GATE 2022 is just a week away and is scheduled to be conducted on Feb 5, 6, 12 and 13, 2022 in two sessions- Forenoon and Afternoon. Within these few days, students should practice, analyze and revise the course thoroughly without feeling stressed. Getting at least a minimum of six-hour sleep and eating healthy food must be of utmost priority for the students during last-minute GATE 2022 preparation.
- Candidates must revise all the important topics, practice GATE mock tests and sample papers, and prepare quick notes in form of tables, flow charts and formulas for quick revision.
- As per the new exam day guidelines, students must report at their exam center at least 90 minutes before the exam time.
- Apart from your GATE admit card 2022, you must carry a Personal ID.
- Other permitted items include blue/black ballpoint pen, simple wristwatch, mask and gloves, personal hand sanitizer, and personal transparent water bottle. Check GATE 2022 Exam Day Guidelines
Quick Links:
GATE 2022 Exam Pattern | GATE Syllabus 2022 | GATE Question Papers |
GATE Cut off for IITs | GATE Cut off for NITs | GATE Cut off 2022 |
Last-minute Preparation Tips for GATE 2022
Say a Big ‘NO’ to New Topics
This is the time when you should avoid starting a new topic or chapter, as it will make the entire situation more stressed and confusing as well. With just a few days left for the GATE exam, you should not learn new topics rather focus only on your strengths and revise them thoroughly so that you can do well in the topics which you have been learning from the past.
Practice More Mock Tests
Practice more GATE mock tests that will help in having a better understanding of the expected questions. By practicing mock tests, you can keep a track of the time you give to each question. This way you can work on your loopholes and can understand the ways you can attempt GATE question paper within the allocated time. Also doing so will boost your morale as well. By doing mock tests, you can correct your mistakes which you have made and don't repeat them in the actual exam as it will impact your performance as well.
Keep Stress at Bay
This is the most crucial phase, so rather than feeling stressed, pay detailed attention towards revising the course. By now, you must be aware of your strengths and weaker areas in various subjects, start revising your stronger chapters first so that you can revise them at the earliest. Also, consider the weight of the subjects and revise thoroughly so that you can secure good marks in your strong areas. Check those topics that are considered to have more weightage by referring to previous year question papers.
Take Regular Breaks
It is difficult to study continuously for long hours without taking short breaks in between. You are advised to take a small break of 5-10 minutes after an hour of study as doing so will make you feel more relaxed and delighted. Taking short breaks between your studies will help you to improve your concentration level as well and will refresh you enough, to begin with, your studying with much higher energy levels and dedication.
Manage Time Effectively
Managing your time effectively while giving the exam is important. Rather than sticking to the questions that you are not familiar with, attempt the once whose answers you know very well. Try to maximize the score and don’t panic even if you have spent more time on a particular set of questions than planned. Try not to score negative marks during the exam; it is advised that you attempt only those questions whose answers you know very well. The last few days before the exams are crucial but you must stay cool and avoid stressing. Tune yourself to keep mentally strong and you will see that nothing can defeat you in your morale, GATE exam is all about managing your time effectively and attempting answers in a stress-free way.
Leave Early From Home
We all know how challenging somedays to reach on time due to crawling traffic or other factors. So make sure that you are familiar with the route you are planning to take while reaching your GATE exam center. Keep the unexpected traffic conditions in mind and rather than being late, it’s better than you arrive early. Start 30-40 minutes before the scheduled time so that you can stay calm even if there is some traffic congestion and can revise the topics mid-way as well.
Stay relaxed, eat well and sleep properly so that you can feel fresh the next day. Depriving yourself of proper sleep will result in a high-stress level with a drop in concentration level. Have confidence in yourself and follow these preparation tips which will help you to do well in GATE 2022 exam. Last but not the least; always remember that GATE is just an exam and not any win or lose situation of life. Remember that success in the GATE exam is hard-earned and you are just a step away from reaching your target goal; don’t let stress become a hurdle in your success. Keep yourself stress-free, as lack in confidence will surely affect your performance. Best of luck for your exam!!