JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Preparation: Resources, Study Material and Last Minute Preparation Tips

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18 Mar, 2025 asds

Mathematics is a vital part of JEE Main, though all the three sections carry equal weightage. Mathematics has an edge over Physics and Chemistry because in case of tied overall marks, maths marks are considered for the tie breaker. Moreover topics like calculus, differential equations and quadratic equations are helpful in solving Physics and Chemistry questions of JEE Main as well. 

As per the new Mathematics exam pattern, there will be a total of 30 questions Out of these 30 questions, 20 will be MCQ type, and the remaining 10 questions will be of Numeric Value Type. Candidates have a choice to attempt 5 out of 10 numeric value based questions. Check JEE Main 2023 Maths Syllabus 

Latest: Collegedunia's JEE Main 2023 Test Series Live, Get Online Mock Tests with Solution Here.

Chapter Wise Tips

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics- Chapter Wise Tips

Sets, Relations and Functions: This section contains 4% weightage for the Mains Exam. Significant points in this area are Sets, Union, Intersection, Complement of Sets and their Algebraic Properties, Power Set, Relation, Types of Relations, Equivalence Relations, and Functions.

Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equation: It is one of the significant sections which covers 5-6% weightage in the paper. Significant subjects are Representation, Algebra, Square Root of a Complex Number, Triangle Inequality, Quadratic Equations in Real and Complex Number System, Relation among Roots and Coefficients, Formation of Quadratic Equations with given roots. 

Matrices and Determinants: This segment is given 6-7% weightage in the mains prospectus and is significant for the test. Variable based math of Matrices and its sorts, Determinants, Adjoin and Evaluation of Square Matrix are significant themes from this unit. 

Permutations and Combinations: This unit conveys 3-4% weightage in the paper. Major Principle, Permutation and Combination are significant points.

Mathematical Induction: This segment incorporates the guideline of Mathematical Induction and its basic applications and contains 1-2% weightage. 

Binomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications: This unit conveys 3-4% weightage in mains test. Binomial Theorem for a Positive Integral Index, Properties of Binomial Coefficients and its applications are some significant subjects from this unit. 

Sequences and Series: The JEE Mains weightage for this unit is 6-7%. Number-crunching and Geometric Progressions, Relation between A.M and G.M, Sum Up to "n" Terms of Special Series are significant subjects of this section. Limit, Continuity and Differentiation is an important section which contains 7-8% weightage. Significant points are Real-Valued Functions, Algebra of Functions, Polynomials, Rational, Trigonometric, Logarithmic and Exponential Functions, Inverse Functions, Graphs of Simple Functions, Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Derivatives of request up to two, Rolle's and Lagrange's Mean Value Theorems.

Integral Calculus: It is one of the most significant sections of the Mains prospectus, which has a weightage of 10-12% of the paper. Antiderivative, Fundamental Integrals, Integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Properties of Definite Integrals, Evaluation of Definite Integrals are some significant subjects of this section. 

Differential Equations: This unit comprises 6-7% weightage of the absolute imprints. Conventional Differential Equations, Formation and Solution of Differential Equations are significant themes in this unit. 

Coordinate Geometry: This unit is significant and contains 10-12% weightage. The main subjects of this unit are Cartesian System, Straight Lines, Equations of Internal and External Bisectors of Angles between two lines, Coordinates of Centroid, Orthocenter, and Circumcenter of a Triangle, Circles, Conic Sections, Equations of Conic Sections (Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola). It is an exceptionally scoring unit as it incorporates the utilization of the immediate equations. It requires a comprehension of the Geometrical Shapes like Circle, Parabola, Triangle, Hyperbola and so forth. A Large part of inquiries posed from this point are of the Straight Line and Circle. 

3-D Geometry: This segment conveys 5-6% weightage. Significant chapters from this area are Coordinates of a Point in Space, Section Formula, Direction Ratios and Direction Cosines, The Angle between two Intersecting Lines, Skew Lines and its Equation, Equations of a Line and a Plane in various structures and Coplanar Lines.

Vector Algebra: Vectors Algebra conveys 3-4 % weightage in the mains prospectus. Vector and Scalars, Components of a Vector in 2D and 3D Space, Scalar and Vector Products are some must-peruse themes in this area. 

Statistics and Probability: This unit is given 4-5% weightage in the paper. Significant themes for this area are Measures of Dispersion, Calculation of Standard Deviation, Variance and Mean Deviation, Probability, Bayes Theorem, Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Distribution. 

Trigonometry:Trigonometry is a significant area and conveys 6-7% weightage in mains Exam. This area comprises significant themes like Trigonometric Identities, Equations, Functions and questions dependent on Heights and Distances. 

Mathematical Reasoning:The weightage of this segment is 3-4%. Articulations, Logical Operations, Understanding of Tautology, Contradiction, Converse, and Contrapositive are some significant subjects of this segment.

Also Check 

Best Books

Best Books for JEE Main Mathematics Preparation 2023

Chapter Book Name
Class 11 and 12  R D Sharma
Higher Algebra Hall Knight and 
Problems in Calculus of One Variable I A Maron
Coordinate Geometry S L Loney
Algebra Arihant
Differential Calculus Arihant
Integral Calculus Arihant
Complete Mathematics for JEE Main Tata McGrawHill
Trigonometry S L Loney, Titu Andreescu and Zuming Feng
New Pattern Mathematics for JEE Main/Advanced Arihant

Read Detailed JEE Main Preparation Book Analysis


JEE Main Mathematics 2018 Topic Wise Analysis

IIT JEE Mains Maths Syllabus is an ideal mix of simple and troublesome topics. A few themes like trigonometry, differential analytics, circles and straight lines in coordinate geometry, changes and mixes in variable based math are in every case simple to crack. Those days are gone when spirants used to go through hours in attempting one question. This is a time of different decision questions. 

JEE Main Mathematics isn't extremely intense yet candidates neglect to exceed expectations in it as their fundamentals are not clear. 

Binomial Theorem 1 4 3.33%
Complex Numbers 1 4 3.33%
Circle 1 4 3.33%
Parabola 2 8 6.67%
Hyperbola 1 4 3.33%
Straight Line 1 4 3.33%
Limit, Continuity & Differentiability 2 8 6.67%
Maxima & Minima 1 4 3.33%
Sets & Relation 1 4 3.33%
Application of Derivatives 1 4 3.33%
Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 4 3.33%
Definite integration 2 8 6.67%
Differential equation 1 4 3.33%
Indefinite integration 1 4 3.33%
Matrices & Determinants 2 8 6.67%
Permutation & Combination 1 4 3.33%
Probability 1 4 3.33%
Sequence & Series 2 8 6.67%
Trigonometric equation 1 4 3.33%
Trigonometric Ratio & identities 1 4 3.33%
Coordinate Geometry (3-D) 2 8 6.67%
Vector 1 4 3.33%
Mathematical Reasoning 1 4 3.33%
Statistics 1 4 3.33%
Grand total 30 120 100.00%

JEE Main Mathematics 2017 Topic Wise Analysis

Algebra 1 4 3.33%
Vector 1 4 3.33%
Binomial Theorem 1 4 3.33%
Complex Numbers 1 4 3.33%
Coordinate Geometry 5 20 16.67%
Circle 2 8 6.67%
Hyperbola 1 4 3.33%
Parabola 1 4 3.33%
Straight Line 1 4 3.33%
Coordinate Geometry (3-D) 2 8 6.67%
Differential Calculus 5 20 16.67%
Application of Derivatives 1 4 3.33%
Functions 1 4 3.33%
Limit, Continuity & Differentiability 1 4 3.33%
Methods of Differentiation 1 4 3.33%
Tangent & Normal 1 4 3.33%
Integral Calculus 4 16 13.33%
Area under Curve 1 4 3.33%
Definite integration 1 4 3.33%
Differential equation 1 4 3.33%
Indefinite integration 1 4 3.33%
Mathematical Reasoning 1 4 3.33%
Matrices & Determinants 2 8 6.67%
Permutation & Combination 1 4 3.33%
Probability 1 4 3.33%
Quadratic equation 1 4 3.33%
Sequence & Series 2 8 6.67%
Statistics 1 4 3.33%
Trigonometry 2 8 6.67%
Trigonometry. Ratio & identities 1 4 3.33%
Trigonometric Equation 1 4 3.33%
Grand Total 30 120 100.00%

Must Read Interviews of JEE Main 2020 Toppers (NTA Score 100)

JEE Main vs JEE Advanced

JEE Main vs JEE Advanced Mathematics Comparison

Topics in JEE Main not in JEE Advanced Common Topics in Both Exam
Sets, Relations and Functions Quadratic Equations
Trigonometry: Heights and Probability Logarithms
Statistics and Probability Probability
Mathematical Reasoning Binomial Theorem
Representation of Sets Trigonometry
Algebraic Properties of Sets Vectors
Calculating Mean & Median Differential Calculus
Measures of Dispersion Limits
Calculating Mode of Grouped/Ungrouped Data Derivatives
Calculating Variance, Mean, & Standard Deviation of Grouped/Ungrouped Data Integral calculus
Statements & Logical Operations Complex Numbers
Tautology Sequences and Series
Contradiction Matrices and Determinants
Converse Permutations and Combinations
Contrapositive Differential Equations
Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions -

Tricks and Shortcuts

JEE Main Mathematics Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

  • Graphical Analysis

Considered one of the best techniques, candidates can sketch the graphs roughly and analyse it visually. Most complex problems can be eased in such a way.

A book referred for graphical intuition is “Play with Graphs” by Amit M Aggarwal.

  • Hit and Trial Method

Considered a fundamental trick, it solves problems with a general solution. Start with assigning values to the variables and cross verify which value gives the desired result. Questions with complex orientation can be solved using this trick.

  • Rely on Series Expansion

Well known methods can be time consuming and tiresome. In such cases remember series expansion. Practice Trigonometry and related formulas, refer to the formulas frequently. Avoid deriving formulas while solving questions.

  • Make Smart Guess

JEE Main does not require a procedure of how you arrived at the result, it just requires straight answers. Thus there is a scope of intelligent guesses. Do not rely completely on guess work.

  • Do Not Opt for Extreme Answers

For questions that have numerical answers, students are advised to not go for the extreme answers. Thus stay away from maximum and minimum values. In most of the cases the answer is any one those that lie in between.

  • Limit your Options

Try to systematically strike down options by the process of elimination. Questions which have “All of These” as an option, this trick specially works for that. 

  • Unit and Value Analysis

Examine the unit and value of each option if stuck at a similar problem. Choose the unit and values with maximum occurrences. 

  • Apply Reverse Engineering

Considered a popular trick, it can save a lot of time during the exam. This implies that try to build questions from the answer options available. Try out each option to see if the question conditions are satisfied. 

Revision Strategy

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Topic Wise Revision Strategy

Most Important Topics Important Topics Less Important Topics
Algebra Limit and Continuity Permutation and Combination
Integration Sequence and Series Quadratic Equation
Calculus Differentiations Vector
Complex Numbers Matrix and Determinants Mathematical Reasoning
Probability andStatistics Analytical Geometry  3 D Geometry
Vector Algebra Application of Derivatives Sets, Relations and Functions
Coordinate Geometry Differentiations Mathematical Induction
Trigonometry - Binomial Theorem and Application

Tips to Score 100+ in JEE Main Mathematics

Focus more on Algebra and Calculus

Be thorough with aspects of algebra and calculus as they are the two most important topics. Regular practice along with doubt solving techniques is the key to master these two topics. 

Memorise all Formulae

Getting really good at formulas in the JEE Main mathematics section can be a big plus point to score high. Thus memorise all formulas related to geometry, trigonometry and probability. Important formulas in calculus will help enormously. The best way to memorise them is to prepare a list or table and revise each day. 

Practice with Model Papers

Making a habit of solving a couple of sample papers every day will bring speed and accuracy both in solving mathematics questions. Sample papers bring rhythm and help time management. But give adequate time to all subjects. 

Right Reference Material

As JEE Main mathematics syllabus is quite vast, right reference material will help in sorting out topics. Try to pick study material for each chapter individually as one book will not contain all. Prepare a list of the same. 

Last Minute Preparation

Last Minute Preparation Tips for JEE Main Mathematics

  • In the last few days before the exam preparation should be done as per importance of chapters. In addition, previous year JEE Main Question Paper trends should also be considered.
  • Start revision with important topics like Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, 3 D Geometry and Vector.
  • Be aware of what are the results of Algebraic calculations of properties of Conics in order to solve Coordinate Geometry questions.
  • Learn graph and substitution to score well in the trigonometry section along with the formulas.
  • Chapters which are relatively easy should be brushed up once as they can help cover up for the wrong attempted questions like Mathematical determinants.
  • Prepare notes somewhere for the topics that are proven weak points while solving sample papers or mock tests. In the last moment, prepare and revise those topics thoroughly.

JEE Main Mathematics Preparation by NTA Content Based Lectures

Candidates can likewise get ready from the online material science video addresses given by NTA on it's authentic site. The means to get to the video addresses are as per the following: 

  • Visit the official site of NTA at 
  • You will be diverted to the page containing the name of various subjects. 
  • Pick the video address by tapping regarding the matter. 
  • Direct Link to JEE Main Physics Video Lectures 

Direct Link to JEE Main Maths Video Lectures

Online Portals

Government Online Portals for JEE Main Mathematics Preparation

HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank launched the National Test Abhyaas App on May 19, 2020 for competitors getting ready for JEE Main. The application has been created by the NTA and it will be accessible for download on android and ios phones. The application has been created by NTA on counsel of the HRD service. The advantages of National Test Abhyaas App are: 

  • One full inquiry paper of 3 hours will be accessible regularly for both the tests which will be similar to the genuine exam
  • There is no fixed timetable for the test and competitors can work on them as per their comfort 
  • The application will likewise give the right answers and detailed clarifications for each answer.
  • After the test, the students will have the option to see the time spent on each question and subject

Question Bank

Gujarat Board Question Bank For JEE Preparation

The Gujarat state board releases question banks for the competitors who are getting ready for JEE Main, NEET and GUJCET and have to take the assessment in 2023. Question banks will be released for all the four subjects in the prospectus of JEE Main, NEET and GUJCET for example Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. 

The inquiry banks are accessible in Gujarati and English language. 

Direct links for download of question banks:

Free Doubt Solving Sessions by IIT-JEE Toppers

Edvizo has begun leading meetings through the Zoom application ordinarily from 6 9 p.m. JEE Main aspirants with questions can get the required help through a live video.

The gathering incorporates specialists, IITians and senior subject specialists. The principle thought process of the gathering is to free all the vulnerabilities of the hopefuls and keep them on the correct path. 

The primary point behind this activity was to guarantee that the students don't feel demotivated because of the lockdown. The group has additionally intended to begin a professional direction meeting on the web during the weekends for a period of seven hours beginning from 9 a.m.

Mathematics Preparation FAQs

JEE Main Mathematics Preparation FAQs

Ques. Is JEE Main Mathematics Syllabus tougher for the engineering paper as compared to the architecture paper?

Ans. No, JEE Main Mathematics is the exact same for B.Tech/B.E, B. Arch and B. Planning papers.

Ques. What is the best book for coordinate geometry in JEE Main Maths?

Ans. S.L Loney is a great book to study and practice coordinate geometry for JEE Main Maths.

Ques. Which chapter has the highest weightage in JEE Main Maths?

Ans. While the weightage is distributed fairly evenly in JEE Main Mathematics papers, all of the chapters under the umbrella of Calculus form a significant part of the paper.

Ques. Can I use guesswork to solve any question in JEE Main Mathematics?

Ans. There is negative marking for incorrect answers in JEE Main, so blind guesswork is not recommended. However, calculated guesses made by methods such as eliminating options and working back from the answers to see which option fits the question can save you a lot of time.

Ques. Is there any official resource for lectures and sample papers that help with JEE Main 2023 Mathematics preparation?

Ans. Yes, you can visit the official website of the NTA at and get access to free official lecture modules and sample papers for JEE Main 2023 Mathematics.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Main 2025 : 17 Answered Questions

Ques. What marks and rank are required in the JEE Mains exam for CSE in NIT Trichy?

To get admitted to NIT Trichy in 2024 you will have to look at the category-wise cut-off given in the following table. Category Cutoff General 936-5164 EWS 1032-3280 OBC-NCL 1071-1778 SC 499-1450 ST 767-1472 If you are a General category student, you will need to secure 75% in your 12th board to be part of the top 20th percentile and for SC/ST students it is 65%. You will be considered for admission if your rank is higher than the closing ranks. In 2023, the cutoff for JEE Main was 358-14406 rank....Read More
Answer By  31 May 24
2 Answer

Ques. Can I get into NIT Calicut with 93 percentile in JEE Main?

For admission into NITs, you must have obtained a good percentile in JEE MAIN 2024. 93 percentile will roughly correspond to a rank between 81,351-82,500. Now, here are the previous year cutoffs for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut- 2023 JEE MAIN Cutoff for NIT Calicut (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats) Branch HS OS Bio Technology 44304 38003 Chemical 34186 30047 Civil Engineering 45465 37216 CSE 10512 5256 ECE 15076 9358 Electrical & Electronics 20628 14740 Engineering Physics 26910 18337 Materials Science and Engineering 39572 38388 Mechanical Engineering 26786 22734 Production Engineering 45059 36530 Based on the previous year cutoffs, you can analyse and understand the basic rank requirement for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut.  Unfortunately, 93 percentile ( a rank roughly between 81,351-82,500) is not enough to get you a seat in NIT Calicut.  But the situation may be different if you are a reserved category candidate. You can visit the official JoSAA website for more information on 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for NIT Calicut- More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. I got 95 percentile in JEE MAIN. Can I get admission into NIT Calicut with this score?

In general, candidates need a percentile between 85 to 95 for B.Tech admission in NITs.  However, this range may vary based on the categories of the students, and the NIT in question. Also, the admission depends on the rank obtained. Here are the expected 2024 cutoff percentile for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs- Expected JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs Category Percentile General 90+ PwD - EWS 74+ OBC 74+ SC 52 ST 37 I hope this answer provided you with some clarity on the expected cutoff percentile for B.Tech admission at top NITs like NIT Calicut. ...Read More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. What is the IIEST Shibpur Cutoff Rank in JEE Main for B.Tech admissions?

IIEST Shibpur is situated in West Bengal. It is a renowned institution that offers B.Tech courses to interested candidates. To gain admission into IIEST Shibpur, the candidates must meet the institution’s cutoff requirement. The cutoff is for the JEE Main exam, and those who fulfil this requirement have to attend the subsequent CSAB/JOSAA counselling. This cutoff serves as a benchmark, ensuring that only candidates who meet the specified rank can apply for the B.Tech programmes at IIEST Shibpur. Here is the 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech Admissions at IIEST Shibpur (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats)- IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Admissions  Branch HS OS Aerospace Engineering 33167 23280 Civil Engineering 49928 52036 Computer Science and Engineering 11666 13711 Electrical Engineering 23153 28582 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18868 21207 Information Technology 18259 16809 Mechanical Engineering 29101 37579 Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering 48023 51002 Mining Engineering 53265 54788 I hope you’ve got an idea of the JEE MAIN cutoff trend at IIEST Shibpur for its B.Tech admissions. ...Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 20,000 rank in JEE Main enough to get me a seat in DTU?

First of all, congratulations on securing such an impressive rank in JEE Main 2024. I am a second year B.Tech IT student at DTU. 20,000 is a pretty good rank and it will open ample branch options for you, even more if you are a Delhi Candidate. I have mentioned below the previous year JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU- JEE MAIN 2023 Cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU (General Category) Branch Non-Delhi Candidate Delhi Candidate B.Tech Computer Engineering 6,224 13,345 B.Tech Information Technology 8,047 16,364 B.Tech Software Engineering 10,742 19,967 B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 14,191 22,844 B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 17,427 31,328 B.Tech Electrical Engineering 26,778 45,966 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 34,761 58,304 B.Tech Engineering Physics 35,157 60,976 B.Tech Automotive Engineering 38,448 68,769 B.Tech Chemical Engineering 1,55,628 97,229 B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 1,67,573 99,535 B.Tech Civil Engineering 1,83,336 5,84,235 B.Tech Biotechnology 1,99,849 7,06,173 B.Tech Environmental Engineering 2,03,503 8,81,148 Unfortunately, a rank of 20,000 in JEE MAIN won’t fetch you a seat in Computer Engineering / IT / Software Engineering at DTU. You won’t get admission into Mathematics & Computing or ECE if you are a non-delhi candidate. But all the other branches will be most certainly open for you. In case you are a Delhi candidate, things will be even more in your favor. I hope you choose a good branch at DTU, and begin your journey at this esteemed engineering college....Read More
Answer By  24 May 24
1 Answer

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Structure based on different categories


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