classes 11 and 12 are the best books for JEE Main Physics preparation. You should consider these books as a Bible because about 50 percent of questions from the JEE Main Physics section come from NCERT Physics books.

H.C Verma Solutions are known to be the most sought-after study materials for JEE Main Physics. They provide conceptual clarity and in-depth knowledge of core concepts. Every chapter includes multiple-choice questions, varied approaches, numerical problems, analytical questions, brief answers and more. H.C Verma Solutions give clear and succinct explanations that can help students develop a strong fundamental base in physics. Preparing from H.C Verma Solutions Vol. 1 and 2 is the best way in which you can develop problem-solving skills in physics. This material helps to quickly understand the basic and advanced concepts usually asked in JEE Main Physics. 

Candidates can refer to the following books while preparing for JEE Main Physics section: 

Publisher/ Author Books
I.E. Irodov Problems in General Physics
Arihant Publications Understanding Physics by D.C. Pandey: Set of books for: Electricity & Magnetism Mechanics (Vol. 1 & 2) Optics & Modern Physics Waves & Thermodynamics
R.P. Feynman Feynman Lectures on Physics
SS Krotov Problems in Physics
Arthur Beiser, Shobhit Mahajan, S. Rai Choudhury Concepts of Modern Physics
Halliday, Resnick and Walker Fundamentals of Physics
Advanced Level Physics: Examples and Exercises Nelkon, Michael, Parker, Philip

Preparation as per type of questions in JEE Main Physics

Preparation According to the Type of JEE Main Physics Questions 

Type of questions Preparation
Theory oriented/fact-based Direct from NCERT
Numerical/derivation-based NCERT-based
Logical concepts Concepts are from NCERT Application of these concepts
Critical concept-based  Very complex questions Tips from toppers

The topics mentioned below do not do not hold a substantial part in the reading order of JEE Main but should be handled in a way that candidates are aware of basic concepts in case questions arise.

  • Dual Nature of matter and radiation
  • Physics and Measurement
  • Communication System
  • Gravitation
  • KTG

Tricks to Solve JEE Main Physics Questions

  • If you already have notes from the teacher of your coaching institute, then there is no need to make comprehensive notes again.
  • You may enhance the class notes by using a red pen or neon highlighter to illustrate important concepts.
  • You can also add substance to the notes with some good/popular questions that you answered earlier so that you will certainly see them again when revising your notes.
  • You can add tips/tricks that you might have learned later in the space provided for margins to prevent any errors. 
  • You can make short notes with full-length notes too, but that will take a lot of time.
  • Do not waste time writing down notes again and again. 
  • Develop an interest in the concepts and formulas that you are studying. A lack of interest will make it harder to remember formulas.
  • Use visual memory to connect concepts to formulas. This helps in easy memorization because you will know the process behind the formulas. 
  • Practice the formulas you want to memorize as often as you can. The more you practice, the better you will understand the application of formulas. 
  • Writing down formulas again and again will help in speedy and long-lasting memorization. 
  • You can stick the written formulas on the wall so that you will repeatedly see them. 
  • Before you go to sleep, think about the formulas. Your brain will have better chances of remembering them the next day. 

Tips for JEE Main Physics During the Exam

  • Find the easier and approachable questions first and solve them
  • Keep on solving questions and fill the OMR sheet side but side
  • Do not opt for guess work as it can degrade your marks and overall score.
  • Do not panic if stuck at any questions, try to be calm and solve the maximum number of problems you can.
  • Do not assume that you have a full one hour for the physics section, try to wrap up the portion in 45 minutes or so. The remaining time is necessary for revision and omr sheet filling.

JEE Main Physics Preparation Through NTA Content Based Lectures

Candidates can also prepare from the online physics video lectures provided by NTA on it’s official website. The steps to access the video lectures are as follows:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of NTA i.e.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to the page containing the name of different subjects. 
  • Step 4: Choose the video lecture by clicking on the subject. 

Direct Link to JEE Main Physics Video Lectures

BIE Telangana Mock Test Facility for JEE Main

Board of Intermediate Education Telangana has launched a free mock test for JEE Main aspirants on a daily, weekly basis. An android app has been launched for smartphones users, thus candidates can take the test from their phones as well. In order to avail the facility candidates need to register themselves at

In order to register, aspirants have to provide their name, college name and contact information. Mock test facility is available in English and Telugu medium. 

Government Online Portals for JEE Main Physics Preparation

HRD minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank launched the National Test Abhyaas App on May 19, 2020 for candidates preparing for JEE Main. The application has been developed by the NTA and it will be available for download on android and ios platforms. As announced by the HRD minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal, National Test Abhyaas App is mainly for the preparation of the upcoming JEE Main. More than 17 lakh times practice tests have been taken on the Abhyas app and over 10 lakh candidates have downloaded the app which shows its growing popularity. Mock tests are also available in Hindi in order to promote students from all backgrounds.

The app has been developed by NTA on advice of the HRD minister. The benefits of National Test Abhyaas App are:

  • One full question paper of 3 hours will be available everyday for both the exams which will be like the real examination
  • There is no fixed schedule for the test, and candidates can anytime practice according to their convenience
  • The app will also provide the correct answers and detailed explanations for each answer thus analysis can be aptly done. 
  • After the test the students will be able to see the analysis of time management i.e. time spent on each section
  • The app will provide benefit for all the students staying in rural and urban areas and they will be able to practice daily up to the date of exam

Earlier, the HRD minister suggested the aspirants of JEE Main to study for SWAYAM, Swayam Prabha TV and Diksha portal. All these portals have been exclusively developed for the students preparing for exams conducted by NTA. All these portals have been launched under PM e-Vidya program as a part of ‘one nation one digital platform’ for online education. 

Gujarat Board Question Bank For JEE Preparation

The Gujarat state board has released question banks for the aspirants who are preparing for JEE Main, NEET and GUJCET and are supposed to take the examination in 2023. Question banks will be released for all the four subjects included in the syllabus of JEE Main, NEET and GUJCET i.e. Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Read More

The question banks are going to be available in Gujarati and English language. Chapter-wise question papers will also be framed for the aspirants. The question bank can be downloaded from the official website of Gujarat Board.

Direct links for download of question banks:

Free Doubt Solving Sessions by IIT-JEE Toppers 

  • Edvizo has started conducting the sessions through the zoom app everyday from 6 9 p.m. Aspirants with doubts can get the solution through a live video
  • The group includes doctors, IITians and senior subject experts. The main motive of the group is to clear all the uncertainties of the aspirants in context to their preparation strategy and approach.
  • The announcement was made by Edvizo (a Guwahati based startup) which has launched the 30-days initiative to help the aspirants of JEE Main and NEET in resolving their issues/doubts online.
  • Over 50,000 students have been registered from all over the country and a tie-up has been made with around 2500 coaching institutes in order to carry the idea on a larger platform so that maximum students can get the benefit.
  • The main aim behind this initiative was to ensure that the students do not feel demotivated due to the lockdown and the flow must be carried. The team has also planned to start a career-guidance session online on the weekends for a duration of seven hours starting from 9 a.m.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Main 2025 : 17 Answered Questions

Ques. What marks and rank are required in the JEE Mains exam for CSE in NIT Trichy?

To get admitted to NIT Trichy in 2024 you will have to look at the category-wise cut-off given in the following table. Category Cutoff General 936-5164 EWS 1032-3280 OBC-NCL 1071-1778 SC 499-1450 ST 767-1472 If you are a General category student, you will need to secure 75% in your 12th board to be part of the top 20th percentile and for SC/ST students it is 65%. You will be considered for admission if your rank is higher than the closing ranks. In 2023, the cutoff for JEE Main was 358-14406 rank....Read More
Answer By  31 May 24
2 Answer

Ques. Can I get into NIT Calicut with 93 percentile in JEE Main?

For admission into NITs, you must have obtained a good percentile in JEE MAIN 2024. 93 percentile will roughly correspond to a rank between 81,351-82,500. Now, here are the previous year cutoffs for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut- 2023 JEE MAIN Cutoff for NIT Calicut (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats) Branch HS OS Bio Technology 44304 38003 Chemical 34186 30047 Civil Engineering 45465 37216 CSE 10512 5256 ECE 15076 9358 Electrical & Electronics 20628 14740 Engineering Physics 26910 18337 Materials Science and Engineering 39572 38388 Mechanical Engineering 26786 22734 Production Engineering 45059 36530 Based on the previous year cutoffs, you can analyse and understand the basic rank requirement for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut.  Unfortunately, 93 percentile ( a rank roughly between 81,351-82,500) is not enough to get you a seat in NIT Calicut.  But the situation may be different if you are a reserved category candidate. You can visit the official JoSAA website for more information on 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for NIT Calicut- More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. I got 95 percentile in JEE MAIN. Can I get admission into NIT Calicut with this score?

In general, candidates need a percentile between 85 to 95 for B.Tech admission in NITs.  However, this range may vary based on the categories of the students, and the NIT in question. Also, the admission depends on the rank obtained. Here are the expected 2024 cutoff percentile for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs- Expected JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs Category Percentile General 90+ PwD - EWS 74+ OBC 74+ SC 52 ST 37 I hope this answer provided you with some clarity on the expected cutoff percentile for B.Tech admission at top NITs like NIT Calicut. ...Read More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. What is the IIEST Shibpur Cutoff Rank in JEE Main for B.Tech admissions?

IIEST Shibpur is situated in West Bengal. It is a renowned institution that offers B.Tech courses to interested candidates. To gain admission into IIEST Shibpur, the candidates must meet the institution’s cutoff requirement. The cutoff is for the JEE Main exam, and those who fulfil this requirement have to attend the subsequent CSAB/JOSAA counselling. This cutoff serves as a benchmark, ensuring that only candidates who meet the specified rank can apply for the B.Tech programmes at IIEST Shibpur. Here is the 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech Admissions at IIEST Shibpur (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats)- IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Admissions  Branch HS OS Aerospace Engineering 33167 23280 Civil Engineering 49928 52036 Computer Science and Engineering 11666 13711 Electrical Engineering 23153 28582 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18868 21207 Information Technology 18259 16809 Mechanical Engineering 29101 37579 Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering 48023 51002 Mining Engineering 53265 54788 I hope you’ve got an idea of the JEE MAIN cutoff trend at IIEST Shibpur for its B.Tech admissions. ...Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 20,000 rank in JEE Main enough to get me a seat in DTU?

First of all, congratulations on securing such an impressive rank in JEE Main 2024. I am a second year B.Tech IT student at DTU. 20,000 is a pretty good rank and it will open ample branch options for you, even more if you are a Delhi Candidate. I have mentioned below the previous year JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU- JEE MAIN 2023 Cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU (General Category) Branch Non-Delhi Candidate Delhi Candidate B.Tech Computer Engineering 6,224 13,345 B.Tech Information Technology 8,047 16,364 B.Tech Software Engineering 10,742 19,967 B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 14,191 22,844 B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 17,427 31,328 B.Tech Electrical Engineering 26,778 45,966 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 34,761 58,304 B.Tech Engineering Physics 35,157 60,976 B.Tech Automotive Engineering 38,448 68,769 B.Tech Chemical Engineering 1,55,628 97,229 B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 1,67,573 99,535 B.Tech Civil Engineering 1,83,336 5,84,235 B.Tech Biotechnology 1,99,849 7,06,173 B.Tech Environmental Engineering 2,03,503 8,81,148 Unfortunately, a rank of 20,000 in JEE MAIN won’t fetch you a seat in Computer Engineering / IT / Software Engineering at DTU. You won’t get admission into Mathematics & Computing or ECE if you are a non-delhi candidate. But all the other branches will be most certainly open for you. In case you are a Delhi candidate, things will be even more in your favor. I hope you choose a good branch at DTU, and begin your journey at this esteemed engineering college....Read More
Answer By  24 May 24
1 Answer

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