IIT Kanpur has released GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering Syllabus online on the official website. No new changes have been made to the syllabus. GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering Syllabus is divided into ten sections. With the revision in GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering Syllabus last year, topics such as stability analysis, time domain, frequency domain analysis, etc. had been removed from the core subject. For GATE Biomedical Engineering, the core subject carries 72% weightage. However, the sections of Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude carry 13% and 15% weightage respectively. The candidates who choose Biomedical Engineering as their first paper can choose one among Biotechnology (BT), Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC), Instrumentation Engineering (IN) or Life Sciences (XL) as their second papers. Check GATE Biomedical Engineering Exam Pattern 2023
GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering Syllabus includes sections such as Engineering Mathematics, Electrical Circuits, Signals and Systems, Analog and Digital Electronics, Measurements and Control Systems, Sensors and Bio- instrumentation, Human Anatomy, and Physiology, Biomechanics, Medical Imaging Systems, and Biomaterials. To secure high scores in the first attempt, the students need to practice a good amount of mock tests before appearing for GATE 2023. Check GATE Mock Tests
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GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering (BM) Syllabus
Given below is the detailed GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering (BM) Syllabus. The candidates are advised to check out the same before appearing for GATE 2023.
Section 1 - Engineering Mathematics:
- Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
- Calculus: Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, Fourier series, vector identities, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green's theorems.
- Differential equations: First order linear and nonlinear differential equations, higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of separation of variables, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, initial and boundary value problems, solution of partial differential equations.
- Analysis of complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor's and Laurent's series, residue theorem.
- Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard deviation, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions: normal, Poisson and binomial distributions. Tests of Significance, statistical power analysis, and sample size estimation.
- Linear Regression and correlation analysis
- Numerical Methods: Matrix inversion, numerical solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations, iterative methods for solving differential equations, numerical integration.
Section 2 - Electrical Circuits:
- Voltage and current sources - independent, dependent, ideal and practical; v-i relationships of resistor, inductor and capacitor; transient analysis of RLC circuits with de excitation; Kirchoffs laws, superposition, Thevenin, Norton, maximum power transfer and reciprocity theorems; Peak, average and rms values of ac quantities; apparent, active and reactive powers; phasor analysis, impedance and admittance; series and parallel resonance, realization of basic filters with R, L and C elements, Bode plot.
Section 3 - Signals and Systems:
- Continuous and Discrete Signal and Systems - Periodic, aperiodic and impulse signals; Sampling theorem; Laplace and Fourier transforms; impulse response of systems; transfer function, frequency response of first and second order linear time invariant systems, convolution, correlation. Discrete time systems - impulse response, frequency response, DFT, Z - transform; basics of IIR and FIR filters.
Section 4 - Analog and Digital Electronics:
- Basic characteristics and applications of diode, BJT and MOSFET; Characteristics and applications of operational amplifiers - difference amplifier, adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator, instrumentation amplifier, buffer, filters and waveform generators.
- Number systems, Boolean algebra; combinational logic circuits - arithmetic circuits, comparators, Schmitt trigger, encoder/decoder, MUX/DEMUX, multi-vibrators; Sequential circuits - latches and flip flops, state diagrams, shift registers and counters; Principles of ADC and DAC; Microprocessor- architecture, interfacing memory and input- output devices.
Section 5 - Measurements and Control Systems:
- SI units, systematic and random errors in measurement, expression of uncertainty – accuracy and precision index, propagation of errors; PMMC, MI and dynamometer type instruments; de potentiometer;bridges for measurement ofR, LandC,Q-meter. Basics of control system - transfer function.
Section 6 - Sensors and Bioinstrumentation:
- Sensors - resistive, capacitive, inductive, piezoelectric, Hall effect, electro chemical, optical; Sensor signal conditioning circuits; application of LASER in sensing and therapy.
- Origin of biopotentials and their measurement techniques- ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG, GSR, PCG, Principles of measuring blood pressure, body temperature, volume and flow in arteries, veins and tissues, respiratory measurements and cardiac output measurement.
- Operating principle of medical equipment -sphygmomanometer, ventilator, cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, hemodialyzer; Electrical Isolation (optical and electrical) and Safety of Biomedical Instruments.
Section 7 - Human Anatomy and Physiology:
- Basics of cell, types of tissues and organ systems; Homeostasis; Basics of organ systems – musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine, nervous, gastro-intestinal and reproductive.
Section 8 - Medical Imaging Systems:
- Basic physics, Instrumentation and image formation techniques in medical imaging modalities such as X-Ray, Computed Tomography, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, Positron Emission Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound.
Section 9 - Biomechanics:
- Kinematics of muscles and joints - free-body diagrams and equilibrium, forces and stresses in joints, biomechanical analysis of joints, Gait analysis; Hard Tissues - Definition of Stress and Strain, Deformation Mechanics, structure and mechanical properties of bone – cortical and cancellous bones; Soft Tissues - Structure, functions, material properties, viscoelastic properties, Maxwell & Voigt models; Biofluid mechanics - Flow properties of blood in the intact human cardiovascular system.
Section 10 - Biomaterials:
- Basic properties of biomaterials - Metallic, Ceramic, Polymeric and Composite; Fundamental characteristics of implants - biocompatibility, bioactivity, biodegradability; Basics of drug delivery; Basics of tissue engineering. Biomaterial characterization techniques - Rheology, Atomic Force Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.
GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering (BM) Exam Pattern
- Exam Mode: Online
- Duration: 3 hours
- Types of questions: MCQs, MSQs, and NAT
- Sections: 3 sections – General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics and Subject-based
- Total questions: 65 questions
Question Type | Distribution of Marks | Total Marks | Question Format |
General Aptitude | 5 questions of 1 mark each 5 questions of 2 marks each | 15 marks | MCQ |
Subject-based questions | 25 questions of 1 mark each 30 questions of 2 marks each | 85 marks | MCQ and NAT |
GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering (BM) Marking scheme
Type of question | Negative marking for wrong answers. |
MSQs/ NAT | No negative marking |
Check Detailed GATE 2023 Exam Pattern
GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering (BM) Preparation
The aspirants of GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering are advised to go through the following section and avail the benefits of the same. Since Biomedical Engineering is a one of the recent additions in GATE, here are some Preparation Tips for the assistance of the candidates who are planning to appear for the same:
- Set short term goals
- There should be an organized chart for daily, weekly and monthly targets instead of long term non-realistic goals.
- Prepare according to that chart only.
- Focus on major topics first
- A strong conceptual base
- As a future biomedical engineer, your capacity to understand scientific and mathematical principles is important.
- As you explore the fields of math and science in preparation for the exam, challenge yourself and make an extra effort to excel in these fields and not just qualify them.
- Constant Revision
- Revise what you study on a daily basis instead of piling up and keeping long term revision plans.
- Frequent revisions save a lot of time and help in building a strong conceptual base.
- Make charts or notes to keep a track of formulas for last-minute revisions.
- Put your Practice to Test
- Take topic wise and overall mock tests to know where you stand in terms of application.
- Analyze each of your mock tests and rectify the mistakes, especially the conceptual ones. Download GATE Practice Paper
- Balance is a must
- Keep a balance between work and play.
- This will help in maintaining your interest in the syllabus and level of productivity.
- Take frequent breaks in the beginning and gradually reduce the frequency of breaks once the concentration ability is all built up.
- Deal with the preparation process with patience, as shortcuts aren’t the solution.
- Appropriate Information and Awareness
- Before beginning, to craft, a preparation strategy candidates must be aware of the syllabus and other related information.
- An organized schedule considering one’s strengths and weaknesses in various topics will have better and long-lasting results on the actual performance.
Important Books for GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering
S.No | Title of the book | Author name |
1. | Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering | G.S Sawhney |
2. | Intro to Biomedical Engineering | Domach |
3. | Biomedical Instrumentation | R.S Khandpur |
GATE Biomedical Engineering Previous Year Question Paper
Given below are the links for GATE Biomedical Engineering Previous Year Question Papers along with their answer key.
Year | Link for GATE BM Question Paper | Link for GATE BM Answer Key |
2021 | Check Here | Check Here |
2020 | Check Here | Check Here |
GATE 2023 Syllabus Of Other Papers
Tabulated below is the syllabus of other subjects of GATE 2020 that students may refer to.
GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering (BM) Syllabus FAQs
Ques: Can one appear for Biotechnology paper along with GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering?
Ans: Yes, the candidates can sit for a maximum of 2 papers. IIT Bombay has released a list of a combination of papers. With GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering students can appear for Biotechnology(BT) or for Life Sciences (XL).
Ques: What will be the major topics of GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering Syllabus?
Ans: The major section in GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering will be engineering mathematics and core subject topics. Also, general aptitude questions will also be asked in the paper which is a common section for all stream candidates. The major topics for biomedical engineering paper will be:
- Electrical Circuits
- Signals and Systems
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Measurements and Control Systems
- Sensors and Bioinstrumentation
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Biomechanics,
- Medical Imaging Systems
- Biomaterials
Ques: What will be the marking scheme and weightage of sections in GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering paper?
Ans: The weightage of sections in GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering is provided below in the table:
GATE BM Sectional Weightage | |
Engineering Mathematics | 13% |
General Aptitude | 15% |
Remaining Topics of CH | 72% |
Ques: What are the best books to prepare for GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering paper?
Ans: The best study material to prepare for GATE 2023 Biomedical Engineering is graduation-level books, notes, and other study material because the syllabus will be based on the graduation level. Other than that candidates can refer to the following books.
S.No | Title of the book | Author name |
1. | Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering | G.S Sawhney |
2. | Intro to Biomedical Engineering | Domach |
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.