GATE 2023 is scheduled to be conducted on February 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2023 in two shifts- Forenoon and Afternoon Session. Forenoon Session timings are 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and Afternoon Session timings are 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Candidates are mandatorily required to carry a hard copy of their GATE Admit Card 2023. Students who fail to produce a printed copy of their GATE Admit Card 2023 will not be allowed to sit for the exam. Check GATE 2023 Branch-wise Exam Date
IIT Kanpur is going to release the hall ticket only for successfully registered GATE 2023 candidates. GATE Admit Card includes details about your exam date and timings for your paper, exam center address, etc. In case of any discrepencies in your GATE Admit Card 2023, you can contact the officials through the helpline number or your zonal IIT. Check GATE 2023 exam center
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GATE Admit Card 2023 Release Date
IIT Kanpur has announced GATE Admit Card 2023 release date along with the official notification. Check GATE Admit Card 2023 release date from the table below-
Event | Dates |
GATE 2023 Admit Card Release Date | January 9, 2023 (OUT) |
Last Date to Download GATE Admit Card 2023 | Till the exam date |
GATE 2023 Exam Date | February 4, 5, 11, 12, 2023 |
How to Download GATE Admit Card 2023?
GATE Admit Card 2023 has been issued by IIT Kanpur. Candidates can download their GATE Admit Card through GATE Login, GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System). All applicants can follow these steps to download GATE admit card 2023:
- Step 1: Visit the official website at
- Step 2: Enter your GATE 2023 Enrollment ID and Password and click Submit.
- Step 3: Then you will be redirected to the new window. There you have to click on the link “Download GATE Admit Card 2023”
- Step 4: Download and take a coloured printout of the document
- Step 5: Check for any discrepancies, if any.
Details Mentioned on GATE Admit Card 2023
There are a number of details mentioned on the GATE admit card 2023. Candidates must make sure that all the details mentioned on the admit card are true and correct. Below points, gives the brief about every field present in the admit card and which must be checked by the candidate so that there is no issue in the future:
- Candidate’s Name – The name of a candidate will be printed which has been filled in the application form.
- Signature – Candidate’s signature as uploaded in GATE 2023 Application Form.
- Photo – The ticket will have the same photo as uploaded at the time of registration. One must, therefore, make sure to upload the correct and clear passport-size photograph as per the standards defined.
- Important Instructions – IIT, the conducting body of the exam will set proper instructions and guidelines that a candidate has to follow.
- Candidates will not be allowed to appear in the test without the admit card of GATE.
- A printout of GATE Admit Card should be taken out on an A4 size paper only.
- You have to carry one valid Photo Id proof along with admit card.
- For proper identity verification, all the candidates are advised to report at the examination hall/center 60 minutes prior to the exam. Only after that, you will be allowed to enter the exam hall.
- No candidate is allowed to carry personal calculators, any watch, mobile phone or any other electronic item with them to the examination hall.
- During the exam, if any candidate is found with prohibited items then he/she will be responsible for any disciplinary action taken against him/her.
- Candidates are advised not to carry any valuable item with them to the exam center as the authorities will not take any responsibility for the loss of any item.
- You can take your seats 45 minutes before the start time of the exam and log in before 20 minutes to the exam. Meanwhile, you can read the instructions written on your computer screens.
- No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall after 9:30 and no candidate can leave the examination hall before the end of the exam.
- During the exam, a virtual or on-screen calculator will be provided to you for numerical calculations.
- Rough sheets for calculations will be provided by the invigilators. Do not carry any scribble pad or log papers with you.
- The candidate must not mutilate the information given on the e-Admit card of GATE 2023.
- Candidates should preserve the card till the time of counselling/admission.
- Exam Date - The date of the examination, since there are various dates and session-wise examinations that take place, the candidate must check the exact date of examination as well as the session(Timings).
- Time (Slot) – As the exam will take place in 6 sessions, the document will have information related to the slot in which he/ she has to appear for it.
- Registration Number – This particular is issued to a candidate at the time of registration. Hence, the same particular will be mentioned in the document. This registration number will act as the unique number using which you will be able to apply for the PSU recruitment process.
- Exam Center Address – Address or venue where a candidate has to report for the exam. exam center can become a hassle if it is far away, so candidates are advised to visit their center one day prior to the examination day, for a hassle-free reach on the exam day.
- GATE Paper/ Code – Course or program name that he/ she has selected. So, if you are a Computer Science student, your GATE Paper/ Code will be CS/IT
GATE Admit Card Sample

GATE Admit Card Instructions
- If any aspirant faces a problem while downloading their GATE admit card, they should
- try emptying the cache memory of the browser
- close the browser
- open the browser and log in again with the required credentials.
- Candidates must note that the Internet speed should be good.
- Do not use Mobile Phone to download your GATE Admit Card 2023.
- Make sure to enter valid credentials to download your GATE Admit Card.
- Once you are able to successfully login, cross-check all the details mentioned on the admit card. In case of an incorrect detail, contact the authority or rectify them.
- Also if a photograph/signature is missing, carry a photograph (same as uploaded in GATE 2023 Application Form) to the exam hall along with a photo ID in original.
- GATE Admit Card is a very important document without it you will not be allowed to appear in the exam.
Quick Links:
GATE 2023 Syllabus | GATE 2023 Exam Pattern | GATE 2023 Mock Test |
GATE 2023 Cut off | GATE 2023 PSU Recruitment | GATE 2023 Exam Centers |
GATE 2023 Zonal Centers
- Candidates often find discrepancies in their GATE admit card. In such cases, it must be reported to the concerned GATE zonal center immediately.
- GATE Authority holds no responsibility to inform the candidates. Hence, it is advised that the candidates double-check all the information before submitting the application form.
- Make sure there is no gap in the below-mentioned factors:
- Your GATE application form should be completely filled and all the details must be true.
- The signature is below the photograph
- The photograph is affixed to the application form
- Signature is present on the declaration
- Valid email ID is provided
- GATE 2023 zonal centers can be contacted in case of any discrepancy in the admit card. Students can reach their zonal IIT for any queries and concerns:
Zones | Zonal GATE 2023 Center | Phone Number | Email ID | Website |
Zone-1 | Indian Institute of Science Bangalore | 080-22932392; 080-23601227 | | |
Zone-2 | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | 022-25767068; 022-25767022 | | |
Zone-3 | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | 011-26591749 | | |
Zone-4 | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati | 0361-2582751; 0361-2582755 | | |
Zone-5 | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | 0512-2597412 | | |
Zone-6 | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | 03222-282091; 03222-282095 | | |
Zone-7 | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | 044-22578200 | | |
Zone-8 | Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | 01332-284531 | | |
Forgot GATE 2023 Login Password?
All the candidates are advised to note down their GATE 2023 Login ID and password safely but in any case, you forgot the password then you can retrieve it easily. The steps to retrieve these credentials are quite simple. Mentioned below are the steps to obtain the lost particulars.
- Visit GATE 2023 official website-
- Click on ‘Forgot Password’
- Enter the application number and click on ‘Get Password’
- The password will be sent to the e-mail ID and registered mobile number of the candidates.
If any candidate is not able to remember his/her Enrollment Id then you can follow the steps mentioned below:
- Visit GATE 2023 official website
- Click on ‘Forgot Enrollment Id’
- Enter your registered mobile number
- You will get your enrollment id on your registered mobile number or email.
Must Read:
GATE 2023 Exam Day Guidelines
GATE exam day guidelines are categorized into pre-exam, during exam and post-exam measures for smooth conduct of exam during COVID-19 pandemic. This is to ensure the safety of students as well as the exam conducting staff and the institute representatives. Candidates can watch the Examination Day Video for GATE 2022 released by IIT Kharagpur last year-
Pre-examination Preventive Measures
These Pre-examination preventive measures may or may not be enforced depending on the situation (COVID-19). IIT Kharagpur might also enforce new measures depending on the situation of the latest Omicron variant. Candidates can visit the website for further details.
- Candidates must report at their respective GATE 2023 exam center at least an hour before the scheduled time.
- The exam center will have rope queues and floor marks to ensure proper social distancing among students.
- Temperatures will be checked before entering the exam center using thermo guns. In case of temperatures above 99.4 degrees Fahrenheit, candidates will have to take the exam from an ‘Isolation Area’.
- Barcode guns will be used to check the candidates’ admit card and candidates will be provided with their lab number.
- Upon entry to the lab, registration will take place where candidates admit card and original ID will be checked.
- Candidates need to get their photographs clicked upon entering the lab.
- Once the photograph is taken, candidates will be allotted their computer system number.
During Examination Preventive Measures
- You will be asked for your signature on the Candidate Roll List and the signature will be compared to that on the original ID.
- Apart from the signature, your ID proof number will be matched with ID proof details.
- If any candidate is found resorting to any unfair means including giving or receiving held during the exam will be disqualified.
Post-examination Preventive Measures
- On completion of the exam, candidates will be permitted to move out in an orderly manner. Candidates must note that they cannot leave the exam lab until a staff member permits them to do so.
- While leaving the exam lab, candidates must drop their admit card and scribble pad in the drop box at the exit.
- Candidates must make sure not to leave any of the assets in the exam lab.
- While leaving the exam center, candidates must make sure to maintain the required social distance without crowding anywhere.
GATE 2023 Exam Day Guidelines- Items Allowed and Restricted
There are certain items prohibited inside the exam center. Candidates can check the items allowed and restricted inside GATE 2023 Exam Center-
Items Allowed | Items Restricted |
Transparent Water Bottle | Watches |
Face Mask | Mobile Phone |
Pocket-size Sanitizer | Scribble Pads |
Pen/Pencil | Wallets |
Documents Required with GATE Admit Card 2023
At GATE 2023 Exam Centers, candidates are required to carry a valid original ID proof along with their GATE admit card. Aspirants who fail to produce the original valid ID won’t be allowed to enter the exam hall. Candidates can bring one of the following ID proof at the exam venue:
Candidates from India | |
Passport | Driving License |
PAN Card | Employee ID |
College ID | Voter ID |
Aadhaar UID | Notarized Affidavit with Photo, Signature, Date of Birth & Residential Address. |
International Candidates | |
Valid Passport | Government Issued ID Proof |
College ID Proof | Employee ID Proof |
Know More GATE 2023 Preparation Books
GATE 2023 Examination Schedule
- GATE 2023 will be held in two sessions- The forenoon and afternoon session. GATE is usually conducted in two shifts with timings- 9 AM to 12 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM. IIT Kanpur has however, revised the shift timings for GATE 2023.
- The exam will now be conducted from
- Morning Session- 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and
- Afternoon Session- 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM.
- Candidates can check paper-wise GATE 2023 exam date and time once released by the conducting body.
- GATE papers such as ME, CE are held in two session as the number of applicants received is more than other GATE papers. Check GATE 2023 Exam Dates
Biometric Verification through GATE Admit Card 2023
Before the start of the exam, candidates have to go through the biometric identification process. Biometric Verification consists of part of the attendance process at GATE centres. If any candidate refuses to do biometric verification then he/she may not be allowed to take the exam.
- The biometric procedure includes scanning of the thumb and retina.
- Any candidate refusing to go through the Biometric Verification process will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
- It is mandatory for all the candidates to get verified before GATE, otherwise, they won’t be permitted inside the exam hall.
- For identity verification, you have to reach the examination hall 60 minutes prior to the exam.
GATE Admit Card 2023 FAQs
Ques. What is GATE Admit Card 2023 release date?
Ans. GATE Admit Card 2023 release date has been postponed. IIT Kanpur is now going to release GATE Admit Card 2023 on January 9, 2023. Candidates will be able to download their admit card online at using their enrollment ID/ email and password through GATE 2023 login.
Ques. How to download GATE Admit Card 2023?
Ans. Candidates can follow the given steps for GATE Admit Card 2023 Download-
- Visit the official website at
- Click on the link for Admit Card Download.
- Enter your Enrollment ID/ email and password.
- Submit and download the admit card displayed on the screen.
Ques: What should I carry along with my GATE Admit Card 2023?
Ans: Along with GATE Admit Card 2023 aspirants must bring one original photo ID as mentioned during the application process. Xerox copies of the IDs are not acceptable. The following are the IDs that are acceptable- Driving License, PAN Card, Voter ID, College ID, Passport, Employee ID Card, Aadhaar UID, or a Notarized Affidavit with Photo, Signature, Date of Birth and Residential Address. Candidates who fail to bring the required original ID will not be permitted to sit for the exam.
Ques: How to download GATE Admit Card 2023 if I have forgotten or lost my enrollment ID or password?
Ans: You need not worry if you have forgotten your password or Enrollment ID for GATE Admit Card 2023. Just visit the official website and click “Forgot Enrolment ID or Password” and follow the mentioned pointers-
- If you have forgotten your password but you remember the Enrollment ID, then get the One Time Password by clicking the command button in front of “Request for an OTP”
- If you already have an OTP, then click the command button named “Already have an OTP” to reset your password
- If you have forgotten your Enrollment ID, then click the command button naming “Forgot Enrolment ID” to get the Enrolment ID via SMS.
Ques: Is GATE Admit Card 2023 alone sufficient to gain entry to the exam centre?
Ans: No. It is obligatory to bring the original and valid photo ID (which was specified during GATE Registration) together with GATE admit card 2023. The admit card is valid if the candidate’s photograph and signature are clear and legible. For Indian candidates, only the following identification cards will be accepted: Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar UID, College ID, Employee ID, and Driving License. For International candidates, only a valid Passport/Government issued ID/College ID/Employee ID will be accepted as the recognized identification.
Ques: What items are not allowed to be brought inside GATE 2023 examination centres apart from GATE Admit Card 2023?
Ans: Electronic diary, mobile phones, and any such electronic gadgets, blank papers, clipboards, and log-tables will not be permitted inside GATE 2023 Exam Centres apart from GATE Admit Card 2023.
Ques: Will black and white GATE Admit Card be acceptable at GATE 2023 exam centres?
Ans: No, candidates must print and bring only a coloured copy of the admit card to the GATE exam centre as black and white copies are not acceptable.
Ques: What should I do if I have received my GATE admit card 2023 with wrong personal details (Name, Address, Date of Birth etc.?
Ans: If you download your GATE Admit Card 2023 with wrong personal details, you must not modify the details on the admit card by yourself. Changing details manually may lead to strict actions against the candidate and they will not be allowed to take the exam. You need to verify every detail before contacting the zonal GATE Authority. There are 99% chances that the details shown in the admit card will be correct and if in any case there are mistakes in the admit card, then directly contact the authority. And still, if things are not sorted out, then you may bring the admit card with wrong credentials in good condition at the exam centre.
Ques: Can I take the printout of my GATE Admit Card 2023 on any size of paper?
Ans. No, GATE Admit Card 2023 printouts must be taken only on A4 sized papers.
Ques: Can I bring a soft copy of GATE Admit Card 2023 (in mobile phone/tablet/laptop) to gain entry to the exam hall?
Ans: No. only the hard copy of GATE Admit Card 2023 (printed in color) must be brought to the exam hall along with at least one original and valid (not expired) Identity Document (ID), which was specified during the filling up of the online application.
Ques: What are the credentials required to download the GATE Admit Card 2023?
Ans: Candidates can download their GATE Admit Card 2023 by entering their application number and password along with the captcha code.
Ques: My photograph and signature are not clear in my GATE Admit Card 2023. What do I do?
Ans: In case a candidate receives a GATE Admit Card 2023 with not so clear photograph and signature then the chances are that they won't be allowed to take the exam on the exam day. Therefore, in such a situation, candidates must contact the authority as soon as possible. Candidates are also suggested to download the admit card as soon as possible as these issues take time to be resolved.
Ques: I have lost my GATE registration number and password, how can I get the same to download GATE Admit Card 2023?
Ans: In case a candidate has lost their GATE registration number and password, they can get the same by opting the following options to download GATE Admit Card 2023:
- Steps to get Registration Number:
- Click on “Forgot Enrollment ID”
- Submit your registered mobile number
- The enrollment ID will be sent to the candidate’s registered mobile number and email ID.
- Steps to get Password:
- Click on “Request for OTP”
- An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number of the candidates
- After the OTP is submitted, the candidates will be able to change their password.
Ques: What are the documents that are considered as a valid ID during exam day apart from GATE Admit Card 2023?
Ans: Candidates appearing in GATE 2023 exam must bring one of the original photo ID proof mentioned below along with GATE Admit Card 2023:
- Passport
- Driving License
- PAN Card
- Employee ID
- College ID
- Voter ID
- Aadhaar UID
Ques: Do I need to preserve my GATE Admit Card 2023 after the exam?
Ans: Yes, candidates appearing for the exam must preserve their GATE Admit Card 2023 after the exam as the hall ticket will be needed at the time of GATE 2023 Counselling.
Ques: Is there any facility for my GATE Admit Card 2023 to be mailed to me?
Ans. No, GATE admit card will not be sent through post or as an email attachment. The only way to get it is to download it from the official website after logging in with your credentials.
Ques: What are the details that should be mentioned on my GATE admit card 2023?
Ans. The following details will be mentioned on your GATE Admit Card 2023:
- Candidate’s Name
- Signature
- Photo
- Exam Day Instructions
- Exam Date
- Time (Slot)
- Registration Number
- Exam Center Address
- GATE Paper/ Code
Ques: When should I report for GATE 2023 at the exam centre?
Ans. Candidates should report to the venue at least 1 hour before the exam so that their GATE Admit Card 2023 verification and biometric scans can be done with ease.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.