GATE CE 2023: Result Out, Cut off, Scorecard, College Predictor, Answer Key

GATE CE 2023 is conducted for admission to M.Tech Civil Engineering offered at top IITs, NITs, IIITs and Other-GFTIs. GATE CE 2023 Syllabus is based on topics from General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics and Core Discipline. Each section carries a weighage of 15%, 13% and 72% respectively. Check GATE CE 2023 Syllabus

  • GATE CE 2023 is conducted for a duration of 3 hours as a computer-based test.
  • Candidates are required to answer 65 questions (MCQs, MSQs and NATs) carrying a total weightage of 100 marks. Check GATE CE 2023 Exam Pattern
  • Candidates appearing for GATE CE 2023 exam can also apply for AE, AG, AR, ES, GE, NM, or XE paper as their GATE second paper.
GATE CE Exam Date

GATE CE 2023 Exam Date

Events Date
GATE 2023 Notification Release July 27, 2022
GATE 2023 Application Form Release August 30, 2022
GATE 2023 Application Form Last Date October 7, 2022
GATE 2023 Application Form Last Date (with late fee) October 16, 2022
GATE 2023 Application Form Correction November 8, 2022 to November 14, 2022
GATE 2023 Admit Card Release Date(Soon) January 9, 2023
GATE 2023 CE Exam Date February 12, 2023
GATE 2023 Response Sheet Release February 15, 2023
GATE 2023 Answer Key Release Date February 21, 2023
GATE 2023 Answer Key Challenge Window February 22, 2023 to February 25, 2023
GATE 2023 Result Release Date March 16, 2023
GATE 2023 Scorecard Release Date March 21, 2023
GATE CE Exam Highlights

GATE CE 2023 Exam Highlights

Civil Engineering Paper Code CE
Exam Mode Online
Language English
Total Marks 100
Number of Questions 65
Types of Questions MCQs, MSQs, and NAT
Number of Sections 3 (General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, Civil Engineering Subject Questions)
Weightage by Section General Aptitude – 15% of total marks Engineering Mathematics – 13% of total marks Civil Engineering Subjects – 72% of total marks
Total Time Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Sectional Time-Limit None
Marks Awarded 1 or 2 marks per correct answer.
Negative Marking
  • MCQs: 1/3rd Mark will be deducted for incorrect answers for 1 marks questions and ⅔ marks will be deducted for 2 marks questions.
  • MSQs: No marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.
  • NAT: No marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.
GATE CE Exam Pattern

GATE CE 2023 Exam Pattern

  • Type of question paper- MCQ (multiple choice question) /NAT(numerical answer type)/ MSQ( multiple selection questions)
  • Examination duration- 3 hours
  • Section- General Aptitude (GA), engineering mathematics, Candidate’s selected subject
  • Total question- GA (10) +subject (55) =65 (30 questions are of one mark and 35 questions are of 2 marks)
  • Marking Scheme - GA brings 15 marks, Engineering mathematics is 13 marks and the selected subject is 72 marks, which in total make 100 marks. Questions carry 1 mark or 2, for each wrong answer in 1 mark MCQ, there will be a negative marking of 1/3, for 2 marks MCQ there will be a negative marking of ⅔.
GATE CE Syllabus

GATE CE 2023 Syllabus

GATE CE 2023 Syllabus PDF has been released. Candidates can check the topics and sub-topics in GATE Civil Engineering below.

Topics Sub-Topics
Structural Engineering
Engineering Mechanics System of forces, free-body diagrams, equilibrium equations; Internal forces in structures; Frictions and its applications; Centre of mass; Free Vibrations of undamped SDOF system
Solid Mechanics Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams; Simple stress and strain relationships; Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, shear centre; Uniform torsion, Transformation of stress; buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses
Structural Analysis Statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/ energy methods; Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames; Displacement methods: Slope deflection and moment distribution methods; Influence lines; Stiffness and flexibility methods of structural analysis
Construction Materials and Management Construction Materials: Structural Steel – Composition, material properties and behaviour; Concrete - Constituents, mix design, short-term and long-term properties. Construction Management: Types of construction projects; Project planning and network analysis - PERT and CPM; Cost estimation
Concrete Structures Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of beams, slabs, columns; Bond and development length; Prestressed concrete beams
Steel Structures Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and compression members, beams and beam-columns, column bases; Connections - simple and eccentric, beam-column connections, plate girders and trusses; Concept of plastic analysis -beams and frames
Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics Three-phase system and phase relationships, index properties; Unified and Indian standard soil classification system; Permeability - one-dimensional flow, Seepage through soils – two - dimensional flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping, capillarity, seepage force; Principle of effective stress and quicksand condition; Compaction of soils; One- dimensional consolidation, time rate of consolidation; Shear Strength, Mohr’s circle, effective and total shear strength parameters, Stress-Strain characteristics of clays and sand; Stress paths
Foundation Engineering Sub-surface investigations - Drilling boreholes, sampling, plate load test, standard penetration and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure theories - Rankine and Coulomb; Stability of slopes – Finite and infinite slopes, Bishop’s method; Stress distribution in soils – Boussinesq’s theory; Pressure bulbs, Shallow foundations – Terzaghi’s and Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity theories, effect of water table; Combined footing and raft foundation; Contact pressure; Settlement analysis in sands and clays; Deep foundations – dynamic and static formulae, Axial load capacity of piles in sands and clays, pile load test, pile under lateral loading, pile group efficiency, negative skin friction
Water Resources Engineering
Fluid Mechanics Properties of fluids, fluid statics; Continuity, momentum and energy equations and their applications; Potential flow, Laminar and turbulent flow; Flow in pipes, pipe networks; Concept of boundary layer and its growth; Concept of lift and drag
Hydraulics Forces on immersed bodies; Flow measurement in channels and pipes; Dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude; Channel Hydraulics - Energy-depth relationships, specific energy, critical flow, hydraulic jump, uniform flow, gradually varied flow and water surface profiles
Hydrology Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapotranspiration, watershed, infiltration, unit hydrographs, hydrograph analysis, reservoir capacity, flood estimation and routing, surface runoff models, groundwater hydrology - steady state well hydraulics and aquifers; Application of Darcy’s Law
Irrigation Types of irrigation systems and methods; Crop water requirements - Duty, delta, evapotranspiration; Gravity Dams and Spillways; Lined and unlined canals, Design of weirs on permeable foundation; cross drainage structures
Environmental Engineering
Water and Waste Water Quality and Treatment Basics of water quality standards – Physical, chemical and biological parameters; Water quality index; Unit processes and operations; Water requirement; Water distribution system; Drinking water treatment; Sewerage system design, quantity of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary treatment. Effluent discharge standards; Sludge disposal; Reuse of treated sewage for different applications
Air Pollution Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution control, air quality standards, Air quality Index and limits
Municipal Solid Wastes Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes, engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse/ recycle, energy recovery, treatment and disposal)
Transportation Engineering
Transportation Infrastructure Geometric design of highways - cross-sectional elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments. Geometric design of railway Track – Speed and Cant. Concept of airport runway length, calculations and corrections; taxiway and exit taxiway design
Highway Pavements Highway materials - desirable properties and tests; Desirable properties of bituminous paving mixes; Design factors for flexible and rigid pavements; Design of flexible and rigid pavement using IRC codes
Traffic Engineering Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak hour factor, accident study, statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and macroscopic parameters of traffic flow, fundamental relationships; Traffic signs; Signal design by Webster’s method; Types of intersections; Highway capacity
Geomatics Engineering
Geomatics Engineering Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps - scale, coordinate system; Distance and angle measurement - Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and triangulation survey; Total station; Horizontal and vertical curves. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Scale, flying height; Basics of remote sensing and GIS

GATE CE 2023 Weightage of Topics

Topics Year-wise Weightage of Important Topics (Marks)
GATE 2023 (Expected) GATE 2021 GATE 2020 GATE 2019 GATE 2018 GATE 2017
General Aptitude 15 15 15 15 14 15
Engineering Mathematics 13 13 11 11 11 13
Structural Engineering
Engineering Mechanics 2 0 1 1 3 1
Solid Mechanics/ Strength of Material 5 3 4 3 6 5
Structural Analysis 4 6 6 4 2 7
Construction Materials and Management 3 1 1 1 3 1
Concrete Structures 7 5 5 5 7 5
Steel Structures 3 3 2 5 4 2
Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics 12 15 14 16 14 13
Foundation Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Fluid Mechanics 7 8 7 9 8 8
Hydrology 4 4 5 5 5 6
Environmental Engineering
Water and Waste Water Quality and Treatment 12 11 11 9 10 11
Air Pollution
Municipal Solid Wastes
Transportation Engineering
Transportation Infrastructure 8 11 11 10 9 9
Highway Pavements
Traffic Engineering
Geomatics Engineering
Geomatics Engineering 5 5 7 6 4 4

Also Check:

GATE CE Cut off

GATE CE 2023 Cut off

GATE CE 2023 Cutoff is the minimum marks that a candidate needs to clear the exam, and scoring above the cutoff are then eligible to apply for participating institutes for higher studies as M.Tech.

  • For GATE- CE, the cutoff are roughly around 26-35 marks for the general category and 24-30 marks for OBC NCL/EWS.
  • Cutoff can vary depending on number of factors such as; number of candidates participating in exam, difficulty level of question paper, total number of available seats, and category under which the candidate is seeking admission.

GATE CE 2023 Cut off: Qualifying Marks

2022 30.4 27.4 20.4
2020 32.9 29.6 21.9
2019 28.2 25.4 18.8
2018 26.9 24.2 17.9
2017 28.70 25.80 19.10
2016 25 22.50 16.60

GATE Cut off: College-wise Previous Year Closing Ranks

GATE CE Cut off for IIT Delhi

M.Tech programme GEN OBC SC ST PH
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Construction engineering and management 300 735 300 720 200 556 200 439 200 370
Environmental engineering and management 300 _ 300 _ 200 _ 200 _ 200 _
rock engineering and underground structure 300 408 300 408 200 264 200 272 200 200
Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 300 788 300 750 200 634 200 634 200 634
Structural engineering 300 848 300 785 200 632 200 552 200 630
Water resource engineering 300 725 300 660 200 520 200 480 200 480
Transportation system engineering 300 738 300 670 200 490 200 490 200 332

GATE CE Cut off for IIT Guwahati programme GEN OBC SC ST PH
Structural engineering 644 704 509 470 N/A
Water resource engineering and management N/A 360 N/A 254 315
Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 522 531 333 489 N/A
Transportation system engineering 541 533 419 474 N/A
Environmental engineering and management N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Construction engineering and management N/A 635 267 467 N/A
Earth system science and engineering N/A 304 N/A N/A N/A

GATE CE Cut off for IIT Madras

M.Tech programme GEN OBC SC ST Gen-PWD
Environmental engineering (CE2Y) 780 643 603 448 -
Building technology and construction management (CE1Y) 754 723 - 527 321
Geotechnical engineering (CE3Y) 768 651 499 397 -
Structural engineering (CE5Y) 730 - 507 454 282
Hydraulic and water resource engineering (CE4Y) 700 666 478 362 -
Transportation engineering (CE6Y) 714 637 475 382 -

GATE CE Cut off for IIT BHU

Categories GEN
General 624
OBC 530
SC 437
PSU Recruitment through GATE CE

PSU Recruitment through GATE CE 2023

PSUs is public sector undertaking or public sector enterprises. GATE scores are used as recruitment criteria for various PSUs as engineers for executive posts. PSUs or public sector undertaking are state-owned that are either owned by the Government of India or state government.

After clearing the cutoff criteria, eligible candidates are then called for further process which includes personal interview (PI) or group discussion (GD). PSU mainly prefer online mode in which the applicants have to register online ,upload the required document and submit the filled-in application form and for offline mode candidate have to download the application form or, fill it in the required format and then send it along the required set of the specified document. Moreover some PSUs conduct their own test for short listing criteria. PSU job is stable and even the pay is good with many additional perks.

GATE CE Cut off 2018 for PSU Recruitment

NPCIL 876 810 709 715 709 -
Power grid co.( cutoff mark for being called for GD and interview) 85.65 78.84 76.22 74.25 - -
THDC 78.18 74.14 68.02 66.38 - 48.35
NBCC 94.48 75 74.25 81.46 - -
HPCL(for the rinterview process) 72.78 71.3 59.5 60.25 - 45.4
HPCL(cut-off marks derived on total score in the all India merit) 73.93 71.71 57.58 57.82 - 45.08
ECIL(called for interview) 52.67 32.67 43.67 37.67 - -
ECIL(combined score of GATE and interview) 55.33 47.67 45 42.67 - -
How to Prepare for GATE CE?

How to Prepare for GATE CE 2023?

For a better preparation, one should know broadly about GATE CE 2023 syllabus of the exam and how exam is conducted, so it is very necessary to go through the syllabus very carefully. This exam is mainly concept-wise, so in place of memorizing all the concepts, one should understand the concepts and try to solve numerical problems as much as possible. It is one of the tough exams so it demands for a lot of preparation. Following well-planned time table which covers all the topics should be followed during the preparation time. Some of the topics from the syllabus cover most of the important portion of the exam, so dividing the syllabus on importance basis can help in preparing a vast area in proper time. Like fluid mechanics takes a lot of time and cover a very past portion so, giving more importance to it, will definitely help, Solving previous year's question paper gives the idea about the type of question which are usually asked and important questions with important topic, and also give the basic idea about the weightage of different topic, around 70-80% question are always similar as the previous year question. So just focusing on that portion and that kind of questions with full preparation can easily help in clearing the exam very easily. Online mock tests are also available, which can help a lot by creating a virtual exam environment; hence it can be one of the most important points to consider.

GATE CE Admission Process

GATE CE 2023 Admission Process

To pursue MTech from IIT, the student is needed to register on the official website of IIT, which includes the following mentioned steps:

  • Register yourself on the official website in which they have allotted the seats according to the cutoff list.
  • Fill up your details after you log in the website. Read the details carefully and check all your mentioned details carefully before submitting them.
  • Upload the required documents on the admission portal, which are:
    • PDF file of your valid Gate scorecard which is originally downloaded.
    • Passport size recent photograph(jpeg format, size-10kb-500kb)
    • Image file of signature
    • Nationality certificate
    • Person with disabilities are required to upload the certificate of disability from authorized medical board.
    • SC/ST certificate.
    • OBC(Non-Creamy Layer)/EWS certificate
    • Complete list of courses with the syllabus for ZE/ZS candidates.
    • Grade card/ Mark sheet till date for all candidates.
Frequently Asked Questions


Ques. Can I take admission in IIT for M.Tech without GATE?

Ans. NO, a non IITian can’t take admission in without GATE CE 2023 exam. Only those Candidate who have graduated/ or graduating from IIT with a B.Tech degree in CE and have CGPA above 8.0 are eligible for Mtech from the IIT itself, but if the candidate is pursuing B.Tech or have completed his or her, then it is necessary to pass the minimum criteria of GATE for taking admission in IITs.

Ques. Can a student with backlogs in qualifying exam appear in GATE 2023?

Ans. Candidate with backlogs in qualifying examination can appear in GATE exam, it just need your mark sheet for final semester ( any one) of your technical graduation. But it is very important and should be kept in mind to clear the Backlog by the time you take admission in

Ques. How should I start my GATE preparation for PSUs?

Ans. Knowledge of whole syllabus is very important before starting your preparation, and sticks to your self-made time table and syllabus, and then prepare according to it. Find out the areas you lacking in, and work more for that. Practice a lot of previous year question and solve test series to gain more confidence. For interview, you can watch some toppers videos and experience which are easily available on YouTube, and many telegram groups are available which will help you for group discussion, if it happens. So with the help of all the resources and guidance from right direction, anyone can crack any exam and can get a wonderful placement.

Ques. What are the important topics from fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines for the GATE CE?

Ans. All the topics are very important from these chapters and it is easily highly scoring one, you should not neglect any of the topics, but Open channel flow, pipe flow, kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow are some of the topics which should be 100% clear. Solving previous year question papers and mock test series will help in knowing the types of questions asked from this section and their rough weightage.

Ques. What are the PSUs that offer an executive or officer post directly through GATE CE?

Ans. Most of them offer officer post. YOU just go through 4-6 months training program and then you get confirmed as officer. Like in hpcl you recruit as A grade officer, but after one year you will be confirmed as a Grade A officer. Some of the benefits you get from the starting but some of the benefits you will get after confirmation.

Ques. How can I prepare for GATE without coaching?

Ans. Clear your concepts first, and you can do that yourself by home study and if you have any doubt you can watch some free GATE-CE YouTube videos and website, after clearing all your concepts try to attempt mock tests. It will help you to track you preparation progress and will act as stimulation for the entrance examination since the patter will be similar.

Ques. Is GATE-CE tougher than JEE?

Ans. Yes, definitely GATE-CE is tougher than JEE because it is based on higher education, JEEs level is of advance 12th level, whereas GATE is all about the concepts of under graduation and its concepts, which are off course difficult then JEE level, but a better preparation can make it easy, so give your 100%.

Ques. Does GATE syllabus changes every year?

Ans. No the basic syllabus remains the same every year, but the IIT which conduct the exam can bring some minor changes in the syllabus if they want to, but 70-80% of the syllabus remains unchanged. Only the difficulty level of the exam varies.

Ques. What is the marking scheme?

Ans. In GATE-CE total of 65 questions are asked which makes a total of 100 marks. Correct answer for MCQ type question will be awarded with 1 or 2 marks. For wrong answer of 1mark mcq 1/3 of the mark is deducted and for 2 mark mcq, 2/3 of the mark is deducted. There is no negative marking for NAT and MSQ type’s questions.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

GATE 2025 : 3 Answered Questions

Ques. What are the cut off marks in gate for iit indore?

IIT Indore GATE Cutoss 2023 has not been released officially IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Indore Students having valid GATE scores from 2023, 2022, or 2021 will be eligible for admission to MTech courses. Considering the IIT Indore GATE cutoff for 2021, The overall cutoff for GATE is 615 - 740 marks. Here is the branch-wise cutoff M.Tech Material Science and Engineering 615 M.Tech Communication and Signal Processing 657 M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics 670 M.Tech Production & Industrial Engineering 740 Please note that the above cutoff is only for the general category....Read More
Answer By Jyoti Chopra 17 Jun 23
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better for an MSc in Chemistry, Hyderabad School of Chemistry or IIT Bhubaneswar?

MSc in Chemistry at IIT Bhubaneswar is better, keeping in mind the quality of education that you’ll receive, and the reputation of the institute:  You can opt for a joint MSc+PhD in Chemistry if you want to pursue a more research-focused program.  We have regular workshops and conferences at our department, wherein MSc. and PhD scholars can actively collaborate. The Chemistry department of IIT Bhubaneswar is active in research in various areas like- Coordination Chemistry Molecular Recognition for the synthesis of Exotic Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Magnetic Materials and Magnetostructural Correlation Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Design and Development of Metal Complexes towards Catalysis and Anti-Cancer Drugs As you can see, all of this is high-impact and extremely significant. Thus, I would recommend you opt for IIT Bhubaneswar over Hyderabad School of Chemistry, for an MSc. in Chemistry. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: NIT Surathkal for IT or IIT Bhubaneswar for Mechanical?

I am a second year B.Tech Mechanical student at IIT Bhubaneswar. NIT Surathkal is a top ranked NIT, but joining Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar has its own advantages: One of the best things about BTech in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar is that it welcomes interdisciplinary studies and extracurricular pursuits like athletics, music, dancing, fine arts, entrepreneurship, social work, projects, and internships.  The faculty and academic atmosphere of the Mechanical Department at IIT Bhubaneswar is very student-friendly. The department has excellent faculty members with expertise in core concepts as well as high-impact research in various specialisations. Here is a comparison between NIT Surathkal IT and IIT Bhubaneswar Mechanical for your reference: Parameters NIT Surathkal B.Tech IT IIT Bhubaneswar B.Tech Mechanical NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking 12 47 Placement % 100% 94.34% Highest Package INR 54.75 LPA INR 27 LPA Average Package INR 29.23 LPA INR 11.96 LPA Top Recruiters Microsoft, Uber, Amazon Google, Microsoft, Reliance Industries Out of personal experience, I can assure you that B.Tech Mechanical at IIT Bhubaneswar is a good choice in terms of academics and placements. Rest, the choice depends on your personal preference. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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