Dr Rajiv Aggarwal is the Principal of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi. He has been in the teaching profession for the past 24 years and has been achieving milestones since then. A mathematics teacher by heart, he has been a true inspiration for the student community. 

Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Ability to channelise students energy and imagination in the right direction gives me immense satisfaction”

Education is futuristic. The attachment I feel towards the academic sector grows from the fact that one can bring in real change if one so wishes. It gives me an added advantage of getting to know, being engaged with the sharpest minds from various fields as friends and colleagues. This helps me keep myself updated and never devoid of the best guidance in the right direction. It’s a fulfilling job with the immense challenge of keeping a balance between diverse wings of administrative responsibilities and academic involvement. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? 

Having a vision and empowering people around you”

As a leader, it is my responsibility to take my people from where they are to where they want to be. Towards achieving this objective I like to coordinate with people, listen to their plans and allow them to do what they think is best. Communication plays a significant role in developing the institutional bond. You have to trust people and win their trust in turn. Unless you do that, they will not freely deliver or come up voluntarily with an alternate, ( often better) recommendation. 

How do you plan the marketing and administration of your College?

We have created online portals and dedicated helpline numbers for students academic needs”

We do realize it is an age of digital transmission and sharing beyond the immediate involvement of the direct participants and beneficiaries of various programmes. Therefore recently we have, through our IQAC cell, made our digital presence felt through dedicated Facebook and Instagram accounts. We keep the viewer regularly informed about the upcoming events. Now we have a YouTube channel exclusively for live telecasting the webinars and student activity programmes like NSS fest, Annual fest, Orientation programmes etc. We often receive press coverage for various activities like tree plantation, celebrity performance, sports achievements, academic accolades etc. 

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What do you think should be the college’s top priority over the next 10 years?

To create a niche for itself in the fields of inter-disciplinary research and preservation of our culture”

Capitalising on the legacy of Deshbandhu College as the oldest institution of University of Delhi South Campus and one of the most reputed Colleges in Delhi University set up with the key objective of being a centre for knowledge dissemination having focus on social inclusion and welfare the college seeks to increase its enrollment especially catering to the underprivileged sections of the society. The College now aspires to social engagement and sports. Towards this end, the College bagged the prestigious DBT-STAR College scheme. The College seeks to convert its recently setup i-4 Interdisciplinary Research Center into a centre of excellence in research and establishment of Nano-Science and Technology laboratory for studying the physical phenomenon of materials at nanoscale for optical, electrical and magnetic applications.

What do you see as Deshbandhu College’s greatest strengths?

Holistic and inclusive development with the student-centric approach”

  • Deshbandhu College is an academic and research-oriented institution, helping to build the research aptitude of teachers and students. The College attempts to provide a platform for all stakeholders to present their academic and research inclinations. Interdisciplinary research is one of the hallmarks of the College and for this purpose, it has established the i-4 Center for Interdisciplinary Research.
  • With a strong infrastructure having well-equipped, state-of-the-art laboratories, a well-documented botany museum, departmental offices/rooms and digital libraries, lecture halls etc., the college aims to inculcate a scientific and innovative spirit.
  • Deshbandhu’s mantra of holistic development, inculcation of a scientific temper by supplementation of conventional classrooms with modern modes of audio-visual teaching, extensive use of ICT in pedagogic delivery and dissemination helps the students metamorphose their personality. 
  • Apart from turf explorations, the College has also been able to create a unique niche for itself in the field of Sports. Archery is especially considered to be the hallmark of Deshbandhu College. We provide infrastructure and coaching facilities throughout the year for various sports
  • The Deshbandhu Green Drive: With its dense green cover and phenomenal biodiversity, the college is at the forefront of maintaining a green and sustainable campus. The college has taken various initiatives to promote environmental consciousness and sustainability, such as Advance Integrated Composting Facility (AICF), Renewable energy through Solar Power, Bird Housing, etc.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?

Goal-setting should always be concerning adding, augmenting and increasing our strengths”

Our students represent our future and hence it places great responsibility on their shoulders regarding their conduct and aspirations. True and long-lasting success will come only when we work for the greater good. More importantly, it frees us from the stress and anxiety of failure while enabling us to give our best shot at whatever we are doing. Being self-centred, indulging in unhealthy competition or adopting unscrupulous means will only act as a drain on our ability. Our aspirations must resonate with the collective aspirations of our nation. Finally, we should measure our success with our happiness and satisfaction levels and not our material possessions since what is inherently temporary and transient cannot give us permanent happiness.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your College?

“By creating a supportive, inclusive and diverse habitat for learners”

To establish a healthy relation and environment in the college we have undertaken the following initiatives:

  • Inclusivity: Continuous endeavour towards ensuring inclusivity through innovative pedagogical delivery and student support mechanism creating a culture of respect, dignity and celebrating diversity.
  • Receptive Practices in the Classroom: Interactive sessions with students incorporated into lectures. 
  • Supporting Vulnerable Students: Modifying teaching methods according to specific needs of students. Financial assistance provided to needy students.
  • Supporting Advanced Learners: Guidance through stimulating and challenging assignments and special opportunities. Exposure to research-based projects under the DBT-STAR College scheme.
  • Enrichment Activities: Frequent Seminars, Workshops, Invited Lectures, capacity building programmes etc. organised.
  • Encouraging Research: Faculty is encouraged, supported and provided with research opportunities.
  • Enhancing Green Cover and Environmental Friendliness: A MOU with BEE, Bureau of Energy Efficiency is signed for conducting Green Campus Audit.