JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Pattern, Marking Scheme and Weightage of Topics

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18 Mar, 2025 asds

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Exam Pattern- JEE Main Mathematics syllabus is common for all the 3 papers i.e. B.E/ B. Tech paper, B. Arch, and B. Planning Paper. All the 3 papers will have 30 questions from the Mathematics section. Check JEE Main 2023 Maths Syllabus

NTA had announced major changes in JEE Main exam pattern in the previous year which is to be followed this year too. As per the new exam pattern, there will be a total of 30 questions from each subject or section in JEE Main 2023 B.E/B.Tech paper. Out of these 30 questions, 20 will be MCQ type, and the remaining 10 questions will be of Numeric Value Type. Candidates have a choice to attempt 5 out of 10 numeric value-based questions.

Must Read

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Pattern Highlights 

  • JEE Main 2023 Mathematics paper or section will have two types of questions i.e. MCQ and Numeric value.
  • The MCQs will have 4 options with only 1 correct option or answer.
  • The Non-MCQs or Numeric Value questions will have numerical value as an answer that candidates will have to enter as an integer or decimal value.
  • 4 Marks will be awarded to correct answers and 1 Mark will be deducted for incorrect answers. 
  • In the case of Non-MCQ questions, no negative marking will be there.
Mode of Examination Online
Total Number of Questions in Mathematics 30
Total Number of Questions to be Attempted 25
Type of Questions MCQ and Non-MCQs
Marking Scheme Correct Answer: +4
Negative Marking Incorrect Answer: -1 & No Negative Marking for Non-MCQs
Medium of Paper English, Hindi, Gujarati

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Pattern Details 

  • Type of Questions: There will be two types of questions in JEE Main Mathematics paper. The first type is MCQs and the second type is Non-MCQ or Numeric Value questions.
  • Total Number of Questions: There will be a total of 30 questions in JEE Main Mathematics section. Out of 30 questions, there will be 20 MCQs, and the remaining 10 questions will be Non-MCQs with numerical value as an answer. Candidates have a choice to attempt 5 out of 10 numeric value based questions.
  • Marking Scheme: For every correct answer either MCQ or Numeric Value Question, +4 Marks will be awarded.
  • Negative Marking: For every incorrect answer -1 Mark will be deducted but there will be no negative marking for Numeric Value answers.
  • Total Marks: The total marks for the Mathematics section is 100 and the overall JEE Main 2023 B.Tech paper is of 300 marks. 
  • Time Duration: The total time duration to complete all the 3 sections i.e Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics is 3 hours. For candidates with a 40% disability, the total time duration is 4 hours.
  • Language of Paper: Hindi, English, and Gujarati. Candidates can opt for question papers either in English or Hindi Language. This choice will be provided to all the candidates. Other language options i.e Gujarati is only available for candidates of Gujarat, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
  • Total Number of Sections: There will be 3 sections in JEE Main 2023 i.e Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Marking Scheme

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Marking Scheme

Overall Marking Scheme 

Subjects Maximum Questions Maximum Marks
Physics 30 100
Chemistry 30 100
Mathematics 30 100
Total 90 questions 300 marks

Per Question Marking Scheme 

Type of question Negative marking for wrong answer Marking for correct answer
MCQs -1 Mark +4 Marks
Numeric Value Questions No negative marking  +4 Marks

Know More JEE Main B.E/B.Tech Exam Pattern

Nature of Questions

Nature of JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Questions

In JEE Main, candidates will have to answer two types of questions in the paper. The first type is MCQs and the second type is Non-MCQ or Numeric Value questions. 

  • Multiple Choice Questions: In MCQs, candidates will get 4 options to answer the question. Candidates have to select one correct answer. 
  • Numeric Value or Non-MCQs: In Numeric Value questions there will be no options provided and candidates have to enter their answer either an integer or decimal value.
  • Shortcut Method Questions: There might be some questions or topics in which you can easily apply some shortcut methods to reach directly to the answer. But for that you must know such tricks and also you have to solve more and more questions so that you can identify such questions in the examination.
  • Formula Based Questions: In JEE Main Mathematics paper some of the questions will be directly based on formulas. To solve these questions knowledge of formulas is very important. By applying the formula candidates can get the right answer. Such questions may not require lengthy calculations and can be easily & quickly. 

Important Topics

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics: Important Topics 

It is very important for candidates to cover all the topics of the JEE Main 2032 Syllabus prescribed by NTA. But if a candidate does not want to cover all the topics and wants to focus only on important topics then for you we have divided the topics into three categories. Candidates can read below to know more about the important topics:

Category 1: Important Topics - These topics are very important and must be practiced again and again. Try to improve your knowledge or skills in solving the questions from these topics. You also need to work on your speed to answer the questions from these topics so that you can answer more questions in the final examination. 

  • Circles
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Sequence and Series
  • Solution of Triangle
  • Logarithms
  • Continuity, Differentiability, and Limits
  • Integral Calculus
  • Binomial Theorem
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Set, Functions, and relations
  • Quadratic Equations

Category 2: Easy to Score - These topics are easy to understand and you can improve your rank by solving the questions from these topics. However, easy topics also need to be revised daily so that you can remember the simple formulas, facts, etc during the time of final examination. 

  • Limit and Continuity
  • Matrices and Determinants
  • Application of Derivatives
  • Pair of Straight Line and Straight Lines

Category 3: At least One Question - From this category candidates can expect at least one question in the final examination. If a candidate practices and revises these topics then he/ she can score decent marks.

  • Circles and Family of Circles
  • 3D Geometry
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Parabola
  • Integration
  • Vector Algebra
  • Trigonometric ratios
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Weightage of Topics

Weightage of Topics in JEE Main 2023 Mathematics

Based on the trends of previous years the topics wise weightage is mentioned in the table below. However, this weightage could vary every year depending upon the syllabus and exam pattern.

Topics No of Questions Weightage of Marks
Matrices and Determinants 2 8
Vector Algebra 2 8
Three Dimensional Geometry 2 8
Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation 2 8
Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability 3 12
Integral Calculus 3 12
Coordinate Geometry 5 20
Trigonometry 1 4
Statics and Dynamics 1 4
Statistics and Probability 2 8
Sets, Relation, and Function 1 4
Sequences and Series 1 4
Binomial Theorem and Its Application 1 4
Differential Equation 1 4
Differential Calculus 1 4
Permutations and Combinations 1 4
Mathematical Reasoning 1 4
Total 30 120

Also Read: JEE Main Paper Analysis

Sample Questions

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Sample Questions

Sample Question from Coordinate Geometry: A line intercepts at a and b on the coordinate axes. If keeping the origin fixed, the coordinate axes are rotated through 90°, the same line has intercepts p and q, then

  1. p = a, q = b
  2. p = b, q = a
  3. p = -b, q = -a
  4. p = b, q = -a

Ans. (4)

Sample Question from Integral Calculus: If f(x) is a function such that f(0) = f’(0) = 0, f”(x) = sec4x + 4, then the function is 

  1. 2/3 ln |(sec x)| + 1/6 tan2x + 2x2
  2. ln |(sin x)| + 1/3 tan3x + x
  3. ln |cos x| + 1/6 cos2x – x2/5
  4. none of these

Ans. (1)

Sample Question from Vector Algebra: If i^−j^+2k^,2i^+j^−k^ and 3i^−j^+2k^ are position vectors of vertices of a triangle, if its area is k√ then find k.

  1. 13.00
  2. 14.00
  3. 15.00
  4. 16.00

Ans. (1)

Sample Question from Complex Numbers: If the complex number z satisfies the condition| z |>−−3, then find the least value of| z+(1/z) |.

  1. 2.67
  2. 3.67
  3. 5.89
  4. 5.45

Ans. (1)

Sample Question from Three Dimensional Geometry: The distance of the point (−1,−5,−10) from the point of intersection of line x−22=y+14=z−212 and plane x−y+z=5 is ′λ′ then find the value of [λ/3] (where [⋅] represents greatest integer function)

  1. 4.00
  2. 5.00
  3. 6.00
  4. 7.00

Ans. (1)

Check JEE Main Mock Test

Preparation Tips

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Preparation Tips

Solve Gujarat Board JEE Main Question Bank 

A question bank has been released by the Gujarat Board for JEE Main, NEET, and GUJCET aspiring candidates. Here candidates can get the questions of the subjects that are included in the syllabus of these exams like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology. Candidates can download the question banks by visiting the official website of the Gujarat Board. 

  • Candidates can get the questions bank in two languages i.e. Gujarati and English language. 
  • By clicking on the subject which you want to go through, you will see that the questions are further divided based on chapters along with a combined PDF of solutions.

Check Gujarat Board JEE Main Question Bank

Download National Test Abhyas Application

National Test Abhyas App is specially designed for the preparation of JEE Main and NEET 2023. The app has been developed by NTA on the advice of the HRD minister. With this app, students can learn how to manage time in the real examination. National Test Abhyaas App is available for android at this time and the ios version of the app will be launched soon.

The benefits of the National Test Abhyas App are mentioned below:

  • Everyday candidates will get one full question paper of 3 hours which will be same as the real examination
  • The time or schedule is not fixed hence candidates can take the test per their convenience. 
  • Candidates can check their scores and paper analysis of the test soon after the submission of the same.
  • With the help of the National Test Abhyaas App, candidates can practice more tests daily and they can understand the approach of the question paper also. 
  • Candidates can also check answers with detailed explanations for each answer.

Check National Test Abhyaas App launched for JEE Main by HRD Minister

Content Based Lectures and Mock Test by NTA 

NTA has also provided the facility of Content-Based Lectures by IITians. Other than that you can also take the benefit of the Online Mock Test facility provided at the official website of NTA. To do both you can follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the NTA website.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Students” tab or buttons.
  • Step 3: There you have to click on the option “Content-Based Lectures” or you can also click on “Mock Test” to appear for the mock test.
  • Step 4: A new window will appear where you have to select the subject.
  • Step 5: After that, you can watch the lectures online.

All the candidates are advised to start taking the mock tests one month before the exam. With the help of the mock test, you can judge the level of your performance. Candidates are advised to take 10-15 mock tests so that you can work on your speed and accuracy level of answering the questions. Other than Mock Tests by NTA you can also register for mock tests provided by BIE Telangana.

Direct Link for Content-based Lectures and Mock Tests by NTA

Important Instructions for Candidates

  • Prohibited Item: No candidate is allowed to carry any prohibited item in the examination. Doing so may lead to the failure of his/ her candidature. 
  • Mobile phones, personal calculators, or other electronic devices will not be permitted in the examination hall.
  • No papers, charts, or tables must be brought to the examination hall.
  • JEE Main 2023 Admit Card is one of the important documents to be carried along with a valid photo Id proof to the examination center. 
  • The valid photo identification proof is Aadhar Card, Passport, College ID, PAN Card, Driver’s License, Voter ID, or Employer ID.
  • Admit Cards will be considered valid only if the candidate’s signature and photograph are clearly visible.
  • Candidates must report to the venue of examination 60 minutes before the scheduled time of examination.
  • Candidates will be provided with Rough Sheets for rough work so there is no need to bring any pads from home. You have to write your name and registration numbers on the sheet before beginning any rough work. These sheets are to be returned to the invigilator after the examination.

JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Pattern FAQs 

Question: What will be the level of difficulty of JEE Main 2023 Mathematics questions in the examination?

Ans. The level of difficulty of questions varies every year and depending on the experience of JEE Main test-takers from the previous we have tabulated the data for you.

Sections Tough Medium Easy
Mathematics 2 10 13

Question: What are the best books for JEE Main 2023 Mathematics other than NCERT Books?

Ans. All the candidates are advised to refer to their class XI and class XII books and notes for preparation. Other than the NCERT books candidates can refer to the following books:

Category Book Author
Understanding of Basics Maths for Class XI and XII by R.D. Sharma
Trigonometry Plane Trigonometry S L Loney
Coordinate Geometry The Elements Of Coordinate Geometry S L Loney
Algebra Algebra Dr. S K Goyal Arihant Publications
Practicing Problems Play with Graphs Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)

Question: What will be the marking scheme in JEE Main 2023 Mathematics paper?

Ans. The marking scheme in JEE Main 2023 Mathematics section will be similar to other sections i.e. 4 marks will be awarded for every correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for wrong answers. Moreover, in the case of Numeric value answers, no negative marking will be there. 

Type of question Negative marking for wrong answer Marking for correct answer
MCQs -1 Mark +4 Marks
Numeric Value Questions No negative marking  +4 Marks

Question: Will B.E/B.Tech, B.Arch and B.Planning have different JEE Main Mathematic papers?

Ans. No. All three papers will have the exact same mathematics paper

Question: What is the best source of regular mock test papers for JEE Main 2023?

Ans. There are many sources for JEE Main 2023 Mock test papers. One of them is the National Test Abhyas app, which publishes a new mock test every day and also gives the answer keys to those tests.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Main 2025 : 17 Answered Questions

Ques. What marks and rank are required in the JEE Mains exam for CSE in NIT Trichy?

To get admitted to NIT Trichy in 2024 you will have to look at the category-wise cut-off given in the following table. Category Cutoff General 936-5164 EWS 1032-3280 OBC-NCL 1071-1778 SC 499-1450 ST 767-1472 If you are a General category student, you will need to secure 75% in your 12th board to be part of the top 20th percentile and for SC/ST students it is 65%. You will be considered for admission if your rank is higher than the closing ranks. In 2023, the cutoff for JEE Main was 358-14406 rank....Read More
Answer By  31 May 24
2 Answer

Ques. Can I get into NIT Calicut with 93 percentile in JEE Main?

For admission into NITs, you must have obtained a good percentile in JEE MAIN 2024. 93 percentile will roughly correspond to a rank between 81,351-82,500. Now, here are the previous year cutoffs for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut- 2023 JEE MAIN Cutoff for NIT Calicut (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats) Branch HS OS Bio Technology 44304 38003 Chemical 34186 30047 Civil Engineering 45465 37216 CSE 10512 5256 ECE 15076 9358 Electrical & Electronics 20628 14740 Engineering Physics 26910 18337 Materials Science and Engineering 39572 38388 Mechanical Engineering 26786 22734 Production Engineering 45059 36530 Based on the previous year cutoffs, you can analyse and understand the basic rank requirement for B.Tech admissions at NIT Calicut.  Unfortunately, 93 percentile ( a rank roughly between 81,351-82,500) is not enough to get you a seat in NIT Calicut.  But the situation may be different if you are a reserved category candidate. You can visit the official JoSAA website for more information on 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for NIT Calicut- More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. I got 95 percentile in JEE MAIN. Can I get admission into NIT Calicut with this score?

In general, candidates need a percentile between 85 to 95 for B.Tech admission in NITs.  However, this range may vary based on the categories of the students, and the NIT in question. Also, the admission depends on the rank obtained. Here are the expected 2024 cutoff percentile for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs- Expected JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at Top NITs Category Percentile General 90+ PwD - EWS 74+ OBC 74+ SC 52 ST 37 I hope this answer provided you with some clarity on the expected cutoff percentile for B.Tech admission at top NITs like NIT Calicut. ...Read More
Answer By  30 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. What is the IIEST Shibpur Cutoff Rank in JEE Main for B.Tech admissions?

IIEST Shibpur is situated in West Bengal. It is a renowned institution that offers B.Tech courses to interested candidates. To gain admission into IIEST Shibpur, the candidates must meet the institution’s cutoff requirement. The cutoff is for the JEE Main exam, and those who fulfil this requirement have to attend the subsequent CSAB/JOSAA counselling. This cutoff serves as a benchmark, ensuring that only candidates who meet the specified rank can apply for the B.Tech programmes at IIEST Shibpur. Here is the 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech Admissions at IIEST Shibpur (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats)- IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Admissions  Branch HS OS Aerospace Engineering 33167 23280 Civil Engineering 49928 52036 Computer Science and Engineering 11666 13711 Electrical Engineering 23153 28582 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18868 21207 Information Technology 18259 16809 Mechanical Engineering 29101 37579 Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering 48023 51002 Mining Engineering 53265 54788 I hope you’ve got an idea of the JEE MAIN cutoff trend at IIEST Shibpur for its B.Tech admissions. ...Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 20,000 rank in JEE Main enough to get me a seat in DTU?

First of all, congratulations on securing such an impressive rank in JEE Main 2024. I am a second year B.Tech IT student at DTU. 20,000 is a pretty good rank and it will open ample branch options for you, even more if you are a Delhi Candidate. I have mentioned below the previous year JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU- JEE MAIN 2023 Cutoff for B.Tech admissions at DTU (General Category) Branch Non-Delhi Candidate Delhi Candidate B.Tech Computer Engineering 6,224 13,345 B.Tech Information Technology 8,047 16,364 B.Tech Software Engineering 10,742 19,967 B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 14,191 22,844 B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 17,427 31,328 B.Tech Electrical Engineering 26,778 45,966 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 34,761 58,304 B.Tech Engineering Physics 35,157 60,976 B.Tech Automotive Engineering 38,448 68,769 B.Tech Chemical Engineering 1,55,628 97,229 B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 1,67,573 99,535 B.Tech Civil Engineering 1,83,336 5,84,235 B.Tech Biotechnology 1,99,849 7,06,173 B.Tech Environmental Engineering 2,03,503 8,81,148 Unfortunately, a rank of 20,000 in JEE MAIN won’t fetch you a seat in Computer Engineering / IT / Software Engineering at DTU. You won’t get admission into Mathematics & Computing or ECE if you are a non-delhi candidate. But all the other branches will be most certainly open for you. In case you are a Delhi candidate, things will be even more in your favor. I hope you choose a good branch at DTU, and begin your journey at this esteemed engineering college....Read More
Answer By  24 May 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for choosing exam centers in India and countries other than India varies. Also, the application fee for the online and offline modes of examination differs.

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