GATE 2023 Aerospace Engineering (AE) Paper Analysis, Answer Key, Question Paper, Cut off

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bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated

GATE 2023 Aerospace Engineering Paper Analysis will be updated here after the conclusion of the exam at 5:30 PM on Feb 11 2023. The section-wise analysis for GATE 2023 AE paper will be provided here based on the initial student reactions and expert reviews. Based on previous year’s GATE question paper analysis, one can expect the overall difficulty level of GATE 2023 AE paper to be moderate.

GATE 2023 Aerospace Engineering Provisional Answer Key is going to be released by IIT Kanpur on February 21, 2023. Candidates who appear for Aerospace Engineering can download GATE Question Paper along with the answer key through GOAPS portal on the official website- using email id and password after the completion of GATE 2023. GATE 2023 Final Answer Key for Aerospace Engineering will be released along with the result on March 16, 2023. Check GATE 2023 Result

GATE 2023 Aerospace Engineering (AE) answer key will enable the candidates to calculate their scores and predict a list of colleges they can apply for admission. Candidates can use Collegedunia’s exclusive GATE College Predictor 2023 to predict a list of colleges they might get admitted to based on their raw scores. Check GATE College Predictor 2023

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GATE Cut off GATE IIT Cut off GATE NIT Cut off
GATE 2023 AE Paper Analysis

GATE 2023 AE Paper Analysis – Soon

GATE 2023 AE Paper Analysis will be updated below to provide you with valuable information on the difficulty level, weightage of topics, the number of NATs and MSQs, and good attempts.

Day and Shift Paper Analysis
February 11, 2023 (Afternoon Session) To be updated

GATE 2023 AE Paper Analysis Summary

Particulars GATE AE Paper Analysis
Overall Difficulty Level Available Soon
Difficulty Level of General Aptitude Available Soon
Topics with Highest Weightage Available Soon
Number of NATs Available Soon
Number of MSQs Available Soon 
GATE 2023 AE Exam Highlights

GATE 2023 AE Exam Highlights

Paper Code AE
Shift/Session Afternoon Session
No. of Questions 65
Maximum Marks 100
Types of Questions Objective (MCQs, MSQ, NATs)
Sections Engineering Mathematics, General Aptitude & Subject Specific
GATE AE Exam Pattern Check Here
GATE AE Previous Years' Paper Analysis

GATE AE Paper Analysis – Previous Year

GATE AE exam paper has total weightage of 100 marks. Out of these 85 marks are allotted to technical questions and 15 marks to non- technical questions.

  • Topics for AE paper technical questions are as follows: Engg. Mathematics, Flight Mechanics, Space Dynamics, Aero Dynamics, Structure and Propulsion.
  • Non- technical questions are asked from the following: English, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation and Basic Mathematics.
  • 30 questions will be asked from the core subjects, 25 questions from mathematics and 10 questions from general aptitude.
  • Out of the 30 core questions, 90% of them are from the core topics and 10% from special topics mentioned in GATE syllabus.
  • Distribution of questions among the 1 mark and 2 marks questions is as follow:
GATE Aerospace syllabus General Aptitude
Q. No. 1-25 26-55 56-60 61-65
Marks 1 2 1 2
Total marks 25 60 5 10

Types of Questions:

There are only two types of questions asked in GATE AE exam, the MCQ and NAT question.

  1. MCQ: These questions carry 1 or 2 marks each; there are 4 answers of which only 1 is correct.
  2. NAT (Numeric Aptitude type): The answer is a number which has to be entered with the help of a virtual keypad that is provided on the screen.

Design of questions:

The questions asked in the paper will fall in the following 4 categories only:

  • Recall: The questions are based on the facts, principles, formulae or laws. It is expected that candidate would be able to solve these questions only on the basis of the memory or just by 1 line computation.
  • Comprehension: The questions are designed to test the candidate understanding of the basic or the core knowledge of the field. A candidate has to draw only simple conclusions from the fundamental ideas.
  • Application: A problem solving has to be done with the help of the acquired knowledge of the subject through computation or logical reasoning.
  • Analysis and synthesis: These types of questions can only be solved in a sequential manner. The answer derived from question 1, will be used as a data for questions 2, and thus the series continues. So the successor-predecessor approach is used or hierarchal approach for solving the problems.
  • The other approach involves common data which can be used by both the problems given, so they can be solved independently.

Quick Links:

GATE AE Answer Key

GATE 2023 AE Answer Key

Candidates will be able to download their answer key with the question paper PDFs from the links below.

Year Aerospace Engineering
2023 To be updated To be updated
2022 Question Paper Answer Key
2021 Question Paper Answer Key
2020 Question Paper Answer Key
2019 Question Paper Answer Key
2018 Question Paper Answer Key

How to Download GATE 2023 AE Answer Key?

  1. Access the official GATE website i.e.
  2. Click on the link “download answer key”.
  3. A web page will open up and the same web page will contain the list of all the streams available through GATE 2023.
  4. Click on “AE”.
  5. A new web page will open containing the code and the corresponding answer key.
  6. “View/ Download” the answer key as per your choice.

How to Check Responses with the help of Answer Key? 

  1. Visit the official website of GATE
  2. Enter the issued enrolment number ID (sent at the time of registration) and password.
  3. Click on “View Response” tab.
  4. PDFs with the details of the candidate and responses marked to each question in GATE will appear on the screen.
  5. Click on the link given for the “answer key” or open the answer key downloaded on your system.
  6. Compare the answers marked by you with the answers given in the answer key.

How to Challenge GATE 2023 Answer Key?

In case a candidate finds that the answer published in the answer key is not correct, then he/she is allowed to raise and objection. A token amount has to be paid for every answer challenged following the guidelines mentioned below.

  1. Log in to the GOAPS.
  2. Read all the instructions carefully displayed on the screen.
  3. Agree to the declaration displayed on screen following the instructions.
  4. Click on the tab “Contest answer Key” button so that you are able to pay and mail your objection.
  5. Pay an amount of INR 500 through credit/debit card for every answer challenged.
  6. NRI candidates have to pay $10 for every response challenged by them.
  7. Make sure that you mention the correct question number while you challenge the question paper.
  8. Attach the justification (solution) in support of the response marked by you.  

How to Check Marks obtained with the help of the Answer Key? 

As marks will be allotted according to GATE 2023 Marking Scheme, so students can get a rough estimate of the marks obtained by following the calculation basis defined below:

  • Allot 1 or 2 marks (depending upon the weightage of the question) for every correct answer and deduct 1/3 or 2/3 (marks depending upon the weightage of questions) mark for every wrong answer in the MCQ type of questions.
  • There is no negative marking in the non-MCQ questions.

GATE Score = Marks obtained in the MCQ Questions + Marks obtained in NAT Questions


GATE 2023 AE Cut Off 

GATE AE 2023 cut off will be published once the merit list is released in the online mode. In order to qualify the exam students need to score the qualifying marks then you will be termed as “GATE qualified”. The GATE AE cut off depends on the following factors:

  • Total number of registered candidates.
  • Candidates who got over the qualifying marks.
  • The difficulty level of the exam.
  • Marking scheme.
  • Reservation policies.

Based on the previsous years data below is the expected GATE 2023 Cut off:

Institutes Degree General OBC SC ST PH
IISc, Bangalore ME 750 690 650 650 700
M.Sc./PhD 500 500 350 350 450
IIT, Kharagpur M.Tech. 606 611 395 328 NA
IIT, Kanpur M.Tech 500 470 450 450 400
IIST, Kerala M.Tech 700 680 650 650 650
IIEST, West Bengal M.Tech 350 310 253 253 252
BIT, Jharkhand ME 300 276 242 242 220
MIT, Chennai ME 300 280 260 260 220
DIAT, Maharashtra M.Tech 620 600 580 580 550
IIT, Madras M.Tech 700 680 650 650 650
S/ PhD (BE/B.Tech >= 80 %)
500 480 450 450 430

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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